The Daily Yupari | Completing the Underpainting

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In today's video we will be completing the underpainting. We will cover some shapes for the hair, clothing, chair, and background. The main focus areas were the face and hands. This allows us to move rather quickly in the other areas.

Tomorrow we will commence the color studies! I have two planned out actually. One color study will be dedicated to the head, and the other will focus on the entire big picture.

I hope you have a wonderful rest for your day, and I'll be back in 24 hours!

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The materials used in this video are listed below,

Oil Paints:

Winsor & Newton- Raw Umber
Williamsburg- Flake White

Thinner/Brush Cleaner: Chelsea Classical Studio Citrus Essence
Painting Medium: Gamblin Neo-Megilp

Panel: 24x24” Mdf panel gessoed with Liquiex Professional Acrylic Gesso (3 coats) and toned with Burnt Umber Oil Paint

Brushes Used:
Princeton Summit 2 Round 6100R
Master's Touch size 1 round
Princeton Select 2 Fan brush
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A colour study will be great, !! Thank you so much !


I use to paint with liquin but found that it would start to tack up too quickly on the pallet, rendering my paints unusable after just a few hours into a painting session. I live in Arizona, so maybe the dry climate is a factor? I switched to neo megilp and it is now my medium of choice. It has about the same drying time, but a much longer "working" time. A wonderful medium from a great company.


Hello.. your videos well done, is it ok to use acrylics for the under painting..?


The shadow under her right chwekbone is the same value as the hair, i think you got it a tad to light
