This is What Toxic Codependency Looks Like

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Narcissists use a variety of different tactics to keep you in a constant state of fear, confusion and doubt.

What many people don't know is that a falsely empowered codependent can use those exact same techniques.

This video will cover how they do it and help you recognize how similar they look to a narcissist.





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Hi, I'm Kenny 👋

I specialize in helping you heal from emotional hurt so you can elevate your life by helping you get comfortable with feeling uncomfortable.

I am an advocate for truth and healing. So naturally, therefore, my emotional mastery method might initially feel a bit rough. But, when you start finding answers to the questions you ask yourself (even those you're afraid of), break free from self-destructing behaviors, and begin loving yourself and living your best life, you will feel powerful and empowered.

If you have looked everywhere, are desperate for a solution, and you're ready to stop being held hostage by your emotional misery, your journey to emotional mastery starts here.

It's the secret to finding yourself!

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If a codependent’s ultimate fear is vulnerability, then I’m not co-dependent.


Kenny, it took me being married to a man for 21 years to wake up to realize that I was not loved but abused and used. And it has taken longer than that for me to even begin to feel empowered enough to begin my healing. For you to point out that we have a part in this, that we chose that person to marry, and that it is our responsibility to get help for our own codependency has been very helpful. Yes, I needed my husband so that I could become aware of my need to become un-codependent. Codependency is toxic and I almost died. I must have really needed that person in a huge way to wake me up so that I can spend the rest of my life living my own purpose. Doing what you do is not always easy especially going in a perhaps different direction than a lot of online coaches, but what you do is vitally needed. Thank you!


Narcissist will break your self confidence and make you codependent


This describes me. Got out of a really bad 7 year marriage with a narc, then I attracted another narc with my toxic codependency. This explains why I feel so guilty over my mistakes in the relationship and questioning if I’m the narcissist because I know I made some mistakes and felt terrible.

That moment, is truly when my life became a confusing hell


I totally identify as having been toxically co dependant after watching this. It took a long time to get to me.I can now start to help myself. Thanks for this. It may help exorcise the last demon of a bad start as a child.I felt some shame accepting this but I'm still grateful. Unlike narcissists we aint cruel


Codependence is denoted as ego with a small “e” and Narcissism is Ego with a large “E”.

I agree that 2 sides of the same coin. Opposites attract. Codependent ego internalizes blame and label themselves rather than others. Beliefs such as it is all my fault, taking things personally is the ego saying it is all about me. “e”go= I am not worthy of love so I must earn it to prove to others that I am valuable to not be abandoned.

Narcissists need validation as constant proof that they are valuable, special and powerful and better than another person. They belittle those close to them so they won’t abandon them.

Codependents are Vulnerable with unavailable people! Both have fear of intimacy and don’t believe that their true self is good enough and they must compensate in order to be loved. Narcs put on a facade to earn love and acceptance from others. Codas believe that if they are “good” people and cannot live without another person.

Also, I am good because the narc is the problem. Narcs say I am powerful because I can do these things.


Okay, this is an effect of narcissistic abuse, so victims to recover need to heal from this and learn to identify narcissists
Once you are out of co dependency you are your authentic self that before narcissistic abuse


Kenny, it has also been helpful for me to find out my personality type. As an INFJ, I feel different than most people and need to understand that so that I can be myself and relax more. I am now more accepting of myself and know why I do the things I do. It has aided me into fitting another piece to my personality puzzle.


Yeah toxic codependency really needs much more coverage than it gets, its basically the inverse of narissism. But its like a un-ending emotional fantasy built off lies, not about connection, but the illusion of it. Happiness is the vibes, kill the lies, the fantasy with truth & your evil because your interrupted their fantasy.


Wow this is very eye opening. Thank you for your perspective.


I try and tell people just because your not the narcissist that you are complete innocent..there is a level of distinction and toxicity in you that allow you to attract narcissistic people


My guess is that a cycle of any abuse is learned and repeated so every narc is codependent and was groomed but if a person doesn't honor their own health and gets entangled with a narc, they are likely to cope by growing codependent as the narc will require. The control is reactive and triggered but the difference is they do have care or empathy and show that in non duress times.


Yes this why we need work on ourselves because we are not perfect their. If you want a better life it's only way.


So my co-dependency is at least not toxic *sighs in relief*. I will be vulnerable and open with others on how I feel and take a lot of time trying to see things from their point emotionally and psychologically to make sure my need for reassurance isn't hurting them. I will gladly admit to wrongness on my end too, because in the end, if I need others that badly, I wanna bring something worthwhile to the table. I just gotta keep in mind how exhausting my presence can be in that state though and am working on it haha


Oh boy, just noticed this is getting a bit close to me. Was worried I had NPD but that did not line up too accurately, this is more accurate. And when my wife left me I was hurt more than most people seem to be from those incidents, I think I was emotionally codependent on her.


Then I’m not a co dependent person.

That’s ☝️not my reality.

So, now what 🤷‍♂️

I’m feeling I need to get out of this pop psychology loop


wow so on point as I'm working step 4 I'm taking an honest look at this plus avoidance


Ok. But how do i know then if its a covert narcissist or a codependent..

So what’s the difference between them and a narc? Birthday problems and love bombing? Lol, I kinda find it weird


I think an ex friend was a narcissistic with some codependent traits. And was a 'christian'. Thanks for sharing this.
