2 Ingredient Cultured Butter - From Scratch

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Today we are making cultured butter. You only need 2 ingredient to make cultured butter; cream and a culture. In this video we pulled the butter fat (cream) out of raw cow's milk but if you can get high quality cream from your supermarket that will work. As far as the culture goes we used kefir milk but any milk based culture will do (yoghurt, cultured sour cream, cultured crème fraîche, or cultured buttermilk will all work as well).

Enjoy the video and if you have any questions be sure to leave them in the comment section.

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Рекомендации по теме

I absolutely love the thumb notch in your sliced bread!!


I made 27lbs of cultured butter leading up to the holidays. I was curious how you had gotten most of the water in your butter out after washing. I put mine through a chamber vac to try and compress as much as I could out of it. But it still weeps after I salted it, so its not bakery grade on the low moisture scale but dang good. Also freeze your buttermilk in ice cubes, you can thaw it and culture the next batch with it or use it to make full fat buttermilk


Clicked on this as soon as I saw it! Love me some cultured butter, been hoping you guys would do a video on it for a while now! Cheers!


Ooh lovely, thanks for sharing, I can't wait to try making this. I can even get my hands on the fabulous salt too as I live on Skye :)


That is the most supple, luxurious looking butter I have ever seen. Unfortunately I have no fancy tools or access to real, fresh, raw cow's milk. The best I could get would be organic. Would that work? Also, do the different cultures impart different flavors? Thanks for this (and your many) fantastic video(s).


That's awesome! I love cultured dairy products; the tangier the better! Did you try the cultured cream? Isn't that basically sour cream, but maybe stronger?


Hello, if you weren't using the food processor for anything else could you culture the cream in it and then churn after 2 days or would the acid from the fermentation damage the metal too much?


I've been eyeing those cream separators for a while. It seems to me, though, that it wouldn't work with homogenized milk, which is the only kind our friendly politicians think is suitable for us. That aside, I wonder if they'd work for separating rice wine. Maybe the next time you make some you can try it out...


Where do I buy/find that food processor you used in this video? What is the name brand?


how long can wee keep it in fridge? And can we make clarified butter wis it?

Tank you.


I have a question!
I can buy raw milk in my state. The Problem is, we are older and don't drink too much milk. I want to make cultured butter and one gal of raw milk only makes so much cream. Is it safe to buy "Heavy whipping cream" at Kroger's and combine it with the cream from the raw milk to make the cultured butter quantity I want?
I have a YouTube video called "How to make Cultured Butter easily. "
I would so appreciate it if you would let me know if it's safe to culture raw cream and store bought pasteurized heavy whipping cream together. Do I need A culture of plain Greek Yogurt to add to this mixer of the two types of cream?Jen, I have a question!

I can buy raw milk in my state. The Problem is, we are older and don't drink too much milk. I want to make cultured butter and one gal of raw milk only makes so much cream. Is it safe to buy "Heavy whipping cream" at Kroger's and combine it with the cream from the raw milk to make the cultured butter quantity I want?

I have a YouTube video called "How to make Cultured Butter easily. "

I would so appreciate it if you would let me know if it's safe to culture raw cream and store bought pasteurized heavy whipping cream together. Do I need A culture of plain Greek Yogurt to add to this mixer of the two types of cream?


Need quick cultured butter? Whip sour cream until you get butter. Too cultured? Go half cream, half sour cream.


what was the fat percentage of your final butter?


Beautiful butter do you have one for cheese plz


What type/model is your food processor.


Kefir is pronounced "kay-fear" as it is known in Europe as Russian yogurt. It's not key-fur which is birch tree, family last name.


What do you set it at to leave some cream in the milk


What are the proportions of cream to culture?


never heard of cultured ones. Sounds cheesy.
