11 Signs You Have Been Visited By Your Guardian Angel👼

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#1: An Angel Visits You In Your Dreams

Dreams are an ideal way of communication between angels and you.

Your guardian angels might visit you in a dream simply to let you know that they are watching over you. But they also could try to send a message.

In your dreams, they have your undivided attention, and if they have a very important message for you, they tell you a story while you are sleeping, which you will still remember the next morning.

The words, colors, and symbols of your dreams are all crucial parts of the message from your guardian angels.

#2: You See Coloured Light Balls

Your eyes do not play a trick on you if you notice an intense light or a strangely colored sphere.

Angels use light as a tool to communicate with you.

So, if you see colored flashes of light, light balls, orbs, or sparks with open eyes, that is a sign that your guardian angels are near, and they have something to tell you.

The vibration of the color, either balancing, calming, or stimulating, is a crucial part of the angel message.

No matter what the message contains, it also lets you know your guardian angel is with you.

#3: You Suddenly Smell A Lovely Fragrance

Often angels use the power of scents to make themselves aware.

If you cannot explain an unexpectedly lovely smell, this is a sign that a guardian angel is nearby.

The smell can also be that of delicious food, a flower, or a pleasant scent worn by a deceased loved one. It is supposed to give you comfort and let you know that you are not alone.

They will also send you a scent you need in a specific situation. If your guardian angel feels you need calm, they will fragrance the air with a lavender or vanilla scent.

#4: You Find A Feather

Finding a feather is the most evident and a very gentle sign that an angel is with you.

A white feather is promising you to be protected, but in the end, it doesn't matter what color the feather has; if you find it on the street or even in an unusual place, this is the sign that you can feel safe.

The feather will let you know that you are on the right track even if you have doubts at this moment.

Your guardian angels want to encourage and support you.

#5: Your Baby Or Pet Seems To See Something Which Invisible To You

Angels calm animals and children.

So, if you see a pet staring at a certain spot in the room, a child smiling at something you cannot see, or even interacting, then you know your guardian angels are there.

Small children, babies, and pets are still connected to the spiritual world and can perceive energies and beings without filters.

#6: You See Angels In The Clouds

As a child, you might have laid on your back in the grass, watching the clouds in the sky, admiring all the different shapes.

You should still do this nowadays, and you will see small signs of your guardian angels being near you.

You could see a cloud in the shape of an angel or angel's wings.

Maybe they appear in a nice shape like a heart or in a symbol that is particularly important or personal to you.
It is the way that your angels contact you. They let you know through these signs you are understood, secure, and guided.

#7: You See Certain Numbers Repeatedly

Numbers are an undeniable sign from your angels. We have often talked about their meaning in our videos.

If you notice the same numbers or sequences of numbers over and over again, then you should look up their meaning to understand the message of your angel.

Do not dismiss it when you look at the clock or your watch, and it is 11:11 or 1:11 almost every time.
You will see a specific sequence of numbers or just one number repeatedly until you pay attention and learn to understand the message.

Angels will also use the meaning of numbers to answer questions you sent them. They will guide you in the right direction with the aid of the numbers.

#8: You Feel A Sudden Change In Temperature

Another sign that your guardian angel is near you is an unexpected temperature change.
Sometimes it feels like somebody passed behind your back, but there is nobody.

Maybe you feel a draught or cooler air even so the windows are closed.

The sudden feel of a comfortable warmth that travels through you signifies that an angel has hugged you to give you comfort.

#9: You Hear Muffled Voices For No Obvious Reason
#10: You Feel Someone Is With You
#11: There is a Tingling On Top Of Your Head
Рекомендации по теме

After my baby transitioned, I found a great size of white feather where I usually took my baby for a walk, walkway around the community. I smelled beautiful Jasmine twice, once by window while I was crying, once at Disney high up in the air(Soaring). I walked into my room and often smelled the "baby smell" I love so much.I often feel the tinkling on top of my head, mostly during meditation. I found shinning pennies, twice, on the same spot two days on the roll. Lots of angel numbers throughout the day, and so much more. My angels are very busy and I thank them(and my deceased loved ones every time. I love communicating with them. I no longer feel alone.


