How I Read So Much

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Answering the age old question of "How do you read so much?"


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I am such a slow reader that I'm not sure I can say that "I read so much. " But I guess its relative. Compared to non-booktuber types, I do seem to read a great deal, but here, I'm definitely traveling in the slow lane. Which I don't mind at all. I enjoy the slowness and taking the time to savor what I read and to think about what I'm reading during the day, even when I'm not actively reading.


Here's my take on it: i think sometimes the reason people ask that question is because they fear reading less books somehow makes them less of a booklover or bookworm. Sometimes I find myself doing a similar thing -- looking at other booktubers and comparing myself to them. I can never read that much, how do they do it? But I firmly believe having a love of reading has nothing to do with the numbers. Reading isn't a race, or at least it shouldn't be. Make it into a race and you've lost so much of the joy.


I love reading while waiting in restaurants - one of my favourite things and often a rare moment of peace. Like you, my husband & I worked out early on that rather than wait at home & get annoyed, better for me to go straight to the restaurant, order a wine & settle in with a good book. Heaven!


Absolutely love watching your channel, you are such a joy. Always feel better when I do. Reading is more like meditation to me. I am an obsessive reader, labels, signs, books of course, anything with words. I suppose there are worse habits. I am old enough to wonder about the books I won't have time to read and the fate of my collection after I am gone. Thank you for taking the time to film. Wishing you happy reading and the best holiday season!


Interesting topic! I rarely get to read now, because I'm in school, but when I was a delivery driver, I would work 10 hr shifts and I would always play audio books while I was driving. I would go through 2-3 books a week! And the library had 100s of audio books. It was super fun. I think I read 30 books in 1 year.

My fondest memory was when I was listening to Hundred Secred Senses by Amy Tan, and I remember I got to a super sad part and I was crying in the car as I pulled into the customer's driveway. And I had to sit there for 2 minutes while I wiped away my tears before I could ring their doorbell. So funny!


I think e-readers are definitely relationship savers. I do the same thing now when people run late or if on big family trips and I need a mental escape from all the family dynamics. It used to be as an introvert you were stuck with not much to do at these moments and now I pull out my phone and open my reading app and voila, a nice mental vacation.
I am always impressed not only by how much you read, but how well you write and articulate your reading experience also. I think that is quite a nice skill.


Ive read 70 books this year, across different platforms. I thank booktube for this as i just somehow stumbled across it and was immediately hooked! I always loved to read but i havent read 70 books in the LAST TEN YEARS let alone in one. Booktube charmed me and got me excited to read again. My piles tbr are daunting and my want is neverending, but im enjoying my full throttle obsession, er, i mean Hobby lol. Id like to not only read more but enjoy more. Too much choice freaks me out. I dont want to rush thru books because i have others waiting. I want to relax into it and be lost in it. If im not, im gonna slump soon. But then again, probably not because its so cold and dark im bound to read. Ok im looking forward to reviewing next years releases! (Obsessed)


Maybe when people ask you, "How do you read so much?" It's a rhetorical question? Like, "How are you so handsome?" I loved listening to your musings about reading and hearing about how you fit these things into your life. It sounds like you can concentrate on reading nearly anywhere. I struggle to concentrate on reading in noisy places. I find reading on the train distracting because I'm so worried about missing my stop (I can do audiobooks on the train, though). I don't think I read enough to experience slumps. When I read less, it is because I didn't prioritize it above other activities and I run out of time. Maybe that is a slump? I don't lose my desire to read, I am just unable to fit it in.


Yes, always bring a book along! In his delightful memoir “Education of a Wandering Man, ” Louis L’amour recounts how one year, after tiring of hearing friends complain that they had no time to read, he kept track of how many books he could read simply while waiting: waiting for a train, waiting at the store, waiting for the doctor, etc. That year he read 8 books only while waiting for this and that!

By the way, I highly recommend this book, whether you like his novels or not (confession: I’ve never read any of them). It is the story of his love affair with reading and how books wove through the many crazy adventures of his life from riding the rails while hobo-ing to babysitting a goldmine in the desert.

