What Is Calvinism?: Calvinism and the Christian Life with Ian Hamilton

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Who was John Calvin, what is the teaching that bears his name, and why does any of this matter to us today? In this message, Ian Hamilton shows that Calvin was not an innovator in his theology, but he was a pastor who could brilliantly show how all of Scripture comes together to beautifully direct the entirety of our lives.

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God chose me, I didn't choose him. I love him because he loved me first. I wasn't looking for God and I didn't ask to believe in him when I was filled with the Holy Spirit during a suicide attempt . It changed my life in a way I could never imagine. God is sovereign and will save who he wishes. I don't know why he chose me because I'm one of the most wretched men I know.


Thank you God for this awesome teaching, in Christ Jesus.


WOW...that was so amazing, I've truly been blessed with the opportunity to listen to pastor Hamilton speak on this subject. I honestly have the same attitude of humility toward life in general, but even more so toward the word of God & the reverence of God the Father & the Lord Jesus Christ. May God bless pastor Hamilton & Ligonier Ministries. P.s. I love pastor Hamilton's accent.


Thanks Ian Hamilton *4 This Powerful, Blessful, Deep Teaching on "What Is Calvinism ?: Calvinism & The Christian Life" Where I Say That John Calvin Was a Doer of God's Word, Not Just An Hearer Written In James 1:22 4 I Have Learnt That Calvinism Is Defined In Romans 11:32-36 Where Now I Can Say That Calvinism Is Good Where It Preaches The Gospel of Grace Where We've Been Saved By Grace Thru Faith 4 It's Not Our Own That We Should Boast 4 Salvation Is The Gift of God Written In Ephesians 2:8* & May Our Great Almighty God Bless Yu Ian Hamilton & Ligonier Ministries So Very Much 4 I Have Been Blessed.🙏🙏🕊️🕊️


It really annoys me much when people say that the Doctrines of Grace are "invented" by John Calvin.
I didn't even know who Calvin was when I first understood Election and Predestination in the Scriptures


Predestination is a better word
Rather than calvinism
Promoting the glory of god
Is the first priority
Leaving salvation to his saving power!


That's a modern notion that you should go around telling everyone your conversion story. The New Testement actually only described one dramatic conversion, Paul's. We are not even told when James and Jude stopped mocking their half brother and started worshipping him. We just know they did and each wrote a New Testement book.


Romans 10:13
For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved.


'' What is The chief end of man?'' ''To _GLORIFY GOD_ and enjoy Him forever.'' John MacArthur was the first one that told me that! lt was like he turned the key that unlocked the secret to everything! :D


All I know is that JESUS is the way, the TRUTH, and the life!! Selah!! That’s all I know.


Excellent lecture.Expecting more good stuff.I was a couple of years behind Ian at New College.


I heard Ian Hamilton preach on several occasions, back in the day, when I used to attend reformed churches. Yes, back then, I was a staunch believer in Calvinist and Reformed Theology, until God, by his abundant goodness, and mercy, set me free, by giving me a discerning knowledge of his truth, (which may sound shamefully immodest, but God does impart his wisdom to those who earnestly seek his divine wisdom). That aside, I always found Ian to have presented himself in a very gracious, and dignified manner, entirely appropriate to his calling. Therefore, I have nothing against Ian personally, on the contrary, I found him to have been a very agreeable fellow, which I am sure he still is. However, I abandoned Calvinism and Reformed Theology, as a young man because it does not adhere to or promote, especially, beyond the members of its own sect, the fundamental Christian values of faith, love, and charity, that are so emphatically ensconced in the Word of God, as prerequisites for true Christian living. It blatantly denies the full extent of God's love for his humanity. It engenders a "we are superior, " religious arrogance, in its adherents. It plants a judgemental, hard heartedness, when those hearts should be kind and loving, and it causes its followers to waste their time on a pseudo form of theological intellectualism, that is not based on the truth of God. It was, responsible, however, for the Protestant work ethic, that created a culture suited to the growth and development of an extremely hard working, socially responsible, and law abiding middle class, that became the bedrock of western societies, to varying degrees; which of course was the primary function of organised religion to mould and organise whatever culture it held power in. On the immediate downside, it procures a snooty aloofness that many Calvinist Protestants are accused of having. The "I'm too good and superior to have anything to do with you" effect. Instead of reaching out to people with God's love, in a spirit of humility and meekness.

