What You Can Do to Treat Peripheral Neuropathy at Home

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Peripheral neuropathy is a common condition that I see every day in my office. It's also one of the most frustrating conditions to have and to treat. My name is Dr. Andrew Schneider, and I'm a podiatrist in Houston, TX.
Peripheral neuropathy is nerve damage that affects the extremities, both the hands and the feet.

There are many causes of peripheral neuropathy. Too many to count. That's part of the problem with treating it. The most common causes include diabetes, aging, vitamin deficiencies, chemotherapy, alcoholism,
smoking, and some medications.

Let me also be clear, that in some cases, peripheral neuropathy is caused by the aging process. While we can help calm the symptoms, we don't have the fountain of youth. In fact, if a nerve is completely damaged, there's no way for it to regenerate.

The reason that peripheral neuropathy usually starts in the toes is due to the simple fact that your toes are the farthest point from your brain. Your brain receives impulses from the nerves and translates that into sensations. From your feet, all the way to your brain...that's a long way to go and plenty of opportunities for things to go awry.

Nerve pain comes in different forms. Some people feel a numb sensation. Others feel a burning and tingling sensation to varying degrees. Some feel pain so intense that it feels like their feet are on fire.

It's important to differentiate nerve pain from other causes of pain. If your feet are hurting, when you're standing and walking, that's usually a musculoskeletal pain such as tendinitis. If the pain primarily occurs when you're off your feet, such as when you're laying in bed at night, it's more likely to be nerve pain. To further muddy the waters. If you are pain-free when you go to bed, but you're awakened by your feet being in intense pain, this can be due to a circulation issue.

Some topical treatments do help nerve pain using a topical analgesic that contains menthol or capsaicin. There are many such products available over the counter. These analgesics work to provide another stimulus and essentially confuses the nerves as they send impulses to your brain. This can help reduce the pain you are experiencing from peripheral neuropathy. Many people have found relief using topical CBD preparations.

As I said, the pain you're feeling is often due to a combination of factors. Nerves travel along with other structures, such as tendons. If the tendons swell, it puts pressure on the nerves and can increase the nerve pain. That's why stretching, which is helpful to mobilize the muscles in tendons, helps to reduce the pain from the nerves.

If your foot flattens when you stand, that causes the nerves to stretch and become painful. Wearing insoles or custom orthotics to support the foot can also take pressure off the nerves and reduce the associated pain. Don't minimize how something so simple and approachable can make a difference in the pain you are feeling.

Nerve pain is also linked to circulation problems. When there's not enough blood flow to the nerves, they're deprived of oxygen and increase in pain. Massaging your calf and thigh helps increase the blood flow. Compression hosiery also provides support to the circulation. If you can increase your circulation, you'll often find some relief from nerve pain. Also, it is essential that you don't smoke. Smoking is one of the most preventable risk factors and can lead to poor circulation.

If you're in a situation where you feel like your feet are on fire, we can deaden the nerves with a topical lidocaine cream or patch. Some medications treat nerve pains such as Lyrica and Gabapentin. The problem is that these medications have significant side effects.

If you're diabetic, the best way to lessen the nerve pain is by getting your blood sugar in good control. It's not an easy thing to do, but it is worthwhile to minimize the side effects of diabetes, including peripheral neuropathy. Taking medication or insulin is not enough. You need to control your diet to lower your blood sugar.

Finally, sometimes peripheral neuropathy is caused by a physical impingement of the nerve. If I suspect that that's the cause I'll refer you to a neurologist who can measure the nerve impulses as they travel to your feet. Sometimes physical therapy can help a nerve impingement. Other times you may need surgery to free up the nerves.

#peripheralneuropathy #diabeticneuropathy #footpain

00:00 Introduction
00:50 Causes of peripheral neuropathy
01:52 Why peripheral neuropathy affects your feet
02:15 What peripheral neuropathy may feel like
03:03 Using topical treatments to treat peripheral neuropathy
03:35 How stretching and supporting the foot helps peripheral neuropathy
04:22 How nerve pain is related to circulation issues
05:15 How to treat neuropathy is you're diabetic
06:26 How to connect with Houston podiatrist Dr. Andrew Schneider
Рекомендации по теме

I have neuropathy in both of my feet, seems like the right foot is worse at times. I have been to foot and ankle doctors and was told to just wear compression socks, although they do help some they do not help with the stabbing pain on the bottom of my feet. I started to do my own research and found that Alpha Lipoic Acid would relieve most of the pain as well as vitamin B12. I figured that I had to start some where so I started to take alpha lipoic acid first (it does take up to 3 weeks to notice the results) let me just say that it's helped me so much!! I also soak my feet at night with 1 cup of white vinegar and 1 cup of baking soda. I have little to no pain. After taking the Alpha lipoic acid for 3 months I wanted to see about taking vitamin B12 it works as well but in my opinion the sundown 600mg alpha lipoic acid works for me. I just wanted to share this with others. I realize that everyone is different and just am hoping that this helps someone else. God Bless, stay safe and take care!!


