Sarah Palin Mocks Pregnant Diabetic Woman Who Fainted at Obama Speech

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--Sarah Palin mocks the pregnant diabetic woman who fainted at an Obama speech

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So, Palin was outraged by Seth Macfarlane's character that has down syndrome on Family Guy, yet she can make fun of a pregnant woman with gestational diabetes passing out? I smell a double standard.


But the rest of us can't say anything about her never-married daughter having 2 babies with 2 different daddies, the second one after she worked promoting abstinence, without Wasilla Wordsalad playing the martyr, right?


She's so past pitiful.. Long past pitiful


What's the reason? Explain. Does it affect Obama's numbers? Even if it did, why take the risk? He doesn't have to worry about getting reelected. Oh there's a bias here, sure, but it's not a liberal one.


Does this woman actually realize that she is the laughing stock of the entire planet?
(Palin not the poor lady that had a nasty turn)


If Bristol Palin had diabetes and fainted at a public event while she was pregnant and someone made fun of her and said it was staged, Sarah Palin would lose it.


Am I out of balance for cracking up on this? Why is Sarah Palin so tan if she's from Alaska? insights into her family tree? If I'm wrong, penance paying, I'll accept!


She's a mother and is well aware of the difficulties women face when pregnant, so why say such a thing? Uggg I shouldn't be surprised.. this is the women who stated on a radio interview that North Korea was our "allie."


You are truly the voice of reason on the Internet. Thank you!


Sarah is a mother who unfortunately has down Syndrome - I would NOT mock her for that, but to ridicule a would be mother who is diabetic...she should be ashamed of herself.


You cant be THAT naïve.
Lets break this down shall we? We have a pregnant woman with diabetes standing DIRECTLY behind the president and he somehow in the middle of his speech about HELATHCARE is able to notice her, stop, and catch her before she falls knowing damn well the media will find out the status of her health insurance. He's played the "faint card" before...Youtube it.

The president is a politician. You should NEVER underestimate how far he would go to push certain policies.


According to women who worked with her, she has a history of being unsympathetic and downright malicious towards the problems of other women.


Palin has a history of playing up her own family problems and what she's gone through while treating the problems of other women with mockery and disdain. She treated several women staffers very poorly and at times vindictively. Her behavior strikes me as being very narcissistic - the only problems that matter are hers, and everyone else is fodder for mockery.


I don't think there Palin laughing up at a person who is not doing well is out of line. That is the perfectly normal reaction from a sociopath.


I agree that she should be ashamed of herself for ridiculing a diabetic, expectant mother for having her condition rear it's head in public. It is especially hypocritical of her to do that, when she was complaining not too long ago about an episode of family guy where one of the characters had Down Syndrome; saying that it was insulting and made fun of her son. Yet, here she is making forn of someone else with a medical condition. She should be ashamed and publicly apologize to that woman.


What's really pathetic is that we know someone else wrote that entry FOR Sarah Palin, being snarky and petty and ugly on behalf of Sarah Palin. Warped, indeed.


I was cracking up during that Family Guy episode where Chris' autistic date said, "my mom is the former governor of Alaska!" Freakin' hilarious!


I think Sarah would look GREAT in an SS uniform.


Because the lady next to the woman was talking to her and he heard her ask the pregnant lady "Are you OK?" or something like that. I guess you never look behind yourself ever?


"Its Sarah Palin, what do you expect?"
Accidental death while trying to figure out a kitchen appliance, family members mistaken for bears, getting her head ripped off by an elevator, stuffing a tampon up her nose.. falling off an office chair backwards and snapping her neck, shooting a large cactus that then falls on top of her, getting run over by an ambulance, saying such dumb junk that her internal organs give up the will to live & deletion by God for having no redeeming value.
