STOP Overtraining your SIDE DELTS!

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Stop spamming side delts, “oh but isn’t that the meta” No. For some reason, people have developed this idea that side delts require a ton of volume, when that just isn’t the case at all. In fact, they are a very easy muscle to train, since they only do one thing, abduct the arm. So, here is how to train them. On one day, do 2 side delt exercises, each performed at a different muscle length. For example, cable y-raises paired with the behind back raises. The y raises will train the shortened position since peak tension occurs when your delts are shortened or contracted, and the behind the back raises will train the lengthened position since peak tension occurs when your delts are lengthened or stretched. Pair them together, and you now have 2 exercises with opposite resistance profiles. And no it doesn’t have to be a superset, I just do it because it saves time. Then on your next day, choose a unilateral movement but only do 1 exercise instead of 2, since it will most likely take longer to perform. Personally I do machine raises, but a cable does work fine. Then, because you only did 1 movement, you can now throw in some front delt work, without your shoulders being too fatigued. And that is it.

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About Me: I started lifting at 17 years old in 2019, the summer before I entered my freshman year of college. I was a mere 120 pounds at 5'8, and my only goal was to gain weight. Since then I've bulked 5 times, reaching my heaviest at 206 pounds, and cut 4 times to a lowest of around 10% bodyfat. In 2025 I plan to compete in my first natural bodubuilding show. Using the knowledge I have acquired and continue to learn, my goal is to help all of you achieve your fitness goals and prove that no matter what stands in your way, hard work and consistency will always prevail! (main character anime moment)

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came for side delt tips, came for Max Euceda 💯💯💯


I gave behind the back lateral raises a try and at first they felt incredible but only about a week later I noticed they were giving me awful muscle pains, specifically in my right shoulder, so I ended up not doing them anymore. Everyone’s different though, so obviously the best plan is to just figure out what works for you specifically


Stretched position is most important. Control the eccentric. Upright rows also work


I mean unless you’re entering a body building contest, where every bit of muscle definition matters, then even two variations of this is overkill.


they do not require high volume but they can recover from a lot of volume, my side delts are never sore


“You don’t need to do a lot of side delt work to get bigger shoulders. Now here are several, complicated late exercises to do” 🤦🏾‍♂️ fellas your first two solid years of lifting just do lateral raises. That’s it. Perfect the side lat raises. Start light and slowly go up!


Exactly spot on about wanting to just have a familiar person talking on the screen


I like this videos on how to structure your workouts. really helpful.


Its true ive been doing something simmilar and my delts have improved a lot


This looks great. That said, I swear every time I open YouTube I see another influencer showing a shoulder workout variant 😂


you look tom holland in the face lowkey


For side delts, literally just life something up the side, as he said they only do one thing, so doing behind or infront raises doesn't make one single bit of difference, you're not targeting "different profiles", you're doing the same movement in maybe a more awkward position, giving you no benefit.
Do 4 sets of 1 exercise of side delt raises (cable or dumbell, or do 2 cable, 2 dumbell), you don't even really need to change it up, it's 1 muscle, it does 1 thing, you don't need to do anything fancy


Saying one thing and doing another, you don’t need three different lateral raise variations in one meso lmao. And training your side delts often makes sense because they recovery extremely quickly


I’m bouta go on a test, npp, masteron cycle for a nasty lean bulk to transform my physique


Basically all the literature shows that training in the lengthened position is far more hypertrophic. If possible all of your lifts should emphasize the the lengthened/ stretched position. Seeking out exercises that contraction is kind of pointless. Also side deltd can tolerate a much higher volume because they are very small and therefore recover quickly. They do not require higher volume for growth, but they can be punished more and still fully recover more quickly than larger muscles.


Meanwhile me doing only dumbbell lateral raises……
Not sure if I’m killing my gains but I like to stick to simple exercises I can easily overload, I raise slowly then pause at the top for 1-2 sec and descend slowly aiming for 5 secs descend… I guess only time will tell, I’m still behind Max


This might just be me but for lateral raises I lean forward instead of back so basically reverse momentum and I even though it’s way harder it feels great


Ignores the video because lost woods music is playing lol


You gotta explain the lengthened and shortened training thing bro


Is the lateral raise at the start of the video ( where he wears a black shirt ) a good rep? Should heavy lateral raises look like this?
