How to Cool a Room without AC (Effective & Affordable)

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Cool your room without air conditioning (AC) using a floor fan. Floor fans blow the heat out of your room. Additionally, they reduce the perceived temperature by blowing away layers of hot air from your skin.

To cool a room without an AC, you still need to remove heat energy from your room. The only way to do this is to blow the heat out the window.

Any questions? Put them in the comments down below!
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My focus is on strategies that actually work. And to be honest: You probably already know most of them. Cooling a room is no magic! Some will require fans or ACs, but there are some other methods that are completely free and don't need electricity or any devices.

Hope that's helpful!


Im a mechanic, i have a certificate of auto technology. That also means ive studied HVAC (Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning). Something ive learned that is hard to grasp is that: there is no cold air, it doesnt exist. Its only air with a lack of heat. You seem like a smart guy. I hope you excell in your schooling and career


Thank you for your wisdom. I used to be trapped in my room with all the heat because they say to close every window and curtains to keep heat out. But you opened my eyes that to do the have deffinantly helped me. Thank you again for taking the time to make this video and help people understand the physics of heat. May God bless you for helping people deal with this uncomfortable heat. You are my hero!


The way I survive is I take a hand towel (unfolded about the size of your back) and I saturate it in cold water and hang it around my neck. When it gets warm I rinse it in more cold water. When I go to bed I mist my hair with water, and I put a cold towel on my back while the fan blows at my head. It cools my core temperature down enough to let me fall asleep.


I am in a room that was 88 degrees 1/2 hour ago and I am testing which makes more sense. It's 9.00 pm and the temperatura outside is 67, I set an air conditioner on fan mode blowing in one window and another blowing out in a opposite wall. It's been 40 minutes so far and the temperature dropped 3 degrees.


I have a stand fan and it helps a lot I detest hot weather days


Hi. We are now at 37 deg Celcius. I'll try that. Night temp is about 25 deg Celsius so hope it works


Drippers also work great with a bit of cloth and a bottle of water over a fan it will just constantly throw water droplets at you


The most important information is missing - where to position vet to blow out hot air.


Foe years I install a fan in the attic steps to blow the hot air into the attic. I then open the window in the first floor to allow cool air into the house
to replace the hot air. It works best at night with the cooler night temperatures.


this is exactly what i was looking for.


This is why all the houses before home AC were made have attic fans/central fans that blow air throughout and all around the house. I used to have them in my last 2 houses, they're pretty nice but don't compare to AC. There is also a method used on poultry and livestock farm buildings called "cooling cells/cool cells" and use cold water that drop through the "cool cell pads" that maintain the moisture, there a really stiff cardboard rectangle shaped box with holes, the edges are so sharp they can cut you. The holes allow air to flow through the pads and into the building to get it to just the right temperature for the animals. I imagine if you used this method for a house it would work pretty good and maybe even save money. who knows


Exactly 💯! Would a window fan with a Reversible Exhaust Mode help to remove heat from the room? Thank you.


I ran tubing along my cold basement floor and pumped water threw it into a car radiator then I blow a fan threw the radiator. Cools my room pretty well unless it gets of 95 f outside.


I have this idea which I haven't seen anyone implement yet, not on youtube at least.
It's to use 2 radiators, a larger one and a smaller one. The larger stays outdoors where in front of it is placed a wet rug (or any thick porous material). A separate small pump is used to continously pump water over the material so that it stays damp. Then a fan pulls air thru that material and the radiator, thus increasing the cooling of the water that's running thru the radiator. On the other side, in the room the smaller radiator (which is connected thru piping to the bigger radiator+evaporative cooling unit outside) uses another fan to blow air which would be cooler.

The heat in the room would be absorbed by the radiator into the water, where it's being cooled in the outdoor radiator, where the heat is removed into the outside air. I'm not sure how efficient or how much it could help cool a room & if the money & effort spent to build such a contraption would be worth it, tho I'm sure theoretically it should definitely help cool at a lower cost than running an air conditioner.

I cannot afford to build it at the moment, would be cool if someone could try this idea. If & when I build it, I'll definitely be making a video about it.


The fan only cools you, not the room. If the fan doesn’t blow on you it does nothing except maybe ventilation.. Great video!


So you place your fan toward the window blowing air out of the room, correct?


Question: I am in a very, very (unbearably) hot, old, concrete apartment. I face southwest, have 2 rooms, a window in each, both facing the same way (ie no cross-ventilation). Even in the winter in Canada, I cannot cool my bedroom below 75 degrees. In the summer, with a portable AC, it's still hotter. I don't know where to put a fan to blow the air outside as you suggest - my portable AC in my bedroom blocks the window opening. The only option is the window in the living room, which faces the same direction. Where would you put the fan? From you video it seems that the living room is the best option, so that air from the bedroom gets pulled out? (I realize I can experiment but I thought you may have a suggestion!) Thanks so much for this video!


Moving air also helps water(i.e. sweat) evaporate and that phase change steals heat from your skin. A dehumidifier might also help with this.


So is it better to point the fan in front of an open window or in front of me?

Feels cooler when pointed at me.
