3 Workouts Per Week = Gains 💪🏻

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This is not to say that 3 days per week is the "ideal" frequency or that it's what you should specifically follow.

I'm just pointing out the fact that you don't HAVE to be in the gym every single day (or 6, 5 or even 4 days per week for that matter) in order make significant muscle building progress.

If you're genuinely training hard and progressively on a properly structured plan, you absolutely can make excellent gains training 3 days per week.

Hell, even 2 days per week can be enough to make solid size and strength progress if you really know what you're doing.

This is especially important to understand for those who are very limited on time and need to maximize their training efficiency... or for beginners who might feel a bit intimidated because they think it'll require Monday to Saturday sessions for 2 hours at a time to build muscle effectively.

Speaking anecdotally - during my earlier years of lifting when I was at my very biggest and strongest - the majority of that was spent training 3 days per week with only brief phases of bumping it up to 4.

It's also how I got started in the gym and built the majority of my initial muscle over the first 5 years, and it's how I currently train as well.

Once again (since I know people are going to misinterpret this) I am NOT saying that you *should* switch to a 3 day per week plan - there are plenty of people with amazing physiques who train 6 days a week or even every single day, and there are way too many variables at play to say what will be optimal for each individual.

All I'm saying is that it's a fine option if done correctly and should not be viewed as some kind of "minimalist" approach. If it does feel minimalist, you probably just aren't training hard enough to make it work.

#fitness #gym #workout #buildmuscle #bodybuilding
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The demon on my shoulder tells me I'm fat and lazy if I don't go 4-5 days a week


You don't understand Sean, I need to workout 6 days a week to keep myself sane



This is not to say that 3 days per week is the "ideal" frequency or that it's what you should specifically follow.

I'm just pointing out the fact that you don't HAVE to be in the gym every single day (or 6, 5 or even 4 days per week for that matter) in order make significant muscle building progress.

If you're genuinely training hard and progressively on a properly structured plan, you absolutely can make excellent gains training 3 days per week.

Hell, even 2 days per week can be enough to make solid size and strength progress if you really know what you're doing.

This is especially important to understand for those who are very limited on time and need to maximize their training efficiency... or for beginners who might feel a bit intimidated because they think it'll require Monday to Saturday sessions for 2 hours at a time to build muscle effectively.

Speaking anecdotally - during my earlier years of lifting when I was at my very biggest and strongest - the majority of that was spent training 3 days per week with only brief phases of bumping it up to 4.

It's also how I got started in the gym and built the majority of my initial muscle over the first 5 years, and it's how I currently train as well.

Once again (since I know people are going to misinterpret this) I am NOT saying that you *should* switch to a 3 day per week plan - there are plenty of people with amazing physiques who train 6 days a week or even every single day, and there are way too many variables at play to say what will be optimal for each individual.

All I'm saying is that it's a fine option if done correctly and should not be viewed as some kind of "minimalist" approach. If it does feel minimalist, you probably just aren't training hard enough to make it work.


If youre a busy person 3 days a week is far more sustainable than pretty much anything else, and as we know consistency is likely THE most important factor.


Remember: More workouts = less time to recover > less sets per session


Consistency, training to failure, and progressive overload is what works for me and at 60 years old I would have to give consistency the number one thing that has worked for me.


5-6 days a week or the demons come back


You’re the goat bro, your shorts help me out a lot, great work man appreciate it


You literally make me feel so much better about myself


We need a longer "old style" video on this topic Sean!!! Keep the good work!


As long as I get my 2 time per muscle group a week I'm good.


Absolutely, Full body workouts 3 days a week are very very good!


I train 3 times a week, full body for about 2 hours (sometimes a bit more) and I personally achieved great results. 3 times a week is definetly enough if you use your time at the gym properly.


I’ve been working out about 16 years. In the past 2 years I switched to 3 days a week, full body, with good intensity. For the first time I was able to break 175 as a hard gainer. I’m now at 200 lbs and love the weight I’m finally at. 3 days a week for me turned out to be better. Not to mention it’s easier since I have a wife, child, and also do martial arts. ❤


I’m in the gym 6 days a week not to grow, cause i’m depressed 💀💀💀
edit: boys i'm perfectly fine, tho nothing makes me feel alive like Jim does so here i am 😈😈


Quality on this video is immaculate, so glad to have influencers such as yourself to put thought out, concise, and accurate information out there


My split is 6 days, but that's just for me and my goals. I could probably condense my volume and do more on fewer days, but I love training and like dedicating a portion of each day to it.


Thank you!! This is exactly the info I needed. Sir, you are awesome.


Thankyou so much, I go 3 days a week with push, pull, legs and I sometimes overthinka nd question whether it's enough. Simple and quick answer
