Working Through a Freeze Response, The Fastest Way Out

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Freeze Responses are your default mode to shut down when life gets overwhelming? A freeze response is completely normal, but we don't want to get stuck in freeze. Watch this video to learn how to identify and get out of freeze faster! #freeze #wellnesstips #anxiety #stressrelief #anxietyhealing #anxietyrelief #nervoussystemninja

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Dr. Renee Ostertag is an Award-Winning Speaker, Teacher and Presenter in the Health and Wellness Field. She is both a PT and Psychotherapist who focuses on Mind-Body Relationship Therapy. Dr. Renee believes that nervous system regulation is the key to freeing yourself from negative effects of trauma, lessening physical pain, and satiating the curious mind. Her focus is on eliminating pain without drugs, surgery or expensive procedures that keep you dependent on others to fix you!

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Рекомендации по теме

I think trauma survives are always in “chronic freeze” if you will, breath is usually withheld that’s how I know. Shallow breathing


Been in a freeze response for 20+ years.


This was a great tip. Another one is purposely moving your head from side to side, your shoulders up and down, etc. Purposeful movement counteracts the freeze response in my experience, especially if I'm locked and super tense.


Read Peter Lavin: shake you body like the bird or dog that wakes up after beeing hit by a car.... animals "shakes it off" you do the same to get out of freze !


Wow, this actually helped! I had been really struggling, and I appreciate that this video was short and to the point so that I didn't get bogged down in excessive information and details, so thank you!


Tried it for the first time and I noticed an immediate difference in my breathing - like my rib cage was able to expand more. Thanks for the insight. It would be great if you provide more of such techinques


I’ve tried EVERYTHING and your explanation felt so sincere, it really touched my heart. I’ve watched it again and again and it always helps. Thank you so much! ❤


I love your energy!!!

I have been working through suicidal thoughts for a while and I realized it’s been a response to extreme freeze.

Dance & shaking help so much. But I’d find myself back in bed, and awake in freeze, back to suicidality.

This exercise helped a lot! And can be done immediately and without even moving.

Thank you.


I move my hands, dance, head, or look at people.

Doing inner work to be ok at being quiet around ppl helps too. I froze a lot when was uncomfortable around ppl.


I don't know how this video found it's way in my feed but it feels like a Godsend and your personality is magnetic to me! You are a beautiful person.


Most surprising to me with this since I have just gone through a few years of trauma after having c-ptsd since a teen (at the least) and going through it now through the holidays as I had my cat pass and financial stress and a lot of bad news...was that it felt like I opened my eyes wide for the first time in my life, so much that it felt like I stretched muscles I've never stretched before. It really hasn't the first time been but with the way I've been feeling it made it feel like it. Wow. I am going to keep doing this as daily I've been getting into a freeze response around the same time. Thank you!


I learned moving my eyes from side to side rapidly from one of my DBT workbooks- I've found this can help sometimes(if I remember to do it...) I'll have to try these as well. Thanks for sharing!


Post traumatic growth! Don't hear this as often. I resonate with chest feeling expanded associated with comfort and shutting off of freeze response.


Didn’t know for years when I spoke that I was in freeze response or dissociated. Just now knowing this. I have literally left my body at times.


Thank you so much for this it was exactly what I needed. My chest felt like it was opening up and I could take better and longer breaths. I felt a little teary once I was more grounded from the relief of feeling better. X


Woooow. Yes I do it without knowing it. But I do this to call the warrior inside


Thank you. That was immediate! I am unfortunately stuck in the environment that put me in the freeze sreponxe and am working on getting out. Clearly the freeze responce is making that harder but now I feel like I can do things.

Thank you. I needed that.


Very very helpful to me ❤Thankyou very much 😊My freeze is Incredibly debilitating and brings on massive pain Its crushing But I choose to have Hope and Faith 🥰🙏


This immediately worked! After about 10 seconds of having my eyes wide open I felt a very heavy feeling coming up in my chest consisting of fear, panick, shame etc. I wanted to cry very badly but at the same time during my exhale I felt chest collapsing and restricting, like my nervous system was fighting badly to let everything come up. This is what my amygdala was trying to protect me from, a valid response because the trauma js heavy. Going to do this multiple times a day to work through it bit by bit. Can we do this technique for extended periods of time?


This exercise makes me think of how we come out of sleep or how an animal comes out of a daze. Makes sense that it might work to get us out of freeze mode. I felt an opening of my jaw, lungs, thoracic area, relaxation of my back and belly and whole body. Thank you! ❤
