Peripheral Neuropathy Treatment [Leg & Foot Nerve Pain HOME REMEDIES]

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🦶Do you have Peripheral Neuropathy Foot Pain or Peripheral Neuropathy Leg Pain? Get the BEST Peripheral Neuropathy Pain Relief!🦶

We go over the best Peripheral Neuropathy Treatment & Peripheral Neuropathy Home Remedies for your foot nerve pain, your leg nerve pain, and your ankle nerve pain. So start getting neuropathy treatment & neuropathy relief in your feet!

Best Recommended Supplement Products in Video:

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Best Shoes for Neuropathy:

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Peripheral Neuropathy Treatment - Orthotics:

Peripheral Neuropathy Massage & Peripheral Neuropathy Pain Relief:

Peripheral Neuropathy Exercises & Stretches:

Plantar Fasciitis Stretching & Exercises:

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This is opinion only:
For the viewer or reader: Do not consider this video as a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. We strongly urge you to contact your own physician with any questions you may have regarding your medical condition. If you are having an emergency, call 911 immediately or see your physician. Do not allow this information to let you disregard your professionals medical advice or delay seeking based on information from this content. Do not rely on information provided by this general education video.

Healthcare practitioners: The content here is for education purposes only. The authors have done their best to provide the most up to date evidence-based information, but this content should definitely not be considered any type of medical standard. It does not reflect individual practices in other geographic areas.

This is strictly for medical education purposes only, it is not intended for diagnosis or treatment. The information in these videos is the opinion of the author only and is not an official opinion of any organizations that the authors may be a part of. The authors or speakers are not associated with any of the above products.

0:00 Peripheral Neuropathy Treatment
0:43 Peripheral Neuropathy Causes
2:00 Peripheral Neuropathy Scams
2:45 Peripheral Neuropathy Symptoms
3:00 Foot Nerve Pain & Leg Nerve Pain
3:30 Peripheral Neuropathy Night Pain
3:45 Peripheral Neuropathy Muscle Pain
4:40 Peripheral Neuropathy Massage
5:40 Peripheral Neuropathy Stretches
6:20 Peripheral Neuropathy Home Remedies
8:00 Peripheral Neuropathy Orthotics
8:39 Peripheral Neuropathy Cure
9:53 Peripheral Neuropathy Creams & Peripheral Neuropathy Oils
10:20 Peripheral Neuropathy Lidocaine Cream
10:32 Peripheral Neuropathy Medication Treatment Effective
11:05 Peripheral Neuropathy Shoes
12:30 Peripheral Neuropathy Diagnosis & Peripheral Neuropathy Podiatrist Treatment
13:33 Peripheral Neuropathy Home Treatment
14:00 Peripheral Neuropathy Home Exercises
14:44 Peripheral Neuropathy Rehabilitation & Products
Рекомендации по теме

I suffer with Fibromyalgia, and that triggered off Peripheral Neuropathy. My feet burn 🔥terrible with pins & needles pain. Plus I'm soo sensitive to any pain. If I knock my feet I just wanna screem or die for the pain...Dam why must things like that happen to us. 😪. I'm a very positive person. I try hard to ignore the pain but it's not that easy. I do get relief from putting my feet into warm to hot water. I'm a woman of 76 but I still get on top of my roof to fix any leaks. My husband died 22 years ago. So I never give up. Be positive and don't give up. May God bless you all that are suffering 🙏


I'm 62 and been working on my feet nonstop for over 40 years. The best thing for my screaming pain? Stretching and working on the feet. Rubbing, messaging, rolling. That's works the best for me. Thanks Doc.


I am about to turn fifty soon and I am living proof that diabetic neuropathy absolutely CAN be completely reversed! have been diagnosed with early-stage type 2 diabetes and was experiencing diabetic neuropathy. It first started when my friend invited me to a church service where I was sitting for two and a half hours. When I went to stand up and walk, my left leg was completely weak and stiff.I couldn't even stand on it at all, much less take a step forward. This same thing kept happening to me anytime I was sitting for more than 15 minutes at a time. In addition to that, I would feel tingling sensations in my feet and toes, especially in the morning.
I started reading up on what I was experiencing and when I learned that it could eventually lead to amputation, it scared the bejesus out of me! I went on a 21-day raw food fast, into a 5-day liquid vegetable juice fast and lastly transitioned into a 4 day water fast (yeah, I know I went a tad extreme, but it worked out). Once I came off the fast, I completely changed my diet. I cut out sugar, stop drinking packaged/bottled fruit juice and of course sodas, even the ones that contain artificial sweeteners. I also cut out wheat, rice and white potatoes. I incorporate a lot of raw and cooked vegetables and limit my fruit intake to only one fruit per day (preferably not bananas). I had already been a pescatarian for a little over 2 years prior to this recent dietary change anyway and I rarely used dairy products such as milk, cream and cheese. The key to reversing diabetic neuropathy is to treat the insulin resistance and fatty liver that are causing it in the first place, primarily through diet and also by adding in exercise (you won't believe the magical effect that 20 minutes of brisk walking 4 days a week can have on your body).
Bottom line, you CAN reverse diabetic neuropathy as well as early stage type 2 diabetes without any medication at all.