The 5 points of Calvinism are TULIP. TULIP, however, did not crystalise as a condensed explanation of Calvinism until well after the death of Calvin, at the Synod of Dort, which ran from 1618 to 1619, in the Netherlands. The Synod of Dort was fundamentally a debate between the Calvinists and the Arminians, about whose theology was right. The Calvinists mustered the support of the Dutch state officials, in a corrupt fashion, thereby, predictably gaining the upper hand. This resulted in many Arminians being brutally persecuted, as well as some being executed for merely disagreeing with the beliefs of Calvinism. There never has been any room for descension against Calvinist beliefs, when the Calvinists hold the keys of power. Whenever possible, they have sought to rely on the power of the state, to gain and maintain control. That is why in the traditionally Protestant countries, the established state churches are Calvinist.

Calvin's Institutes and his other writings, are for the most part plagiarized versions of the works of Saint Augustine of Hippo, who was arguably the most influential and important figure in the early Roman Catholic Church. This is ironic because Calvinists have shown nothing but contempt and distain towards the Church of Rome, since the inception of Calvinism. In reality, Calvinism should be renamed Augustinism, after its true author, who Calvin assiduously copied.

It is absolutely true, that you will find scripture that supports TULIP. Notwithstanding that, you will also find a plethora of scripture that categorically refutes TULIP. Therefore, Calvinism is at best a half truth, which renders it to be a very subtle, and dangerous lie. Calvinists believe and promote the perversely heretical doctrine that the majority of mankind will suffer eternal torment in the Lake of Fire, because they are incapable of receiving a saving faith in Jesus Christ, as a result of what Calvin coined their "Total Depravity.” Notwithstanding that, the Bible tells us that man is made in God's image. Furthermore, human beings, even total atheists, are capable of acts of sublime love and kindness.

For Calvinists there are two types of people, "the Elect, " and "the Damned." According to Calvin, God foreknew, from the beginning of time those who would spend eternity with him, in heaven, (His Elect), and those who he would eternally punish and reject, in the Lake of Fire, (the Damned). For Calvinists this is an expression of God's Sovereign Will. For Calvinists, the Elect cannot help or stop being the Elect; and the Damned can do nothing to prevent their fate of being destined to an eternity of God's wrath and punishment. Therefore, for Calvinists, most of the human race are vile reprobates, who are justly destined to perdition.

Mercifully, the aforesaid doctrines are unbiblical and false! God gave human beings a free will, he did not create automatons to sadistically persecute and destroy, for his, what Calvin, in essence described, warped pleasure. God is Love, and his nature is one of being a loving Father. John 3:16: "For God so loved the World, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life." 2 Peter 3:9: "The Lord is not slow about His promise, as some count slowness, but is patient toward you, not willing for any to perish, but for all to come to repentance." Mark 2:17: Jesus said: "I came not to call the righteous, but sinners to repentance."

Paradoxically, I am unequivocally certain that many Reformed Calvinists are born again believers in Jesus Christ. However, they are not saved in the Lord because of their Calvinist beliefs, no, they are saved in the Lord, in spite of their Calvinist beliefs, as a result of God's loving pardon, for sin, through a faith in his son Jesus, which transcends any of the hateful and blasphemous doctrines contained in the Calvinist system of belief.

Dear brothers and sisters in Christ, remember that Jesus taught us to "beware of the leven of the Pharisees."


Calvinism is a system of propositional truth logically deduced from the Bible by good and necessary consequence.


Thank you kindly. Excellent presentation.


i myself did not know that i have a "calvinistic" understanding until i listened to the late R. C. Sproul.😉


thank u and Gd bless u in ur teachings.


I know that we have to make a living and we love to show our own doctrine, but I believe in the one and only doctrine of christ jesus.


To believe in Calvinism all you have to do is read your Bible. That’s it. It’s plain as day. Anybody else is just trying to shape Gods character into what they want.


I think one of the major reasons why people angrily reject the Doctrines of Grace is because it wounds our pride.


I know a 100%, if it lay upon me to choose God, i would never be saved. I ran away from God with all my strength.
But God “subdued” my heart as well! All the glory be unto Him! Amen!