My eyes filled with tears while hearing this n could see images of jesus. Thank u so much jesus. I love u


My father passed December 31st, 2016. In 2018, I go-to back to Northern Ireland and spent 10 days with him. Grandad passes in December 2018, the morning before he passed I heard my dads voice, " call home ". I ran to call back to Ireland, grandad had been asleep for 3 days, he passed December 30th. Not long after I had a dream. I could see blue skies and the faces of my grandmother, my father and my grandfather peering through the sky smiling. It is amazing


I find feathers all the time. I know it's my son communicating with me. He was 23 when he passed away in October 2019. I was shovelling snow this winter and as I was doing so remembered how my son used to shovel with me all the time. There was a pile of snow I had shovelled and I looked away for a second
and when I looked back there was a feather on top of the pile. It came from no where. That was my Daniel 💚 I miss him and love him so much 🙏💚


I do believe it's TRUE that there is always an angel with me


Love and peace everyone!!! I woke up in chronic pain in my lower back. I went outside to walk my dog, took off my shoes and started grounding walking through the grass in the sun. I said to myself it’s going to be ok and tried to let go off the worry. I then took my dog back in the house and sat down on my couch. I felt a sense of calm and peace I started crying profusely saying, “ Thank you” over and over multiple times. My back no longer hurt excruciating and I felt goosebumps all over. I knew that my spirit guide, Angel or loved one was touching me. I felt it and greatly appreciated it!! 🥰💕🦋


I've have experience all of these signs never knew of it.but I cried because means my my MOM IS HERE BREAKS MY ❤ 🤍 💙 🧡 🖤 ♥️


I can feel my Angels come into the room, I can feel their energy shift and the vibration. They also touch me to let me know they around, who else could it be when you're the only one in the room.


My life was saved in an impossible way—two cars went through each other instead of wrecking (which would have killed us).


Watched this video. In less than a hour found a beautiful feather in my balcony. Though birds to visit my home. Finding a feather especially after watching this splendid video - it's HIS Grace. God bless all


I don’t know if this counts but I asked my guardian angel to hold my hand and I felt this warm electrical feeling on my hand as my hands slowly closed it’s self and I started crying non stop


Hello everyone! This week on Monday, I decided to open up my heart to God and prayed to him, that I’m letting go of my pride and Ego and I want him to reign over me. On Wednesday, I was at work, and my phone alarm went off right at 11:11... I was speechless, because I never set my alarm at at that time. I don’t have anything going on at that time. The weirdest thing, is how did that time set on my phone!? My time of waking up in the morning, is at 4, therefore there’s not a reason for me to have set an alarm at 11:11!! To be honest, when my phone alarm went off, I was talking to my boss, and when that happened, I was like in shock, that I just turned around, sat in my chair, and started praying! It was the most awesome feeling ever! The next day, in the morning, I had the radio on... and on the left hand corner on the screen, there was an 11 11 again.... I was like wowwww! This is amazing!


Ever since I’ve been praying to my guardian Angel for help to guide me, I’ve been seeing random numbers in my dream, and when I’m outside butterflies would fly past by me, and also I saw a bright circular light on my right eye that was white 🥰🙏🏽 praise be to god for giving us guardian angels during a day of conception.


I found a gray feather in the grass by my Jeep and was visited by my angel


Yes I too talk to my Angels everyday very often in a day I know they are watching me giving me the love and guidance. When I am at work I find coins everywhere


I never feel lonely, I know it's because angel's are with me. I don't see orbs, but I have had the experience of sudden smells of perfume that lasts a few seconds


I always feel the guardian angels 👼 around me just like you mentioned here The smell, the feather, the stoking of their hand over my head always protecting me from most of the unseen obstacles. Thank u


Thank you!
Yes, I feel that my Guardian Angels are with me at all times.
I have experienced al if these 11 Angel signs 😇🤗💖 AMEN!


I’ve definitely felt my angels presence by seeing a light quickly flash, finding random feathers and the smells! My angels sent me smells that reminded me of home. Thank you for the video and thank you to my angels for the guidance and comfort.


Something my angels do is whisper in my ear, or show up as instant thought manifestation. Kinda like I think of something, and then it shows up randomly right after. I love it 😁
