Obi-Wan and the War Ships arrive on Teth/Escaping from the Monastery

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We all see here that Obi-Wan and the other Clone Troopers in the war ships were all coming in the planet Teth to help Anakin. The droid army send the vulture fighters to hold those war ships of the Republic. Anakin, Ahsoka and R2 came to the backdoor landing platform of the castle, Anakin tried to get a hold of Obi-Wan to get a medical ship over to them. But he couldn’t do it. So he calls for Rex. The Clones took some of the battle droids and use their weapons to hold them off in the courtyard. The destroyer droids came attacking Anakin and Ahsoka. R2 closes the door, but Ventress started cutting a hole in the door with her lightsabers. But the Jedi saw another landing platform with a ship on it. So Anakin jumps off the platform and ride on some big bug that flies. Ventress attacks Ahsoka, but Anakin saved her life and let her ride on the bug with him. R2 flies to the platform behind the Jedi with rockets. 😊❤️👍🎥🎬
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