How to Install Arch Linux with Desktop Environment | Archfi

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In this video, I go over how to install Arch Linux with Desktop Environment using the Archfi script. This was actually done on a live stream and you will see me breakdown each aspect of the Archfi script.

Archfi Script Launch
# sh archfi .

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Never knew there was an installer script for Arch. I did my first install straight from the wiki a couple weeks ago. While it did take me a while and a bunch of studying of the wiki, I feel much better for it and more knowledgeable about my system.


This makes Arch install soo much easier.


This script is absolutely awesome! thank you Chris


I love arch. I've been using it since 2013 and it is amazing. I don't use scripts, but to each their own.


I followed along this video with my own install and it worked like a charm on the first try! Thanks a million!


There is a Youtuber, Erik Dubois who created Arcolinux. It's based on Arch, it has different versions which are Arcolinux, ArcolinuxB and ArcolinuxD. D is a basically a "build your own Arch distro". Its the same thing your showing us. He has TONS of videos and his website is fantastic. Great tutorials. Anyone who is interested in Arch, check him and his site out. I've learned a lot so far with his tutorials. He's very through.


OH MY GOD! I’ve tried the Arch wiki install for about three days with failure after failure. I then followed Derek’s install video and had hiccups to the point that was about to go back to Fedora. This script was an absolute God send. Thanks Chris for covering it. It would be great if you did another tutorial with installing in a real machine and went through the process a bit slower. -Hey, I’m a visual learner. Reading how to do stuff doesn’t always click.


Great video. I've used archdi & archfi before. I'm using Arcolinux xfce and love it.


Wow. I just watched DT on a basic Arch installation with just the core. Now you come out with this way to Install Arch. Now how cool it that!
I have Manjaro Cinnamon installed on a box and I have found I like it, Mint may have something to do with that...Lol
Wish I had a better system but my spare system with the AMD 2 Core and 2 Gig of ram will have to do for now... it runs real good with a 10 gig swap file...
Thanks guys for two great videos!


I just used Zen Installer. Not had a problem and never needed to use the terminal. It just works!


Thank you, Chris. BTW, I don't use Arch.


As soon as you hear "In this video...", You know some high quality knowledge is coming up.


After doing this a few times for the last week its suddenly so easy to do and i did it on all my computers now


I've got some advice for those who are not in the US:

3:26 is the part in which Arch is actually being installed. If you're not in the US, I advise you to go to 'Select mirrors by country' (you don't see it here, but I think Chris is running an older version of archfi) and pick the country of your choice, otherwise downloading will be painfully slow. I think it defaults to a US mirror, but I don't know.

I hope this helps anyone who downloads Arch with archfi.


great vid. Now using Arch, it took a lot to move from pop os, which i loved. System boots quicker and Pycharm which i use for programming is so much more responsive. It's taken 5 years of Linux use and switching distro's is at at end. Just to add to a comment below, slow down a bit in your vids !! thx again


For Ubuntu, I start off with Ubuntu Server or Ubuntu Mini, that's the most minimal install without all the bloats, then start installing DE or Window Manager from there.
For Debian, its called Minimal net install disk image.


That Script saved me, tried to install Arch over 6 times, tries different SSDs but that was not the problem, the issue that GRUB was not seeing the bootable partition, because it is missing or the instruction from other youtube users, has --recheck without the --recheck /dev/sda that was the problem ALL ALONG.. the script did that automatically, , I guess have to learn GRUB more that I wanted to.. thanks Chris


I have been on the fence from linux becase I didn't understand It's structure until I say your channel, and every question I had was cleared. Keep it up man


I just used this script today to install arch on my system. Now I have a triple boot setup! I'll probably keep Debian Testing as my main OS for now but I want to play around in Arch for a little while. I've become frustrated with the documentation for Debian and how to install software outside of the Debian repositories for the testing version. The Arch wiki's documentation is the best I have ever seen for an Operating System, so I hope that despite having to build things more often, finding a fix/tutorial will be easier.


Not a complete noob, I have been using Ubuntu for about a year now. But, I don't consider myself to really know what I am doing either, so pretty much a noob. I have to say, with all of this talk about debian going down hill and ubuntu following I have been trying to figure out how to get onto arch for a while, and this helps a lot. I just need to poke around a bit and try and figure out what I want and how to do this.