I had botulism and was paralyzed for nearly 3 months. It took that long before my neurons started firing so I could learn how to walk, talk, do everything again! While much of my lingering problem is in the mass of my central nervous system in my back, I have major issues with my feet. When my body started popping awake my feet would feel like they caught on fire, they would be swollen and have bright red striations over my whole feet. It would burn for some 5-8 minutes and that’s a long time on Fire. Then it would stop and just be swollen . This went on for maybe 6 months. Now they don’t burn they just have bursts of pain and swelling. I like how you give us solutions to these issues, thank you very much. I’m going to try these exercises and see if they help at all. Right now at night I end up lathering my neck, back, hips, ankles and feet, knees, wrists and backs of my hands with muscle rub and put a heating pad on the worst part of the night, I take my gabapentin and anti inflammatories, and methadone just to try to pass out because it’s the only time I don’t hurt for just a little while if I can get a little sleep. I’m going to try the exercises, and fix part of me. Thank you thank you thank you! And I will follow your channel I appreciate your honest opinions, all Dr.’s should strive to be so helping


Cutting out SUGAR is what helps ME. Toes do NOT throb at night when I don’t use sugary items during the day. ☘️


I take alpha lipoic acid at night when I get up to pee on an empty stomach. It has helped reduce mine by at least 90%. I've been doing this for a month and hope it gets even better the longer I do this.


It took me YEARS to figure all of these things out for myself, it's extremely nice to have this video to help keep me on track 🙌


Doctor, you tell it like it is. At the age of eighty-four, I really feel it. I have been told that I have nerve damage and at first, I didn't believe that it was by being abused as a child. I investigated it through a well-known source and according to psychologists and physicians, it made sense. I was beaten in my spine and there was time, I was crying, and then nothing. Everything turned gray. I thought my life was ending. Another time, I almost got electrocuted by playing with electricity as a child and I froze, then started shaking and everything grayed out. Fortunately, I fell to the floor and the leads broke loose. I remember my whole body feeling like I was being jabbed with a million needles for a length of time afterward. I was also told that it could have caused nerve damage. Now I suffer with great pain and none of the doctors can fix it. Someone told me who suffers from neuropathy, and he recommended that I obtain a natural product which is R-Alpha Lipoic Acid, 100 mg and I just got it in the mail today. It didn't cost much because it is a trial. The person I was mentioning said that he takes 600 mg a day and it works. Once the trial is over, it is expensive. It must show me that it will work. I also must check with my doctor if it is OK to take it because of the many meds that I take and the many different conditions that I have. Right now, I am going to physical therapy and taking a tai chi class. Doctors just don't know what to do for me. I just don't want to continually be in pain and interrupt my sleep and I cannot use a BiPAP device because of it. Please excuse me for mentioning my childhood but that I believe was the cause of it. Personally, if the doctors don't know what to do, I certainly don't, either. I have been told just to live with it. I am glad I came across your video and hopefully, I can put it to beneficial use. Thanks again for your presentation.


Thank you so much for this information. I am in my 60s & I think it’s due to aging. It started out on left, now it’s both feet. Burning & numbness at night & now during the day also. No pain at all. I have had MRIs, preparing for injection. I have been to Podiatrist, Neurologist & Neurosurgeon. Your video has given me more insight than all of them . I plan to try these exercises tonight.


Knowing that there are so many reasons your feet will hurt and that at least half of them fully apply to my condition or partially allows me to take the best care of my feet. I'm 61 and spent my life running and jumping, I needed this so important presentation. Thank you. Keep on maintaining those who need it well informed. Health to all !


I forgot to thank the Dr for putting this article online & reaching out to help people. Thank you & may God bless you


I'm 75 years old—this exciting pain tour started at 20 years of age with ankylosing spondylitis. PD, RA, T2D, Peripheral neuropathy, and glaucoma have been added to the list. I have been doing all the physical and medicinal therapies for relief. I'm going pretty good though each year, slowing down & doing less, still taking care of myself. Thanks for your honesty and no snake oil sales (cures).


My right foot has been dead for 2 years A.L.A. and Benfotiamine, are slowly bringing it back to life, utterly amazing.


When this came up on my YT feed I almost passed it by due to mental overload. I'm glad I watched it. You gave me great information I hadn't heard elsewhere and a bit more hope that I can continue to better manage the pain. Liked and subscribed. Thanks!


I've had nerve pain in my foot for almost 17+ years now... it's almost a natural thing for me to stretch not knowing what I should do to lessen the pain... thanks for this video!


Never give up !!! Start healing your feet Now . This video is one of the very best I have watched . Thank you


Thanks for exercises. Wearing compression socks for years but have to slit them over the top of the ball of the foot to prevent that Morton's neuroma pain. Lost 40 pounds and much of pain is gone. Wearing sandals with arch support and metatarsal support helps with Morton's neuroma and bunion. The more of the video, the more I realize how many of these factors I've already adopted. Just need to get with the exercise.


Thank you for this great video. I have neuropathy due to cancer chemo therapy. I just caved to medication from my doctor for a short time. I am working part time on my feet all day. I do a 15 min stretch routine that covers what you showed (YAY). I am doing somethings right and I feel very hopeful. This video was a godsend because I thought I had to just live with this but I will fight this and win. I won cancer so I know I need to be a warrior again...


*I had very high blood sugar I only managed to improve my health when I found a WONDERFUL treatment, if you want to know about it, I left the video in the comment reply*


Hi I’m a 66 year old type 2 diabetic and I’ve had neuropathy in both feet for years. It’s so bad that many nights I’ll wake up from the pain. Countless nights sitting on the edge of my bed at 3 am exhausted unable to lie down anymore because of the pain. My days are ruined because I’m exhausted all the time from a lack of sound sleep. Then a miracle watched your video and I realized you were talking to me. I got the bio freeze the same day and it worked. I couldn’t believe what I was experiencing. That night I sleep like a baby no pain in my feet whatsoever. I don’t know how to thank you enough. I can’t believe I’ve suffered for so many years believing there was nothing out there that could help me. Wow I’m again I’m a new man. I’m going to try the exercises you’ve recommended next.
