Is Dry Fasting Safe? #shorts

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I dry fasted once due to a knee injury and difficulty getting around. It was just 24hrs but it had an incredible, and positive, impact on me. I think I will do it more.


My wife did a hard dry fast in 2023 and grew back her damaged uterine wall from 3mm to 14mm in 4 weeks. (*Edit it was 96 hours or 4 full days).


My biggest mistake in dry fasting was breaking the fast with food instead of water. I had an incredibly hard time digesting the food due to lack of hydration. I should’ve water fasted for a couple of days before I broke the fast with food.


Fasting, particularly dry dasting is free health care. People have gone as far as 2 weeks with no issues and have healed nearly everything you can think of.


I have done soft, dry fasting. The longest was 4 days, and it was pretty good for self exploration. I sometimes start my water fast with dry fasting as well, makes it easier.


We dry fast every year for Ramadan and never had any issues, especially when being on carnivore or keto diet, it gets a lot easier ❤


Research dry fasting. August Dunning. He has 2 books about it along with YouTube videos. I have done several 7 day dry fasts and it’s amazing. Like Jason Fung mentions, you work yourself up to longer fasts.


Love your content! I’m now eating carnivore and love it. I’m already seeing results. I know you have great videos on kidney disease and the carnivore diet. I shared them with my brother with kidney disease. If you have time, can you make a video on how blood work will change in someone with kidney disease if they eat carnivore or mostly meat? My brother is stage 3B and I’m concerned his doctors will talk him out of carnivore after his bloodwork changes. A short clip would be great so he can have to show his doctor. His nephrologist only advised him to avoid salt 🤦🏻‍♀️ and processed foods (a given). IMO he’s totally useless and I’m extremely concerned for my brother. My brother has a poor memory and gets overwhelmed easily so something easy to understand that drives the point home. He’s a diabetic and lost toes on each foot. 😢 Thank you for all you do! 🙂


Thanks Dr. Berry. Dry fasting is a lot easier for me. The longest I've done is 5 days hard dry fasting. It stopped unexpected weight gain in its tracks and the weight loss was amazing. With experience, it's better to break and ease into a simpler fast.


Thx for doing this, filming it and sharing it with us.


I do 3 days with nothing, water/food every 2-3 months, also omad for 5yrs.👍🏼


I found when my kids were little and got sick with viral gastroenteritis from school or preschool, if I gave them even a few mouthfuls of water they would throw it up and remain sick for several days. So once I realised even water was a problem I would dry fast my kids, nil by mouth, for exactly 24h from the moment if the first symptoms. After the 24 hours they could keep down water and by the 36 hour mark they were back to bouncing around the backyard.


We dry fast 25 hours, 2x a year for religious reasons. No one drops dead because of it . Obviously you have to be moderately healthy with no exceptional health complications.
We've been doing this for 1000's of years.
I had no idea there was another definition to fasting until recently.


I started dry fasting during my regular ADF, and it has been a game changer in overcoming a weight loss plateau and balancing my electrolytes. I just feel better. What I usually do is fast Monday, Wednesday and Friday, the whole day. On those days, I don't drink any water until the evening time, mostly to take my magnesium supplement, so it ends up being about 20 hours of dry fasting, and 36 hours of fasting from food.


I LOVE dry fasting. I integrate it into my IF for 10-12hrs to avoid nighttime peeing. I’ve been doing a weekly dry fast of 36-72hrs to reset my digestive system and deal with effects of oxalate dumping. It’s so much easier than water fasting and is a total rest for the digestive and elimination systems. I’ve done research and belong to a dry fssting community.


I prefer dry fasting it’s much easier for me than water fasts. Thanks for the green light Dr Berry ❤


I have done a lot of dry fasting recently. Longest so far was a little over 7 days. Currently wrapping up day 3.


I get leg and foot cramps if I don't drink enough water during the day. Good for some, not for me.


I love you dr. You’re always putting your ass on fire❤🙏


I dry fasted for 3 days and exercised. Nobody told me it was dangerous 😅
