Was President Obama's Fainting Woman Staged? (VIDEO)

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Towards the end of the speech, a pregnant woman standing behind the President, Karmel Allison, became visibly off-balance and was caught by bystanders.

That's when President Obama turned to Allison, reached out to grab her, and said, "There you go, you are O.K. I'm right here. I got you. No, no -- you're O.K. This happens when I talk too long."

Later, Allison tweeted:

I'm ok world- just got a little lightheaded. Thanks, @barackobama for catching me! And good thing this pregnant diabetic is pregnant :)

But conservative talk show personality Alex Jones remained skeptical about the incident. On the InfoWars website, Jones points out that President Obama turns away from Allison to the microphone when he is addressing her instead of talking directly to her.
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Actually he turned around thinking it is just another fainting during his speech which often happens after overhearing the blonde lady whisper to the lady supporting the fainting lady, but when he turned around he realised she is pregnant, supports her middle back and asks her about it very softly as soon as he caught her so that it is not picked up by the mike and when others confirmed that she is pregnant, he said loudly on the mike "I got" and said something to ease her tension "No No you are okay" And then some self deprecating humor "This happens when I talk too long" loudly on the mike to save her from embarrassment. He was not showing off. Rather he was being extremely sensitive and thoughtful at the spur of the moment, knowing exactly how to diffuse the situation with dignity for her. Very very gentlemanly of the President.


Who else noticed the Blue & White patch on her Left Triceps? WHAT was that? 


She's diabetic (type 1) she had a dexcom sensor
