Jellyfish - Film Review

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Jellyfish is the directorial debut of British Filmmaker James Gardner and tells the story of a 15 year old girl called Sarah (Liv Hill) from Margate, who is the sole care-giver to her mentally-ill mother (Sinead Matthews) an her two younger siblings (Henry Like and Jemima Newman).
Her performing arts teacher Mr Hale (Cyril Nri) spots potential in Sarah to do a stand-up comedy act for her performing arts class showcase. Expect laughs and tragedy with this one.
Enjoy my review of the kitchen sink drama jellyfish. x

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#Jellyfish #JamesGardner #LivHill #SineadMatthews#CyrilNri
Рекомендации по теме

I absolutely love this film.Harrowing, moving and funny alongside great acting whats not to like


I'm still really confused about the ending????


im sitting here with jemima newman, the one who played lucy and she thinks this is great
