Review: Case IH 40D vs Kubota L3560 For Snow Plowing

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Rich Reviews: Case IH 40D with L350 loader, Kubota L3560 with LA555 loader

00:06 Case IH 40D Review
03:26 Kubota L3560 Review

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Terrific review from someone with extensive user experience and the knowledge to fix 'em. Thanks!


That's cool of you guys to clean off the bus stops, I plow for my city and I've never seen anyone do this before! Good idea


We've got a kubota zero turn mower, 72" with the diesel and we absolutely love it, no issues with it, built like a tank, power to spare, it'll mow as fast as you can ride it and it'll probably last me many years to come


I love my Kubota B26. Box blade, and bucket work amazing and even with out a turbo it still has tons of power.


thanks for the review! I always wondered about the case compacts I thought they looked pretty nice I have never driven one. I do snow removal with a landscaping company we used to run John deere which I loved to operate the cab is nicer in my opinion then the kubota cab. Now they have been switched to kubota which I hated at first but they have really grown on me and I know from experience the kubota is much tougher then the jd and pretty much trouble free. we start at midnight and are lucky if we are done by 9am I also know what you are talking about when people don't get out of the way I will have a whole spot cleared and where will they park? right in the spot I still have to do


Drifting at 1:10! makes a long night more fun no doubt. Interesting insights. I never would have thought the Case would be less industrious than Kobota. Too bad you didn't have a JD to compare as well. I still like those larger Case's with the Cummins diesels though. Good public service announcement too. Thanks Rich, great mix if subjects on this weeks vids, have a good week


I have 3 Botas and they’ve been great. You just need to add the cast iron rear wheel weights and liquid ballast the rear tires. I also run suitcase weights on the front of mine. They make a great compact Diesel engine.


I use a atlas weycor 65 with a siljum flapbucket, works wonderful


I'd love to drive these and clean snow i used to help my cousin with his company and i had to do it by hand jump in the truck and go, im in connecticut not canada so its not that bad but still would be fun


Why not use a skid steer? Easily more maneuverable


I've had great luck with the 121F case mini loader with a Kage pusher/plow combo. The only complaint I have is the cab itself seems cheap. At 74 hours the fuel door locking mechanism, and the right side window latch have both broken. Still under warranty but annoying. Great channel, keep up the great videos.


I never like that kubota model. We had two that caught on fire when they were idling. Apparently it was something with the emission system. If you left it throttled up you'd be fine.


the kubota L3560 37hp wich is $43, 658.00 MSRP but dealers sells less$ wich not bad and nice window rear and side window defrostor wich smart system deere doesnt


Was that a guy on a motorbike, lol. In my part of Scotland we get substantial snow maybe every 10 years. 2010 was very bad, one day in that winter I got stuck on the motorway for 9 hours, trying to get home from work, a journey that usually take 30 minutes. When the traffic started moving about 8PM (I'd left work at 1PM) and I finally got on to my stretch of Mway going to Glasgow, there was some fucking nut on a Vespa, this was in hard frozen rutted snow, the snow had been very wet and it had only just been above freezing, but as it got dark the temp had dropped quickly, could believe this guy on fucking scooter, lol.


Kubota is the Thai choice of tractors.


I tried greasing all the joints on our Kubota but a few of them were plugged and I tried to force it and the shmoo ended up just coming out of the cracks of the grease gun. What is a good way to clean these nipples? Just a brush and solvent like normal? I don't really have any experience with them.


That’s funny.. we don’t care about you... when we plow!! It absolutely true. Gtf out of my way. Please I just wanna get this shit done!?!?


Less than 75 horse and def won’t be required for tier 4b


Kubotas are junk and always worked on all the time.A friend of my dad's has one and he constantly works on it
