BEST OF 2023: Setting Boundaries in Your Most Difficult Relationships - Lysa TerKeurst

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Relationships—with your spouse, with your children, with your friends—are some of the most rewarding connections this side of heaven. But challenges can pop up in any relationship. And those challenges need to be sorted out to maintain peace and harmony. On this two-day Focus on the Family broadcast, Lysa TerKeurst reflects on the death of her marriage and how she had to place boundaries in her life to protect her own mental, emotional, and spiritual well-being. She offers insight, biblical wisdom, and encouragement to those needing to establish boundaries with others. By helping another person understand how to treat you, you can improve the quality and health of your relationship. It’s a powerful conversation you won’t want to miss.


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#FocusBroadcast #LysaTerKeurst #SettingBoundariesinYourMostDifficultRelationships #GoodBoundariesandGoodbyes #FOTFBroadcast #FocusontheFamily #Bestof2023
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I'm 45. Never been married. I am blessed and Jesus is enough for me.


This was excellent information! Thank you


When I learned about boundaries I loved it. I couldn't believe how resistant people are when you talk about boundaries.


She's a really gifted communicator!


Profoundly wise words fron Lysa that hit home. Thank you FOTF that you recognize wise, learned women and that yes, they have something to also teach men. There are some big names in the evengelical world of that take Paul's words out of CONTEXT completely.

BUT please can we find another word to use when referring to women (solely it seems) than that dastardly "N" word....nag!!?? And more important issues than socks on the floor; I refer to the 4 A's: abuse, adultery, addiction, abandonment.


My boundaries were taken as a


Fantastic and well needed interview and podcast. Thank you.


So what I’m curious about for those of us looking to find a spouse is what’s the difference between red flags and too high of expectations? Both on ourselves and others.


Wow, this one is really powerful! I fully intend to listen again and take notes! (Should've done that in the first place, but oh well)

My wife and I have been through several couple's counseling sessions. And still, we just keep tumbling down this hill of chaos. Forget hills & spiraling. There are times when it feels like we've been in a free fall. We're now each pursuing individual counsel. There's been some emotional abuse from her and her family members. I've responded angrily in the past, but it's been acknowledged that I've been doing better for some time now.

I think we've each felt like what Jim expressed: we get married and then wake up # years later and wonder how on earth did we get here? This isn't what I imagined at all. Personally, everything I thought I understood about biblical marriage has been flipped upside down. There have been times where it feels like a period of separation is in order. A couple of my immediate family members have said they would've left by now. But that would be so unhealthy for our boys (age 8 and 6). I'll do everything I can to see that they have as healthy of a family as possible.

I think the biggest piece for me is what Lysa said toward the end about getting out of your own echo chamber. (combine that and the episode with Ted Lowe on changing our mindset!) Figuring out how to interrupt that has really been a challenge. We've moved to a different state lately. That will help a little bit. I have hopes now as well with the individual counseling.

Thank you @focusonthefamily for all you do! Are there any episodes that discusses the boundaries of psychology and spirituality? I feel like that was touched on a little bit here. I know the lines of Christianity/spirituality and psychology/psychiatry don't always blend as well as we'd like. I ask because my wife has untreated ADHD and/or bi-polar disorder.


Lisa Lisa the way you answered the boundary vs love question gave me an aha moment. Thanks for your insight on these topics that was grey areas for us to navigate through in relationships.


The guy that said “well you married him”
This is the boomer generation still continuing to muddle up relationships.
The woman is great though, coming from another woman.
I’d be very curious how “happy” the boundaries were in these two men’s families for the first years.


I am the 58th thumbs up and I am 58 years old. And I just did this a commented this on the Crazy about Jesus channel, WOW.
