Amazing Phalaenopsis Orchids you should have!

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00:00 - Intro
01:35 - Phalaenopsis schilleriana
05:07 - Phalaenopsis Orchid World 'Bonnie Vasquez'
08:09 - Phalaenopsis Yaphon Golden Leopard
10:31 - Big Lip White NoID Phalaenopsis
13:36 - Phalaenops Bronze Maiden or Phalaenopsis Schillmann
17:02 - Outro

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Music: Love Switch - Justnormal
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Ikea Stuff: Tradfir smart plugs, Shelves Vittsjo, Rudsta, Milsbo, Kallax, decorative pots
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Phalaenopsis Galore! Yes, please! I always love seeing everything you have in bloom! :-) It provides inspiration and helps to moderate our expectations of our own orchid collections because not everything is blooming all the time. It's fun to estimate based on size of a collection and what genus of orchid we have, how many will be in bloom in a given season, what is the potential of a certain orchid and what we want to add to our wish lists. Also, thanks for sharing your perception of orchid fragrances. I love beautifully scented flowers and having an idea of what an orchid may smell like is a fun bonus!


I feel the same about the NoID white phal. I spotted one among many dozens of mixed phal at a big box store and I am so glad that I did not talk myself out of buying it. What a standout pure white. The tiny bit of yellow pollen is hidden from view as well.


Phaleanopsis Galore! Yes, would love to see that!
I love the Phaleanopsis Schilleriana. Beautiful!


My favourite phalaenopsis is Yaphon golden leaperd. It’s so pretty and I wish I had it. Love your vids.


OMG! I adore Phalaenopsis! I can simply not pass by a flower shop, see a gorgeous mini (or regular one for that matter 😊) and take one home… my boyfriend keeps wondering how they are multiplying so rapidly 😂 he feels like he’s living in a jungle ❤ Love it ❤❤❤❤ That Bronze Maiden is spectacular


Nothing like a solid white or primarily white phalenopsis for that classic elegant look.I've got 2 big ones that are almost all white... I've got 1 with a tiny streak of yellow across the lip & 1 with a really lovely little horizontal streak of purple across the middle.It's amazing to me how beautiful the humble affordable phalenopsis hybrids from grocery stores can look after a few years of good care.So far I've got 7 lovely phals, these truly are charming wonderful plants😄💚.


Schilleriana is already on my wishlist 🤩
Bonnie Vasquez should also be there. The spring and warm is coming, so time to check online nurseries 😉


They’re all so pretty! 🤩 Bronze Maiden is my favorite. 💖


Last year I only had one orchid, a phal. Amabilis that I "kidnapped" from my grandma after like 5-6 years in the same pot, same bark mix it came in from the flower shop. I expected to go down in pot size cause it smelled so wasted, but there were maybe 2 dead roots. I rushed to the shop for the biggest transparent pot they had which looks like a bucket 😂 but has great drainage and lets me see the roots and media. It grew 2 new super long super big leaves and bloomed. I got 4 super big flowers.

Also, during the past year, I've aquired 2 more regular size Phals, 3 mini Phals, a Wilsonara, a Beallara, the famous Nelly Isler, one regular size Oncidium sold to me as a mini, an actual mini Oncidium, a Cymbidium, and a Vanda.

It's because of you, Dani. You're fueling my plant "problem". 😂❤

Edit: and a paphiopedilum. I ordered that one online yesterday, it hasn't reached me yet.


Phalaenopsis galore! 🤩 Would love to see your whole collection!


just makes me even more determined to get my hands on a schilleriana ❤


Hi Danny, I just watched this video again (just in the mood today to relax and see your beautiful orchids in bloom). I absolutely fell in love with Yaphon Golden Leopard with all the yellow markings on the white background 🥰 but sadly my searches aren't finding it at any of the US growers I have shopped with...oh well, it's now on my wish list and I'll settle for watching this video from time to time to appreciate her gorgeousness.


I love that Yaphon Golden Leopard it’s going on my wish for sure


They are all beautiful, but I really love the Phalaenopsis Yaphon Golden Leopard!


Hi Danny! Bronze Maiden is already in flower shops! I bought mine like 2 weeks ago and looks magnificent! It has a lot of pink and white dots 🙂


So pretty. Bronze Maiden is really pretty. Thank you for sharing.


Omg I would love a Phalaenopsis galore video!! 🥰


Definitely would love to see your other Phals! I want the Schilleriana! I've got to start hunting immediately! LOL! It's so beautiful!


I just bought two, small schilleriana online after watching this video. I can’t wait to receive them!


Yes, please do Phalaenopsis Parade! I'm on the learning curve to care for my first orchid ever (Phalaenopsis), would be lovely to meet new potential lovelies ! 🏵
