Vitamin D Deficiency and Depression

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Vitamin D Deficiency and Depression

Signs and Symptoms
1. Frequent Illness
2. Fatigue
3. Lower back pain
4. General sadness or low mood
5. Bone loss
6. Hair loss
7. Muscle pain
8. Impaired healing
9. Skin issues

June 2020: The effect of Vit D supplement on negative emotions: A systematic review and meta-analysis.
**25 Trials with a total of 7535 participants.
**A subgroup analysis showed Vit D had an effect on patients with major depressive disorder and on subjects with serum 25(OH) levels less than or equal to 50nmol/L(20ng/ml)
**Dosage of less than or equal to 4000IU/day for 8 weeks or greater.

Conclusion: Patients with major depressive disorder and individuals with vitamin D deficiency are most likely to benefit from supplementation.

Supplement recommendations:
Vitamin D3-5000IU/125 mcg with or after meals
Vitamin K2-100 mcg (menaquinone-7) with or after meals
Magnesium(citrate, glycinate, threonate)-200-400mg

Dr. Jin Sung is a Chiropractic Physician who specializes in the management of complex chronic conditions in Massachusetts, 30 minutes north of Boston. He utilizes natural and alternative therapies to help manage complex cases such as Hashimoto's, autoimmune conditions, IBS, SIBO, chronic fatigue, brain fog, early Alzheimer's, etc.

Office Contact
978 688-6999

Metagenics Magnesium Glycinate
Metagenics Magnesium Citrate
Xymogen's Magnesium Threonate

Numedica Vit D3 and K2
Vital Nutrients K2 and D3
Allergy Research Group Vitamin D3 Complete w/Vitamin A and K2
Biotics Research Bio-ADEK-Mulsion
Vitamin D Plus K-Klaire Labs

Designs for health LV-GB Complex
Seeking Health-Ox Bile 125mg
Pure Encapsulations-Digestion GB
Biotics Research-Beta Plus
Apex Energetics-Bilemin

Dr. Sung's Online Supplement Dispensary-conditions apply. Certain companies will require a prescription from Dr. Sung.

The content of this video is for educational purposes only and does not constitute medical advice. Please consult with your physician before embarking on any dietary changes or taking any nutritional supplements.
Рекомендации по теме

I recently bumped my D3 to 8000iu. Used to be 2-4000iu. I experience terrible depression in Fall and Winter. Since I changed my intake I noticed myself feeling much much better.


I struggle with depression and low levels of Vitamin D3. I can attest that this is true. I only take 2000IU daily but it makes a huge difference with depression and immune system. If I stop taking it for awhile, it’s very noticeable with my mood and I end up getting sick.


Good video. Something no one ever discusses is the fact that depression is the body's way to get you to stay stationary so it can heal itself. Just thought I'd throw that out there.


I have Graves disease and a level of 47nml/l. Went on 5000IU's a day and after a mnth I was so energized I was normal. From bedridden that is. Slowly over about one year my body recovered from ALL the symptoms Ive had from depression to lower back pain to hormonal issues to autoimmune condition, to hair loss and depression..Then came my doctor and tol me to go off them bc my level was at 214. All my symptoms came back after a month and despite having been on them now for about 2 weeks, I feel as fatigued as before so Im waiting and hope in 2 weeks I'll be back to energized again.


Do not Judje others - work on yourself!
Whats a great line! Thank you


I have a low vitamine d at 10, and i do have anxiety most of the time and depression and since July i started to have suicidal thoughts every single day and huge anxiety i do lose my breath with that anxiety, when i started my vitamin d the suicidal thoughts want away, and i stoped losing my breath when i get anxious.
But i still do have anxiety


Superb video brother.
Thanks again for sharing your knowledge.
Peace and blessings!


Will you please make a video about inflammation related depression as well, please? Would very much appreciate it!!!


Great info as usual and love the outro message/advice.


I find it amazing that vitamin D affects lower back pain, wonder why that it is?


My workplace is mostly in a windowless basement and it also rains often about 3/4 of the year here. I started trying D-drops, but found out that Vitamin D supplements come in tasty fruit-flavoured gummies. What an easy potential fix. There are pills that I have to swallow but if I can take some in candy form, that's great (no kids, so no risk of it getting into the wrong hands). I will look at getting Vit K and Magnesium.


Sleep loss and low mood fo rme. Had my bloods checked and my doctor prescribed 3000iu to start for 3 months and down to 1000mg daily, long term. Feeling better now I know will now do the Magnesium too. Thank you so much. 🇬🇧


Any body who facing mental Fog..mean who will i am going to loss memory etc thing any body suffer in this condition?


My problems: chornic constipation, headache, weakness, full body pain, sleep problems, low appetite, low mood, restlessness, 😞😭 please help me🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻


I cant sleep properly for 3yrs longer then 4hours at night nd then I wake up. Since 3months im getting dizzy all the time like nd t feels that somebody is pushing my head to the ground when Im working hard or work pressure is high. Now I have strange headaches, cold sweat at night since my first 25.000IU D3 mega dose. Im very quickly tired after walkiny more then 2/3minutes.

my D level was at 26 (not that low as other) I realy hope that all my problems is caused by low vit D nd not something worse


My level is at 8 ng/l It is horrible - Some hard I am losing not to much, I have low moods and more so recently plus fatigue and muscle aches, constant infections especially sinus issues for around a year now - my bones feel weak not sure how bad, but also I am now nearly to my weekly dose as of tomorrow - I feel a lot more worse including dizziness is back and sinus pressure again once not having much vitamin d in diet or the supplement.

Could I have an additionally 600 UI every day do you thinK?


I don't think I've had blood work to see if I'm low in vitamin D, I do have depression. I live in Canada and was suggested I take D3 in the darker winter months. It helped to some extent. I took magnesium for awhile before bed, didn't help much with poor sleep. Am planning on using both again and try using magnesium for a lo ger period of time.


Happy Thanksgiving.Thank you for all you do.❤️💚🧡👩🏻‍🦳


What is the half-life of vitamin D in the liver?
so if I take 10, 000 IU Per day, how long it will take to leave my system?
I appreciate your time to answer


What's the fastest way to regrow my hair, get it to thicken up? I'm 64 and freaking out how thin my hair has gotten. I've been lax on supplementing vitamin d3.
