Unlocking Spiritual Illumination: The 3 Stages of The Spiritual Awakening No One Talks About

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Spiritual awakening, though challenging, unfolds as a transformative and enriching experience for many. It is entirely normal to feel lost, confused, alone, and anxious during this process.

Explore the transformative stages of spiritual awakening, gaining insights into your journey. Join us in uncovering the profound challenges and revelations that accompany each stage, empowering a deeper understanding of your spiritual evolution. Navigate your spiritual path with a grasp of the distinct stages, each offering unique experiences and invaluable life lessons.

Here are The 3 Life-Changing Stages Of Spiritual Awakening. Learn more and watch the full video 🙏🏼

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I've always felt a strong pull towards advancing humanity's grand pursuits, eager to harness the power of influence, unlock the secrets to lasting happiness, and safeguard our shared future. My drive isn't rooted in selfish ambition, but rather in a sincere commitment to making a meaningful impact. I'm endlessly curious about unraveling the mysteries of human nature, chasing after wisdom that has long eluded many. My goal is to honor the aspirations of our forebears by pursuing the knowledge they yearned for us to possess.


The Beautiful Beings of Gaia would like to thank Soul Alchemy for your service. We are forever grateful.


❤ I want to share with you that I have Awakened.. like a new born baby it’s been a moment by moment awakening.. it’s not a one and done.. I was able to see my mind/ego at work chasing thoughts and emotions.. I can feel the energy shift while my ego is running the show. I finally woke my ass up. I’m 68 .an All I can say that I am in the quiet, in solitude, I am what is that is not a thought or emotion. I am the one experiencing these things. I can now see my mind and my thoughts as I chase them down a rabbit hole. And then I stop take deep breath’s and focus on one thing repeating one word. And then let go of that word. Take deep breath’s and you will find you are there. See where you are. Be there .. the mind will throw all kinds of thoughts.. see them .. take a deep breath and focus again.. Be where you are. Without judgement.. or emotions. See where you are . My apartment, my city, state, county, world.. and on and on. This is where you are manifesting the one you call .. ( name here) . Here to express love, compassion, kindness, generosity, and share the light you are.


“ I am you, you are me and we are us.”




In my awakening, this channel has become my sanctuary. I think you.


Thank you so much for this information. It humbled me even more and gave me a different perspective to look at.❤


Another wonderful message. Thank you for your guidance and ideas. They make my life purpose much, much clear; my state of mind peaceful and joyful. Your videos should be heard by most of the people in this country; perhaps, there would be more awakening and less mental chaos and unhappiness. 👏🏻❤️


Thank you for this invaluable guidance .
I am grateful..
I love The Lord, my God, with every aspect of my being. 😇😇😇💗💗💗🌹🌹🌹🌻🌻🌻🦋🦋...


I know this ....I KNOW NOTHING AT ALL !! I trust in my Path....


I always appreciate you sharing the Greatness with us.


I listen to a lot of channels like yours and your channel is one of my favorites!
Keep up the good work you really have the light with in you ✌🏻👽


I have lost everything at least three times. All of those losses made me search for something higher. I made mistakes and even got into substance-abuse to escape the depression but something has to be positive about losing all these things. Depression is killing me and the boredom is excruciating.


There is no difference between God and the Universe. God is in everyone and everything. We are all sons and daughters of God. Gospel of Thomas: The Kingdom of Heaven is within and all around you. If they say the Kingdom of Heaven is in the sky then the birds will precede you. If they say the Kingdom of Heaven is in the sea then the fish will precede you. No, the Kingdom of Heaven is within and all around you.


"Let the darkness guide you, " Zombie Queen by Ghost. The mistake is not allowing the darkness to swallow you. I learned that in my own spiritual growth is improved when I allow myself to be comfortable in the darkness and eventually the light will come. The darkness is what will transform us. Though, my own experience is not the same for everyone. Each person needs to do their own exploring and disregard people who think they know it all.


Three words came into my mind as the most deceitful thoughts in my head.. Lust …. Sympathy And Envy .


Nobody can answer the question of how the dreamstate. ?


so if you have enemies and thire know that you are on a spiritual awaken what will happen, when you be come conscience and you have intercourse that protection is still around me ?


Ironically, it sounds like you have it all figured out. My opinion is that one of many reasons one person can never be better than another is that the speed of my evolution is not my own choice which is what is meant by let no man boast only by the grace of God can one enter the Kingdom of Heaven/God. This is also what science says and there is no logical argument against it though many feel compelled to say well you'll find out on judgement day and usually something about burning in hell for eternity. I don't think the words thy Kingdom come thy will be done are ambiguous. Jesus riding the donkey into Jerusalem is the ambiguous statement of the same fact. Guess who the donkey is?
I think the evidence is strong that everyone is on their own journey together as one. Science tells us it's opinion in the naming of the Universe. The scriptures of all the major religions say the same in my opinion with the stories often telling of how things appear to be and the meaning of the names telling us about the cause of all things which appear to be. The scriptures of all the major religions tell us the cause of all things is our being and all exist within our being. One being known as the Universe ever evolving as one story. 🙏
