The 4 Stages Of Spiritual Awakening | Michael Bernard Beckwith

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What is spiritual growth?
Is there a step-by-step process?
How do you start your spiritual journey?

#envisioning #spiritualawakening #michaelbeckwith
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1 To me ( victim mode )
2 by me (manifest stage )
3 through me ( being a channel
4 As me ( i am it, oneness with all)


This makes so much sense! I'm in stage two. I'm studying and practicing using the Law of Attraction. The study and practice of Universal Laws primarily the Law of Attraction basically Law of Vibration is...WOW! I'm learning how to truly master my thoughts and emotions. Its not easy. I'm still learning. Thank you so much for posting. I am truly grateful! Namaste.


Usually, to some extent, I go through every stage daily.
Nowadays I'm in stage 3 or 4 most of the time. It's getting better every day.


Definitely shifting into stage 3 and excited to be co-creating with the universe


WOW tears of complete Joy right now. Healing from the inside out. I've been seeking and asking Universe to show me the Truth. Thank you. Love and Peace


I Love You! Your wisdom is deep and so eloquently expressed. Bless you!!!


I’m in the stage 3, in the Void/Hermit/Limbo phase. I’m just being, doing nothing, all the plans I’ve had fell apart and I’m feeling complete emptiness inside of me. In the beginning it was very scary, as an empath I was always overloaded with emotions, mine and from others.
This stage I call “a very weird blessing”. I completely surrender, I’m making room inside of myself for my Higher Self to enter, I’m healing, I’m observing, learning. I have deep knowing that everything is going to be okay and allowing the process to take place. I grew to love this stage. It’s just peaceful.


I once was on Level 1, mindvally helped me and after few months of spiritual practice i skipped level 2 and now i'm at level 3. Had a calling 4 months ago, now life is coming through me. ❤️


You will get SO MUCH from actually enrolling in the course. IT IS LIFE CHANGING! I will be taking it again. Rev Michael is truly one of God’s great vessels, a true instrument


I feel like I'm in stage 1, and I go at a pace that feels naturel to me. I can't move onto stage 2. Until I've learned and found MY TRUTHS...I know about manifestation...I'm just not at that stage. I don't think one can hurry up a spiritual awakening/journey. It all unfolds & you learn & move up. I'm looking at shadow work atm & cord cutting. I will say ....I am so glad I was awakened. To think that It took me until I was 36 until I had an awakening. And what I know now as opposed to what I didn't know. Is just mind-blowing. I am going through a spiritual awakening. While in recovery from addiction. It was a mixture of addiction & my little brother's death. That brought my spiritual awakening on. I believe that My little brother had a part to play in my awakening. After all he is an " mutli dimensional bieng, an infinite soul. 💞✨✨📿


As a man thinketh and believeth in his heart, so is he. Our thoughts shall and do become All the things, occurrences, situations, circumstances, abundant blessings We think about and Speak of daily!!! Thoughts set the pace, words determine our fortune or fate. To God be the Praise and Glory in All things always. Thank you God and Jesus for my All Abundantly, Prosperous Wealthy life!!


A spiritual awakening I can see myself going through this stages wow...AMAZING


Entering Stage 3 now, so much masculine order and so many manifestations in my life, time to face my shadows and allow that which i have given no attention to. Thank you for your guidance Michael Beckwith. 💛


I am between stage 1 and 2 .. moving forward...


Good to see people awakening...sending love


BEAU-TI-FUL!! Such a clear explanation by this wonderful wise man!

I am getting aware that I spend most of my time in the masculine energy, stage 2.
Every now and then I enter stage 3, the feminine energy. And I love that stage 🙂. It feels like effortlessly surfing the waves.

Lately I am becoming more and more aware of the difference between the masculine (control, practical) and the feminine (allowing, surrendering) qualities and how I have lived most of my life in the masculine energy.

I love entering the feminine energy more and more 🤗

Thank you for sharing this wonderful teaching: a lovely way to start my day!

Savannah 😘


I want to thank you soooo much for sharing the knowledge your father shared with you! He is/was an amazing man. I wish I had male guidance figure in my childhood!! Thank you Thank you!


so powerfully said. these awareness has really done so good in my life. i am so grateful for for this community of spiritually awakened beings. thank you thank you thank you!


-"You go into the zone at time' : An oh man it is so amazing when it happen. Bliss, Peace, nothing feel better.


Thank you so much for the enlightenment. I am on stage 3 it's been a journey but I am very thankful. God Bless.
