90 Second Civics: 2nd Amendment

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Do you know your Rights? During Freedom Month we will be going over the Bill of Rights to ensure everyone knows the basic rights our Country was founded upon! Next up, the 2nd Amendment. #FreedomMonth
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I lived in a third world country and only government officials and thugs have the guns. To avoid danger we couldn't go out with brand clothes or electronics. By the time cops came the thugs were long gone. I always say the second amendment should be universal. All the peoples should have the right to protect themselves. There's nothing more delicious than seeing videos of people protecting themselves and their property from thugs. Especially if these videos are from third world countries. Protect this right with your lives. Dont let your country turn into a country where only thugs carry.


The 1st is the bark. The 2nd is the bite.


When I hear the argument that the Second Amendment only applies to weapons of the ere, I reply back that privately owned cannons were a thing back then!


The Right Of The People 🇺🇸 This We Will Defend🇺🇸🇺🇸 I Absolutely Love These Videos!!!


To bad our government doesn't feel that way. How ironic


I am Greek and I have to say your constitution in USA is the greatest. The wisdom of your fathers is unmatched. Great minds and souls. Especially the second ametment is the ultimate self-protective and self-righteousness factor of this amazing constitution of yours. I envy you. And here in Greece where we discover democracy etc etc etc of western civilazation and even, for example, your Supreme Court building is a copy paste of ancient Greek temple but, nevertheless, I admire your constitution 100 times more than ours nowadays.


Yup, the second is the standing guard for all the rest. Just picture the sentinel guarding the unknown and think of the second.


The militia is everyone abled body person! The problem is that we have relegated the organization of the militia to the government. If we had more self-regulated militias walking up to government (look at MI and VA, for example) saying "no, we will not comply, " 1st and 2nd amendment infringements would not happen!


The second is important because like all the original amendments. It is under constant threat


At the end you said it is a pre-existing right and it shall not be infringed. But I feel like it has been infringed .


Well put. Longtime club member here and this is why.


On the 1st and 2nd Amendments, the whole Constitution hangs. With you the 1st you can say, “I am free.” Without the 2nd, all your other rights are null. If you lose the 1st, see the 2nd.


With rights comes responsibility.... well regulated as you know mean disciplined....this fact sometimes gets lost in discussions regarding 2nd amendment...never forget with privilege comes responsibility! Sine Pari!


Someone needs to share this video with Kim Gardiner in St. Louis


I'm an Aussie, and my take on the 2nd A is that it gives licence and rights to the citizenry to undertake self-preservation measures through the use of - but not limited to - firearms in situations where government-appointed law enforcement is either absent or withheld. The amendment's mention of tyranny isn't written in a way so as to limit such tyranny to that of a government-related nature. Tyranny can be interpreted as some a-hole gaining unlawful access to your property with unknown intent, and a well-armed militia can be nothing more than Mr or Mrs Property-owner standing against that a-hole with a gun.
Don't give up your bang-sticks.

Australia's law might as well be written to demand that law abiding citizens lay down in the face of unlawful assault upon their person and robbery upon their property so as to afford the criminal perpetrator unfettered access to the taking of property and life. It is illegal to defend yourself there, and anyone who does will either be done over by the crim, or done over by the court.


Read and learn all ten amendments of the Bill of Rights. It is an easy read . You will see the beauty of our Constitution and understand why we must fight to preserve it. Without it we are lost.


One person doesn't like civics lessons. Commie.


So why do we have nfa act? 1968 omnibus bill? 1994 brady bill etc???


I declare absolute and arbitrary power over the lives, liberty and property of freemen exists nowhere in a republic, not even in the largest majority.
I declare that the United States of America is a Republic. That is set up as a republican form of government not as a ¨ Mob rules¨ Democracy doing away with an Individual's rights at it´s will.
I declare Nunn vs GA is correct. In 1846 Georgia Supreme Court ruled that a state law banning handguns was an unconstitutional violation of the Second Amendment. ... This was the first gun control measure to be overturned on Second Amendment grounds.
I declare that the US Supreme Court stated the truth in Miranda vs AZ " When rights secured by the Constitution are involved, there can be no rule making or legislation which would abrogate them.".


The anti gun groups that say the 2nd amendment allows states to have a militia is very confusing. If the 2A was meant for the states than it is redundant. Because the 10th amendment gives the states that right also.
