What If Cthulhu Was Real??

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The world can be a pretty scary place. While science continues to help us understand more and more about the universe, there are still many great mysteries out there. One such mystery is that of Cthulhu, the great power first described in Lovecraft’s short story “The Call of Cthulhu”. But what if this ancient being was not bound to the pages of books, but did in fact exist? How might the world change if this

Creature made itself known? Let’s explore. Now get ready, it’s time to ask the question: What if Cthulhu was Real? Since Cthulhu isn’t exactly well-known by the everyman, I’ll start off with a brief description of the mythos surrounding the creature. It should be noted that Lovecraft originally intended the name to be pronounced closer to klhul-hoo, because it
originates in an alien language
#cthulhu #whatif
#CthulhuMythos #MythologyExplained
#Lovecraft #Cthulu #Lovecraftian
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But Cthulhu IS real...and btw? Calling our Infernal Lord and Granter of Blessed Madness a mere creature is a surefire route to becoming FOOD FOR THE GODS! All hail Cthulhu!!! 🤪🤤😵🐙