It is because of this book that I started carrying one with me for those pesky “waiting” times and began keeping a reading log 26 years ago. After reading this book, my dad, who fell in love with reading in his 60’s!, began keeping a reading log that has since become a cherished keepsake now that he’s passed away. It is a must read for all book lovers, in my opinion.


I manage about 5 books per month usually, which I think is quite good considering I have 2 little children & a busy job. My friends think I read loads, but I think it's all about what you prioritise - if not books, probably tv I guess (if you're a parent, anyhow!!) Reading in the small moments e.g. an audio book whilst walking back from school, or on the commute to work, or holding my book whilst cooking is all part of the journey for me, and lovely escapist moments from children's tv at times!!!


(I know I'm late but) I find it great that you mention 'priviledge' as one of the first reasons for how come you can read so much, it is something that people very often forget. Love your content!


This was so great! In the past, I never thought of periods when I read less or sometimes not at all, as 'reading slumps', I learned this word on booktube... But I still think its normal for people (except for SteveD) to have ups and down in reading time & I dont worry if it happens because I know the urge to read will come back. I mostly read at home because I like to have longer stretches of uninterrupted reading time & I prefer quietness, and I read on the train when traveling between Cologne and Amsterdam.


Very good points! For me I've been reading less since starting Uni because whenever I read for pleasure and not Uni I get a sense of guilt for not working 😅 I definitely binge reading during the holidays though. context is everything I suppose. I think booktube has definitely put pressure on how much people read for better or worse. Thank you for sharing!


I too have a huge stack of books, way more than what you pictured. I read books so I can discard them and lower the stack if you will. There are other benefits to reading such as being able to say more. A person who reads has the words and phrases to express their thoughts and ideas in a coherent way. I also have this lingering thought in my mind that if I were to read all these books that I have, that I would somehow become smarter and life would become easier. This has turned out to be true in many ways.

It's not just reading books, but how you read. I mark up every book that I read. There is a book by Mortimer Adler called How to Read, and books called Painless Reading, Reading Smart, along with English and reading book for the ACT. I'll read books on reading such as those listed prior after reading a chunk of books and I'll apply the ideas in those books to the present matter. Ideas such as underlining words I don't know, circling nouns,

Right now I'm reading books that have unabridged audiobooks available, and that helps to both improve the speaking as well as the reading. Plus I can listen to the books at 2-3X the speed as I'm reading along.

This is a no brainer, but a bookstand helps a tremendous amount while reading books. It's easier to read books at an angle as opposed to them being flat on the table. The bookstand I use is called Nice Production INP-103-O. I spent 45 $CAD on my bookstand. Well worth the investment, as I do all my reading on it.


Blogging and being on Booktube has accelerated my love for reading. It just makes me want to read as much as I can.


Having access to books is also part of the privilege! I lived for 8 years in Brazil where there are no books in English unless ordered online at a great delivery cost! And now that I live in Lebanon, I have more access but the new releases are not always available or they are very expensive! I live looking for books, and acquiring 20 in a year is a great accomplishment! Of course I can find any book in Arabic that I want but I don’t like to read translations!


Really like your channel, one of the few booktubers who do talk about literary fiction. Have you read The Ghost Wall yet? I just got my copy and am very excited to get to it.


Great video! I have always read and loved it. I probably could read more if I didn't watch so much Booktube. I just try to read whenever I have free time. I am not a fast reader. I just read in chunks. That works the best for me.


Great to see this and it’s a reminder how much time can be lost to social media and gaming if we let it happen! I’ve just started Joyce Carol Oates’ The Gravedigger’s Daughter at your suggestion. It is my first reading of her work and I’m excited to get further into it. Sometimes though, I do flounder a bit with literary fiction and find I need something fast paced to get me back into the swing of things. The key for me in reading slips is to have a variety of genres available. Thanks for sharing,


I am reading as much as i can so that i have enough knowledge for my own book. that is my first reason. I love stories in book form. I love finding vocies of authors who are speaking for me and my feelings, to connect. I love reading.
