11 Signs You Have Strong Intuition

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Do you have strong intuition? This video outlines 11 signs of a highly intuitive person and explains what it means to have powerful intuition. What is intuition, anyway? Well, it is linked to both psychology and spirituality, and it's a lot more than just having a gut instinct; it's about being able to sense things without even trying.

What makes someone highly intuitive is their natural ability to tap into their intuition as often as possible so that they're able to get really clear on what needs attention at any given moment in time (or sometimes even before anything happens).

If you want to know how to use your intuition or how to listen to your intuition, then his video will help you get an idea of where you stand when it comes to using your own internal guidance system. If nothing else, this list will give you some insight into what makes highly intuitive people so good at intrinsically knowing things!


6 Gut Feelings You Should NEVER Ignore:

15 Things Highly Intuitive People Do Differently:

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Audio & Video Production by Brainy Dose

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I live by my intuition, it does leave me with very few friends. But I love who I am.


If intuition is so strong it might also be a curse if not handled the right way. It creates confusions and complexities in one's mind if not trained.


I'm an 80 year old white dude. That "Gut Feeling" has absolutely saved my life 3 times that I know of. I experience Synchronicities all the time, always of a positive nature, and sometimes Laugh Out Loud hilarity! I have a few of the 11 attributes, but not all of them. Your video motivates me to meditate daily to improve the psychic senses I lack. Thank you for giving me a "Heads Up".


I always trust my intuition and the more I listen to it the stronger and stronger it gets. I have prophetic dreams all the time, this is why I keep a dream journal and always date it to check back on it. Great Video! 💖


Infinite intelligence is all around us as information in form of vibrations. We are all frequency. Our bodies are the antennas.
Trust your gut (the 2nd brain)… that is where the magic happens
Great video


One day, when i was young, i said to my brother "what if an earthquake happens in our town" 15 minutes later, it did happen and most buildings collapsed...


U'r bang on. As a highly intuitive person myself, i cd identify with all the things u've said. What i like most was when u said we see patterns that others dont & we notice things that others dont. As one of the people who commented here said there is information floating around, our bodies are the antennas that pick up the vibrations. Bang on !


Being highly & strongly intuitive is overall a good thing! Yet, it can also be annoying, & sometimes, downright tormenting! Best to follow your intuition & instincts, though, as it can help avoid many dangers & pitfalls! I appreciate the hopeful insight in this video where you said that intuition is a skill that can be developed, trained, & sharpened, over time! Useful intel, as well! Thanks for that! Peace out!🤘💜🌍


I have couple of intuitions and I’m an empath, very sensitive to vibrations. I feel energy very easily, all my intuitions have come true till now. It’s a gift from Universe is Wat I believe..


Oh..my this is totally me. All my life as a little kid.. I've got myself out of a pickle because of my intuitive thoughts. And helped to get others out of that pickle they probably getting into. Wow' now over 60 and still. Bless my heart ❤. Thanks for the video.


I trust my intuition every day and act on it without hesitation. Experience has taught me to never doubt this inner voice, which has led me to make some of my best decisions.


I have really good intuition !!! I'm 68yrs old now !!! I have never made the mistakes that other people make !!! I never got married, never had children etc. Of Course as a Pensioner, I have 2 Racing Motorbikes and a Honda 125cc runabout bike !!! I have X Box, Gaming Pc with flight simulators !!!! I have 2 dogs and have loads of interests !!! Also everyone thinks I am lucky all the time !!! They never take my advice and then come back to me telling of some disaster that had they taken my advice in the first place, the disaster would never have happened !!! So I keep to myself and avoid people who are just aimlessly moving around like corks in a Storm Tossed Ocean Despite this I have had a Happy Life and I don't really care what everyone else does !!!!


We all need to follow and develop out intuitions. When I have trusted my intuitions I have seldom been wrong.
I always try to give people the benefit of a doubt but have learned to trust my intuition and my dreams.


there is power in the mind, in the thinking, in intelligence but the real superpower comes from aligning with the power of your heart, which generates a greater electromagnetic field than the brain, the feeling, the intuition, it knows what's loving and true and what's not


I totally relate to all the points. It's like you just spoke my mind. Thank you for this enlightening video.


Having strong intuition combined with optimism leads being successful, highly productive, constructive and having a great life.


Some people emotionally exhaust me, I don’t trust their intentions


I love my intuition it has saved me so many times, I used to say all through my marriage I hate liars, and bullies, this was my husband now ex, if I get a though that's goes round and round my head I act on it, I'm always right, I can see straight through people even on the phone, people who smile sweetly at me but I feel the undertow of there true feelings plus their body language, I'm so blessed with such a gift💞I was driven to get divorced at a certain time I had backed down so many times before but the final time I was put through hell by him but survived, I've always said it was the universe moving my life to meet the one true person to be with, years later he came into my life again I got the same driving feeling to go see him, I've always had him in my life even before meeting him, the universe never makes mistakes


I've always known this, but over the years I've gotten better with my empathic abilities and intuition.


I guess I'm only halfway there. I've had moments of intuition but not all the time. Thanks for another insightful video.
