What's Wrong with Ford Vehicles? | Analyzing the Challenges

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I've driven f150 trucks for 44 years they have all served me well.
Currently have a 2018 f150, 78k everything good so far.


I have a 23 Ford F150 XLT with the 5.0 engine. Best running and riding truck I have ever owned., including Chevy's and Toyota's. I hope it's reliability will be good. I guess time will tell. Fit and finish are great on the truck, transmission shifts flawlessly, get great gas mileage for a full size truck with a V8. my vote is A+ for the 23 F150. I also give my vehicles names and my F150 name is Coyote . I look to get many trouble free miles from my Coyote.


I appreciate your channel and your candor. I had outfitted my family with three ford's I the early 2000s, through the mid ought. .two of the three had failed transmissions in our 2001 Sport Trac 4×4 at 90k, and our 2005 XLT Explorer 4×4. Although I would love to buy American againN I have been thoroughly pleased with the build quality of my Mitsubishis ×3, and all my Hondas.

We are a military family to include my mother in law who was a Ford Die hard. She has explained to me this past mother's day that they have completely lost her business and confidence (a veritable impossibility until she recently jumped ship to Japanese imports whixh started 3 years ago) .


I had a lot of issues with the infotainment system in my 2011 Explorer and it had other issues to the point where I’m very reluctant to buy another Ford now. Never had issues with my Japanese made cars and am probably sticking with them going forward.


I own a 2020 expedition with 32 K miles, since the car was new… transmission sometimes gets jerky under certain driving conditions, it did make high weird noise few times & one time it slipped from D to N when I had to suddenly decelerate then accelerate again, problem is those symptoms aren’t permanent so I couldn’t yet simulate / demonstrate them to the dealer. Hence all what they do when I complain is reset programming which turned out to be useless, I’m afraid from encountering a major transformation failure once warranty expires


All of the domestic brands are struggling with issues involving newly developed maybe even questionable designs and cheap parts. But Ford's biggest issue is Customer Care/Service. In my recent 10-week transmission replacement, 42K miles and under warranty, that fixed nothing and forced me into a trade, the service dept could not get parts, struggled to retain a certified technician, had too many recalls in the way of repairs, and even admitted they didn't know exactly what the problem was so the solution was to replace the entire system from cheapest part to the most expensive." Ford's customer care and service is broken!

And forgetabout any loaners or rental reimbursement, which I've found is essentially at the discretion of the dealership.


That $5600 F 150 tail light replacement on Youtube really had me scratching my head. Are vehicles simply too complicated?


Ford and Stellantis sitting in a tree…


As someone who loved Ford in my youth, it saddens me to hear about all these quality issues. This, coming from the owner of a 1985 Mustang GT that I had for 15 years and sold at 210, 000 miles, which was still running like a champ, even if it needed paint and body work. From there, I went to a '99 F-150, which I had for 14 years and had driven 310, 000 miles (had to replace the transmission at 220, 000 but ONLY because the radiator wall between the anti-freeze and transmission fluid compartments cracked, leaking anti-freeze into the transmission!). The truck still looked great, even though something started going on with the intake manifold seals - but hey, 300, 000 miles!

As I look for a new vehicle, there's no way I can put Fords in my short "want" list. When even the F-150 is not making any "high quality" lists, it's definitely cause for concern. What complicates matters more is the high asking price. Who wants to pay more with all these quality problems?


Nothing says that's good enough like an f150


Ford's 3 problems: Quality, Affordability, Dealership's


During the recent launch of Super Duty and new Mustang, Ford has been shutting down production if they are not meeting quality goals. The 2024 Mustang will probably be late to dealers because of the shutdowns. Should assure better quality rather than build and then send to repair.


Made in Mexico is one of the main issues


I owner a 2020 Ford Ranger Lariat. I had problems with the info-tainment screen freezing up many times. I was told by the service dept. that there was to much info. going through the computer and this was a common problem. The gas mileage was a joke too! Traded that for a 2021 Bronco Sport and after only three months, the battery had to be replaced. After six months of ownership, I had water leaks in the front passenger foot well and in the rear area. It was determined by the Ford Service dept. that my Bronco Sport had NOT been welded together the factory! I immediately got rid of that for a Dodge! No problems from the Dodge. I do not think I will take a chance on another Ford for awhile. Cheers!


2:14 you can already see wear on the outside of the seat of a test drive vehicle. That seat isn't gonna last very long.


2020 explorer st less than 45k miles in the shop now for transmission issues


I bought a fiesta 2015 dct, millage 115k. I drove it for 2 months the mileage now is 117k. It was ok when i bought it now its getting poor fuel economy and its very noisy. What could be wrong with it?


I ordered a 2015 mustang from factory, can the car for 8 years and it was a garage Queen, pieces of the car would literally fall off, very bad tranny, interior rattles, the quality was just not there


No mention of the F-150 Lightning disaster???


I had a 2017 F150 3.5 engine. Had it until traded it in at 60k. No issues. Bought a 22 Explorer 3 liter have 14k no issues!