I like the fact that you call out the frauds, deliver information and aren’t selling fake cures or advice, Ty Dr.


Funny I just had a conversation today about neuropathy with a lady who turned 103. She’s amazing, she leads the exercise class in the personal care home, plays the piano for their resident’s Bible study. I grew up in the same rural community and hadn’t seen her in 50 years. She remembered my name and all of my brothers names. I left home after high school (now 70] so she caught me up on the community gossip. Just an aside…. Good info.


Finally a doctor with knowledge and common sense! Thank you for your help.


The blunt truth is so refreshing. Thanks Dr. Schneider!


this is the best video i have seen regarding peripheral neuropathy


I was on crutches, never to walk again, I then had three table spoons of powdered tumeric in about three litres of water, I then drank this over a hour period. Went to bed, woke up, I am walking again. Still take smaller amounts of tumeric now. But I firmly believe in litres of pure water and tumeric powder. If you still can't walk you are not taking enough tumeric powder and water. Added pepper may help. I've been walking again for nearly three years. Try it, your worth it.


I've given up on Drs. No one listens or cares. I'm thankful I have found your channel bc my own Dr didn't even know what peripheral neuropathy was. I have had the most relief from my foot vibrating machine and ice soaks. I also use cannabis salves mixed with a absorbing Ben gay type cream on top but this only helps after an ice soak. By the way, the nerve impulse test is torture when you have fibro. I would never go through that again!


I have this DPN, AND PAD so it can be unbearable! But this guy, this information is about the best, well rounded advice there is! He's pretty spot on


The explanation of types and causes of peripheral neuropathy and remedies was very helpful. Thank you.


Very informative. Uncomplicated explanations. Excellent.


Honest, Good Man, Great Doctor, tells you the way it is, without Videos and trying to get you to order something. God Bless You Good Man.


I have mild peripheral neuropathy. I don't usually have any sharp pain. And most of the time my feet do not get "burning hot." They just get hot and they feel jumpy and I get this urge to rub my feet into each other.

But I did find something that gives great relief to me almost every time. I give my feet a foot massage with coconut oil. You Tube has some good videos on the practice. I spend 3-5 minutes on each foot and lastly I hold my toes firmly in my hands for about a minute.

Then I wipe them dry with a paper towel and return to bed. I am continually amazed how it cools and calms my feet so I can sleep. Of course, this may not help everyone. But it is free and is very unlikely to have any negative side effects.

I hope it helps others like it has helped me.


One the best informative talks I’ve heard, thank you!


Thank you so much you hit the nail right on the head, everything that you said about diabetic neuropathy, is affecting me everyday and I am on gabapentin and Duloxetine. It worked for about 6 hours and then the pain came back. Now I will talk to my doctor and see about seeing a neurologist and a podiatrist. Thank you so much again I'm glad I checked out your video be blessed and take care from San Antonio Texas February 3rd 2023.


Thank you for an excellent, informative and very helpful video. I am 65 + male, and some years ago (pre COVID) I became aware of some numbness in my feet (both) + periodic tingling in my fingers. Diabetes is in the family and I presented my symptoms to my GP who arranged an HbA1c blood sugar test - it came back negative, so the GP referred me to a neurologist who performed the tests you mentioned: testing nerve signals. That also was negative. At this point the GP seemed to lose interest. A couple of years later my symptoms were persisting and, I would say, getting worse and I went through the same process again with the same outcome. I then kinda gave up, thinking “maybe it’s just me getting old”. Then COVID happened and accessing medical services became v difficult.
The symptoms continued getting worse, especially after eating sugary food (cake + chocolate which I love!) or a lot of carbs (a whole pizza or big portions of pasta etc) and I became suspicious that despite the HbA1c tests always showing negative (they “look back” over the previous 3 months or so) I *must* be diabetic!
Recently I have done some research on the internet which flagged:
1. HbA1c is unreliable. For a significant number of people (20%?) high blood sugar does *not* show up
2. Vitamin B12 deficiency can cause neuropathy as it is essential for healthy nerve function.
Action - I have taken the following action
- assuming I have diabetes and being more careful with my diet (modest carbs, no cake, and just 2 squares of 90% cocoa chocolate a day)
- taking vitamin B12 10ug/day (+vit C+D) supplement
- trying to do more exercise.
The symptoms have not vanished but I no longer feel nearly so much pain which had become much worse in my feet and also my fingertips (to the point I had to use my little finger on the iPad).
I intend to present this “empirical” data to my GP and hope, this time, he will give me helpful advice that is tailored to my experiences!
Hope this account is helpful.


I thank you soo much for your clear and so well understandable speech: both in content *and* distinct pronounciation !!


Excellent presentation: clear, concise and practical. Thankyou.


Burning 🔥 go to bed not feeling pain and midnight hurts. 2 strokes already 61. Love natural remedies. Helpful video


Really like your common sense approach. Thank you Dr. Schneider.
