The 3 Stages of Spiritual Awakening (Which are you on?)

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This video will teach you to understand the 3 stages of spiritual awakening, known in Vedanta as hearing, contemplation and absorption. Known classically as Sravana, Manana, and Nididhyasana.

#vedanta #spirituality #hinduism

0:00 Intro
0:23 Retreat
0:42 Stage One (Sravana)
2:12 Stage Two (Manana)
5:17 Stage Three (Nididhyasana)
8:02 Conclusion

Alternate Video Titles:
Three Stages of Spiritual Liberation
The Three Levels of Spritual Growth in Vedanta
Spiritual Liberation According to Advaita Vedanta
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Lately I find myself more and more in a state of flow. Being and less doing. Life is so much easier when my mind doesn’t interfere.


I love that you're still posting videos! It's been years, thank you for these.


Thank you. I feel we all "drop the veil" in very different, yet very similar ways and progression. I am now roughly two years in, yet in some ways a lifetime, perhaps multiple lifetimes in, regarding the "veil drop". Though I can look back and see that I have had multiple forms of guru my whole life, it was only about two years ago that the grace of the guru Ramana Maharshi came to me. These two years have brought me deeper yet I still struggle. Even as I feel I attain greater awareness to the awareness I also find myself backsliding daily with regards to being overcome by thought. And though I have moments where it feels as if ultimate clarity is around the corner, I then fall back into darkness. I have no one else in my human life to talk with these things about, so sometimes I will post on Youtube videos where like-un-minded "others" are also working at dislodging the veil. I am still at a place where less talking and more diving deep is better for my progress. Yet sometimes a part of me wants to engage in some from with others in a similar place.Thank you for your posts. Even as technology adds more to the veil for many people, it also brings gugu's like Ramana Maharshi to others, making truth and reality more available to those who are blessed with that grace. Bless you, brother.


My spiritual awakening wasn't intentional, I would say it was as a result of trauma. I just woke up one day and I didn't understand how I was feeling. There was nothing fun about it. I'm glad I still have my sanity today 😅
But today I'm grateful for my awareness, my knowledge, the deep peace within me and my countless being able to manifest whatever I put my mind to 😊


I just now learned you changed your name from kois corner and before the last time I saw you didn't have the throat Chakra symbol I have the same symbol tattooed on my neck. Mine is the 3rd eye Chakra mixed with the throat Chakra. The vishuddha Chakra or however you spell it haha I can't believe we have such similar neck pieces 😂 I have blue and green lotus flowers on the each side of mine. Thanks for still being here!


Hi Vishuddha, I hope you and your family are well 🙏🏻


I hadn't checked this latest vid out mainly cause idk why my home page hadn't had you on it. I remember you'd inspired my spiritual journey long ago and I'm so much farther now !!!! With a long long way to go. Trying to sober up and such but I'm always appreciating the now. 💃😋 Anywho hope you're ok, brother. 💞


Ayahuasca was what woke me up like a slap in the face 😅😊


Thank u for sharing brother, we are one ❤


Hey Vishudda Das wishing peace & blessings to you & yours 🙏🏼, I wanted to ask and see if you would be able to make a video on seeting up a pooja table/altar & how to preform the spiritual practice or meditation that goes with it in sitting & sending/receiving love of the guru's/teachers/deities/loved ones chosen for it. Please? Also a video for a list on books for Advaita Vedanta for starting out & its linear path in study for its progression, a list would be super cool to see the laid out path for study


Hi Vishuddha, I love the wisdom you share and how you're helping so many people on their spiritual journeys! 🙏 I'm a specialist in AI and automation, and I believe I could help you reach an even broader audience and streamline your efforts, allowing you to focus more on your teachings. I'd love to have a conversation to explore how we could potentially work together to amplify your impact and success. If you're open to it, please feel free to reach out! 🌟


Hi Vishuddha Das, I like your new videos. I watch your old videos to help me remember the basics. But I think YouTube is deleting some of your old videos. Is there anyway to watch your old videos or are they gone forever. You are doing an amazing job and thank you for all the positivity you have showed us all these years. Keep it up. :)


Before watching I believe the very first step :)


man you such a legend, i was looking for an old video of yours, the " why i stopped smoking " and i couldn't find it


As much I'd like to progress more, I feel like still being thought of rough basics on stage one.

Ram ram


I thought we'd have frequent uploads back. We missed it :(


It is the idea itself, that there can be no ideas) You can't escape the mind, but you can obviously play in this game, only to finally realize that this is pointless)


dude your channel has grown crazy werent you kois corner or something like that a long time ago?


I’ve wanted to ask where you got your necklace from for the longest time now. 😂 Thank you again for all your videos, I find them extremely helpful. ❤


What about praying ? I think in vaisnava theology it's the 4th part of realizing or awaking maybe it does play a part in advaita vedanta also?
