Obama catches fainting pregnant woman during speech

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US president Barack Obama helped catch a pregnant woman when she became faint during his speech about the troubled Obamacare website, joking: "This happens when I talk too long".

Karmel Allison, who has type 1 diabetes and is 20 weeks pregnant, began to swoon as she stood behind the president during his 25-minute speech in the White House Rose Garden.

He interrupted his remarks to help her: "You're ok. I'm right here. I got you." As one of his aides helped lead Mrs Allison away, he added: "This happens when I talk too long."

She later took to Twitter to thank the commander-in-chief for the catch, saying: "I'm ok world- just got a little lightheaded.Thanks, @BarackObama for catching me! And good thing this pregnant diabetic is pregnant :)"

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