10 Amazing Orchids you should have! #1 - Moth Orchids, Coconut Orchid & more!

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Get your wish lists ready! These Orchids are wonderful and you should definitely consider them for your collections!

00:00 - Intro
01:40 - 1. Brassocattleya Hoku Gem 'Sunspots' - The only Cattleya Orchid I know of that makes secondary spikes!
03:17 - 2. Paraphalaenopsis labukensis - I grew this Orchid ever since she was a tiny seedling! Takes Phalaenopsis Care
04:57 - 3. Phalaenopsis Ice Whisper - A big lip moth Orchid perfect for weddings!
06:56 - 4. Laeliocattleya Hsin Buu Lady-sincorana - Who loves the scent of lilies?
12:43 - 8. Tolumnia Jairak Flyer Big Bang - Talk about bright colors!
13:43 - 9. Phalaenopsis schilleriana - Arguably the most famous moth Orchid out there!
15:47 - 10. Zygopetalum Louisendorf - Hyacinth scent from an Orchid?? Yes!
17:47 - Outro

All the video titles that appear throughout the video are public and searchable too, just type that title in the search bar! Also feel free to search any orchid topic as well, together with my YouTube name, MissOrchidGirl :)

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Music: The Pendulum Clock - Francis Wells
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Orchid Nature
P.O. BOX 29002, CY-1620, Nicosia, Cyprus
🌸 Other things I use:
Osmocote Pro High K slow release
Ikea Stuff: Tradfir smart plugs, Shelves Vittsjo, Rudsta, Milsbo, Kallax, decorative pots
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The Ice Whisperer and the last one were my favorites.


Oh I’m so excited! I have a tolumnia Jairak flyer big bang, but it was a very immature, maybe not so healthy specimen when I received it, so it hasn’t bloomed yet. So I’m so happy to see the possible result!! It is growing its first healthy chubby looking fan…so it’s happening soon!


Thanks! I love your channel. You are personally responsible for my orchid hobby!


The ice whisperer makes a beautiful flowers for a wedding .The cattleya also would makes a beautiful flowers for a wedding.😮


That purple orchid in the intro...to die for! OMG


The Paraphalaenopsis labukensis's flowers literally looks like an eagle swooping down on a lobster....wonderful!


Phalaenopsis Schilleriana has won me over. The flowers are so beautiful but the leaves! I just love the big, beautiful patterned leaves 😍


I would be a proud mama to any of these. I am just starting my journey with orchids and I listen to you faithfully. I’m only have west facing windows. I am hoping to be successful and treat these babies well.


I'm sad to hear you're leaving, especially when I just started with my orchids. Your dedication and love will go on. Praying for you and your new direction as I will continue to watch and care for my orchids in your honor. Thank you for everything...❤


Danny thank you so much that you are trying so much to find a way to continue somehow orchids in bloom, since it was my favorite series. I am with Covid and I started watching your very first orchids in bloom. Such a treat! Well I really liked the Cattleya, but here in Greece in flower shops you find only phalaenopsis, cymbidium and lately vandas and dendrobiums mobile type. Cattleyas no, not at all. Thank god we have orchid nurseries and thanks to you I have a schilleriana, a tenuifolia, a bronze maiden, paphs and lately I own 2 tolumnias. You are the best ❤


Hi Dani, I have been keeping my eye out for the Phalaenopsis Schilleriana. I live in a dry desert climate, (high desert) and have been watching your video's for about a year. About 10 years ago, I had a collection of orchids and I struggled! Every video I watch, I understand just a bit more of what went wrong, you give me inspiration to start again. 😊😊Thank you!


Gosh darn it your content is soooo amazing!!!


The Hoku Gem sunspots might be my favorite today.

The coconut orchid would have been number one on my wishlist, but this winter I saved a very shriveled maxillaria tenfolia that I found in a back corner of a nursery, and it’s doing beautifully for me- gorgeously plump pseudobulbs. But I am waiting patiently for it to bloom for the first time. It may be a while since it was probably fairly set back, but I’m excited.


Phalaenopsis Ice Orchid.. got it, thank you so much for passing along the name -- I've been in search of this one for a while. Sooo on my wishlist. ❤


Schllineria, my favorite/beautiful, fragrant with abundant flowers.


That paraphalainopsis labukensis has such interesting looking flowers. I am intrigued!


Thank you for sharing your beautiful collection.


I loved them all! I can't choose a favorite! Lol


Imagine that— so many purple orchids on your list of favs!! 🤷‍♂️😉 They’re gorgeous; thanks for sharing. Super excited about this series!


The Schilleriana is SO beautiful! I have to agree-I am not a pink person, but there is something so ethereal about schilleriana's ❤ I'm dying to have one!
