How To Connect With Him Emotionally

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How To Connect With Him Emotionally

If you’d like to know how to connect with him emotionally, you might find yourself beyond confused. Men don’t have the same emotional connection that you might find you have with your girlfriends, after all.

And if you don’t understand how to connect with a man using his special needs – you could be walking into a minefield.

Most men pull away from love relationships when he has a struggle to connect with his partner. He will assume the struggle is a “YOU” thing and not a “ME” thing, and he’ll assume you’re NOT the One for him. And marriage will be out of the question.

This is why it’s so imperative that you know how to communicate and connect with him to get him to trust you and open up to you.

If you’d like to know if you have an emotionally unavailable man in your relationship or marriage, you might like my article on that HERE…

It doesn’t matter where you are in your relationship – first date or fiftieth date – the principles are the same. You have to know the way into his heart and be able to connect with him. Better than his buddies can, and definitely better than any other women can. (Yes, including his mom!)

Especially if you desire marriage at some point.

In fact, one of the first mistakes most women make in a growing love relationship (or their marriage) is to prioritize the sex over the talking. Usually this is because our society and culture has prioritized the physical part of relationships as being more important.

And let’s face it – Communication isn’t easy!

Or… is it?

You’re going to be surprised at the real answer. I’ll share that answer after I show you the steps of –

How To Connect With Him Emotionally

TIP: Start sexy & fun…

The truth is that if a man senses that a conversation you’re going to have with him could lead to NOT HAVING SEX, he’s going to check out and withdraw. He won’t risk it.

I cover this in complete detail in my Passion Phrases program – but the fact is that men don’t just want sex; we NEED it. It’s a biological requirement for men to fall in love.

And one of the places where a man feels as if he has NO control is in the area of the bedroom. Men always feel that they’re at the whim of the woman when it comes to satisfying his physical intimacy needs. If his girlfriend or wife isn’t “in the mood,” he’s got to either wait or “handle it” himself.

It’s even MORE true in marriage, by the way.

And trust me when I tell you that you NEVER want your man feeling like he should go anywhere else but you for those intimate love needs. That’s part of marriage for a man.

So one of the best ways to get him to connect with you emotionally is to make sure your communication starts out sexy, fun, and light in tone. No matter what the topic might be!

Men need to be eased into communication.

The best way to make it easy for him is to start out on common ground with him.

Ever wonder why guys joke around so much with each other, giving them a hard time, etc.? Because this is the default “small talk” for guys. It’s allows guys to communicate in emotional ways but not be all sentimental and vulnerable at the start.

(Again, don’t shoot the messenger here. I’m telling you the Truth that most other dating and relationship experts won’t tell you.)

EXPERT TIP: He NEEDS Touch Intimacy…

Here is one area that men and women are actually very similar: We both crave physical touch as part of connection.

Women often use touch to “level set” the group if she says something strong or conspicuous. A woman will reach out to touch other women in the group instinctively to manage strong feelings.

Observe a group of women where one woman may start crying about something that’s really affecting her. The other women with her will almost immediately reach in and hold her to reassure her and contain her feelings.

And to stop her from dwelling on her sadness!

Men need intimate touch during communication to be vulnerable. It helps us to feel safe and “held.”

So be sure you use touch in the right way to keep him feeling safe, connected, and open to talking with you. It’s a huge marriage tip for you as well.

TIP: Watch The Limits…

Men have a limit to how much emotional content they can handle in a conversation. If it gets to be too much, he will feel “flooded.”

This is actually the term for when a person feels that they are ...

If you want to learn the rest - watch the video!

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Carlos Cavallo
Dating Advice Guru
How To Connect With Him Emotionally
Рекомендации по теме

1. start with common ground
touch intimacy
2. watch the limits - dont let him emotionally flooded. start with positive emotions
3. keep the mystery
4. ask abt his experience, ask sincere question abt his life, listen in depth and without judgement. things he enjoys the most
5. dont make him always take care of you. take care of urself - women. make him feel free. disconnect for a while, let him fill the space.
6. kill the fixer. dont change him. make him feel understood and accepted unconditionally.


I feel like I do most of these things. I’m in a committed relationship for 3 years now but I’ve known him for 21 years. We’ve liked each other back and forth for all that time. He’s an introvert so he requires a bit more patience. I know he loves me a lot but I still like to brush up on these relationship advice to keep our love spark alive. I do have to “ease” communication with humor and knowing when to transition to light hearted convo again. I do keep some mystery as well... it’s hard to balance sometimes though.


We connected without even knowing I was doing that! I met him after 8 months after texting & phone calls after we fell in love! We're getting married I'm very mysterious to him although we know alot about each other.


I get male sharing all the time about thier lives. It got overwhemling for me as a woman because i felt they were dumping stuff on me, including men on the street, i became a journal. All are friends, we dont feel attracted to one another. Since theres no chemistry i closed that chapter. Up till now i havent met my equal, women want touch and to be emrbaced more than anything. Great advice though, men want to be understood ❤✨️


Best dating guru ever..Very detailed information and helps me to understand more about guys.


Sigma Female vibe, my kind of communication... love it


Ive been building walls in me even when I was little, I didnt want men to care for me, to help me or assist me, I even limit myself befriending them but all of this has changed when I realize that men needs to feel that they are heroes in women's world. They want to feel wanted.


When I hug one of my lady friends when they're sharing something that they're sad about, I do it to comfort them.


Thanxxxx this has really work for me and he's changing


I didn't know half these things. Thank you!


Understood and being accepted uncoditionally.. Thank you Carlos. I love you and God bless you and your works.. Keep it up!❤❤❤


Boy….did I need to hear this! Thank you! I appreciate your words towards helping a relationship. 😊


You really do put genuine tips in a way I can understand it. You are my Love Language of understanding men. Thank you Carlos


You are still one of my faves. Thanks!


Thank you. This video really helped me.


I'm grateful I got to your pieces they work like magic.kuddo


We were together for 19 yrs and have 4 kids. We are 47 yr old. We divorced September 2018. Now we have been co parenting since then and having sex with each other since this June. I feel like I have been dating my ex husband without a commitment. We aren’t dating anyone else. He wants sex with me, as do I but nothing in between sex and co parenting. He said last night he doesn’t know what he wants and says we are in a weird space. What do you think? So I have to stop chasing him. I want him to fight to win me back. How will he though because I work 2 jobs and still can’t afford all my bills. I’m considering moving into a smaller/cheaper apartment. I have done the self transformation over the last year. I lost the 85 lbs I needed to lose. I am working again, not a stay at home mom. I understand this a process. I do have to shift my focus away from him just becAuse I want he and I and our 4 kids back together. All 4 of my children have had a hard time with this divorce.


Carlos I always like your content! Thank you so much for sharing .😍


BS, you don't need it. You can't start sexy, it is too soon! And then guys call women sl---- h---- and more! IT DOESN'T MAKE ANY SENSE!! Yes, he does have to wait or handle it because SHE DESERVES RESPECT, SHE IS NOT A TOY!!


Excellent! Thank God for you. i blew my chance with him when he forgave me. Now its been 2yrs. So annoying! is there a way i can ask him why you took so long to come back so he doesnt leave again?
