8 Signs Your Body Is Begging for Vitamin D

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What are the signs of vitamin D deficiency? Vitamin D greatly influences the systems of our body from ensuring calcium supply to our bones to strengthening our immune system. We normally get this vitamin from foods, supplements, and the sun’s rays, but when something goes wrong and we face vitamin D deficiency, our body systems may break.

For example, sweating that seems a little excessive or not brought on by anything particularly obvious, however, can be a sign that you’re lacking vitamin D. So what other signs show a deficiency, how serious is the problem, and what can you do to get more of it? Here at Bright Side, we’ve studied the most common symptoms of low vitamin D levels and we want to tell you what we’ve found.

You sweat excessively 1:01
Your bones often ache 1:35
You have muscle pain 2:11
You get sick all the time 2:47
You can’t seem to stay energized 3:26
When you get cuts or bruises, they take forever to heal 4:03
You notice more hair falling out of your head than usual 4:52
You can’t shake the feeling of sadness 5:25
What can you do to get more of vitamin D? 6:26

#vitamind #vitamindeficiency #lackofvitamins

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- Without vitamin D, your bones can’t absorb the necessary amount of calcium to create healthy bone tissue, causing a weakening of the bones known as osteomalacia.
- In addition to aching bones and muscles, a lack of vitamin D can cause chronic pain throughout the entire body. This debilitating condition is known as fibromyalgia, and it makes life a living nightmare for those who suffer from it!
- Suffering from your 4th or 5th virus this year? It may be because a lack of vitamin D is causing your immune system to work poorly.
- It’s 4 pm and you feel like you have two bricks as eyelids and barely have the strength to get up from your desk. Sound familiar? There could be quite a few reasons for this feeling. But it can also be due to a lack of vitamin D.
- Does it seem like your small wounds and injuries take longer to heal than everyone else’s? But this kind of slow healing can also be because of a lack of (say it with me) vitamin D!
- The average person loses anywhere from 50 to 100 hairs from their head every day. But if you suffer from a lack of vitamin D, you can lose way more than that, at least enough to notice that something’s definitely not right.
- According to Psychology Today, vitamin D is the only vitamin that is also a hormone. In studies on the relationship between vitamin D and depression, scientists discovered traces of the vitamin on cells found in the regions where depression resides.
- Vitamin D can be attained by spending time outside. According to The Arthritis Foundation, spending 10-15 minutes in the sun every other day or so can help replenish your vitamin D levels. Even sitting by an open window can help give you more vitamin D!

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Hey guys! How much time do you spend outside on a typical day?


You sweat excessively 1:01
Your bones often ache 1:35
You have muscle pain 2:11
You get sick all the time 2:47
You can’t seem to stay energized 3:26
When you get cuts or bruises, they take forever to heal 4:03
You notice more hair falling out of your head than usual 4:52
You can’t shake the feeling of sadness 5:25
What can you do to get more of vitamin D? 6:26


one symptom that never comes up on these videos is a lack of sleep or restlessness


1. Sweating
2. Pain in bones
3. Muscle pain
4. Chronic pain (fibromyalgia)
5. Get sick all the time
6. Cannot stay energised/unusually fatigued
7. Slow healing cuts and bruises (can also be because of smoking)
8. Excessive hair loss
9. Cant shake the feeling of sadness/anxiety
Eat rich vit D foods, spend time in the sun, take supplement


We cannot run from nature, the more close are we to nature the more powerful we become❤️


As a sufferer of fibromyalgia, i am so glad to see this chronic illness addressed. Thanks, Bright Side!


I lost my sense of smell a few years ago. I started taking vitamin D, to boost my immunity. After a few weeks I noticed my sense of smell coming back..When I researched about vitamin D, sure enough it can help sense of smell, as well as sinus issues.


I'm 27. Ever since I was 13, I've had extremely debilitating shin splints. It was so painful to run or jump. Simple exercises like jumping jacks were not an option for me. I've also gotten sick more than other people normally do all my life. Looking back, I didn't spend much time outside and didnt get much sunlight. Let me tell you, after I started taking 5, 000 IU a day of vitamin d3, along with a calcium supplement, my shin splints went away almost completely. After a few more weeks, they had vanished. They never came back because I keep taking my vitamin D3 and Calcium every day. I also used to have joint pain, particularly in my knees. That's gone too. I never thought 20 dollars worth of vitamins from Walmart would have improved my quality of life so much.


All of them!!! And I have fibromyalgia!! The doctors already told me, I just have to get on it. This was an EXCELLENT video!! I honestly think that it’s literally the root of ALL my problems!!


I grew up without hearing any of my parents told me about vitamins. I don’t even knew it was a thing til I started learning them from school.


Taking 2000 iu vit d3 my age is 92 and feeling great take in every morning after breakfast of honey and youghat


Thank you for creating and sharing this extremely well done and informative video. Only wish it hadn’t taken me a couple years to come across it. Personally want to thank you for not only sharing honest and well researched information about the topic but for also being crystal clear about using this video as a tool for information. Information that should then be discussed with your doctor, otherwise self treatment could become quite threatening.


Having vitamin D deficiency can also lead to “symptoms” of ADD as fatigue can also lead to restlessness and inability to stay focused! Make sure you have a healthy balanced diet!


I have been experiencing so many of these signs. Sore muscles, painful joints, hair loss, unexplained anxiety just to name a few. My Dr. Ordered blood work. Her office called and said that I am so deficient of vitimam D that she called in a prescription strength vitamin D for me. I have severe fybromialga so I am excited to see if this helps. Thank you for this video! Wish I had seen it a long time ago.


I can't believe that with this pandemic BS I got so distracted that left bad health creep on me like this... never thought I'd become low in vit D, and got my cholesterol messed up...


I have most of these symptoms and a confirmed vitamin D deficiency. Taking supplements and spending time outdoors is most helpful. I love fish and shrimp too!


I had blood tests recently and was prescribed a vitamin D3 and calcium supplement. I had no idea I was lacking in either. I started taking them 5 weeks ago, not thinking much of it and my energy and brighter mood have increased so much! I've suffered with moderate depression, on and off for years and low energy the past few years (I'm 40) and I'm shocked how different I'm feeling at the moment. I've gone on to buy my own supplements now and I wouldn't want to be without them!


I saw my doctor, and told her about sweating more then usual, bruises take longer to heal, being tired all the time. After she checked my blood, yes, I needed vitamin D. So I'm glad we resolved it


I be been taking multi vitamins for years and haven’t been sick since 1997!


At my last physical, I got diagnosed with a Vitamin D deficiency. My doctor wrote me a prescription for Vitamin D pills (5, 000 ICU), though you can buy those over-the-counter. I did notice that it helped my mood, though I'm also taking Zoloft at the moment to help with that. My parents also take Vitamin D supplements. In fact, their doctor told them that people in the Midwestern United States (we live in Ohio) have a high tendency to have Vitamin D deficiencies. So, if you live in the Midwest, you might want to get checked for this.
