There is NO Evidence for a HISTORICAL GENESIS

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Prepare to journey through time as we unveil a groundbreaking theory that could rewrite the narrative of biblical history as we know it! 📜✨

In this video, we explore the compelling theory that Abraham, the revered patriarch of the Jewish faith, may not be as disconnected from Greek mythology as tradition would have us believe. Dive deep with us as we examine the striking parallels between the story of Abraham's son, Isaac, and Phrixus, a figure of Greek myth.

🐏 The Sacrificial Ram: A Common Thread? 🐏
Central to our exploration are the uncanny similarities between Isaac and Phrixus — two young men poised on the precipice of sacrifice, only to be miraculously spared by a divinely-sent ram. Could these stories, seemingly worlds apart, actually share a common origin? Our investigation delves into the scholarly arguments that suggest a significant connection.

🎓 Hear from the Experts 🎓
Join us as we discuss the work of leading scholars who have dared to venture into this controversial terrain. Through their meticulous research and analysis, they illuminate potential influences that Greek mythological narratives may have had on the formation of seminal biblical stories. Get ready for a paradigm shift!

🔄 Turning the Tables on Biblical Understanding 🔄
This video doesn't just skim the surface. We delve deep into the intricate web of stories, languages, and cultures that have shaped our understanding of Abraham and Isaac. As we journey through this uncharted territory, prepare for your perception of the Bible's development to be completely turned on its head.

🤔 A Provocative Perspective 🤔
Whether you're a scholar of ancient texts, a curious soul, or someone who loves a good historical detective story, this video is designed to engage and provoke thought. Agree or disagree, we invite you to engage with the content critically and join the discussion.

👇 Join the Conversation! 👇
Does the evidence stack up? Is Abraham's narrative potentially a branch from the rich tree of Greek mythology? Drop your thoughts, questions, and insights in the comments below — we can't wait to embark on this intellectual exploration with you!

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Sources for this video:
Thomas L. Thompson - The Historicity of the Patriarchal Narratives: The Quest For The Historical AbrahamJohn Van Seters - Abraham in History and Tradition
Russell Gmirkin - Plato and the Creation of the Hebrew Bible
Philippe Wajdenbaum - Argonauts of the Desert: Structural Analysis of the Hebrew Bible
Philip R. Davies - In Search of 'Ancient Israel
Israel Finkelstein - The Bible Unearthed: Archaeology’s New Vision of Ancient Israel and the Origin of Its Sacred Texts

- Religious documentary
- Ancient religious civilizations
- Religious history documentary
- Religious mysteries
- Documentaries on world religions
- Religious artifacts
- Sacred sites documentaries
- Comparative religion documentaries
- Lost religious texts
- Religious symbolism documentaries
- Religious archaeology documentaries
-Greek Mythology Documentary
-Genesis Documentary

0:00 Introduction
5:06 Abraham in a nutshell
9:41 Historical Abraham quest
29:54 Russell Gmirkin on Foundation Stories
49:43 National Foundation Greeks and Jews
54:20 Phrixus and Isaac under the microscope
1:12:17 How late was the Bible? And who really wrote it?1:17:35 To be continued

Music in this Documentary is from CD PROJEKT RED “The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt
From: The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt
Composer(s): Marcin Przybyłowicz, Mikołaj Stroiński & Percival

#mythvision #Mythology #Religion
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Thomas was a modern day Galileo with his announcement. 👍😎


Just read the bible and believe it and you won't be conned by every Tom, Dick, and Harry.


this is only one side of the argument, now go and watch video's that give the other side of the argument.


The Israelites of the Exodus would be the Hyskos tribes who took over Northern Egypt until forced out by the Southern Pharaoh.


There is a reason Judaism focuses so much on names and their meanings. The scribes knew that the stories were not accurate because they were never intended to be. The stories are the result of the pseudo-philological efforts of exiled Israelite scribes, and they were more carefully constructed by their philological assertions than by whatever happened 2, 000 to 400 years prior. They used their analyses to build a structure that concealed information that they stated many times would not be understood when revealed (there are multiple warnings to those who would scoff, as well as literate people being unable to read a revealed text, as well as a passage about people's terror if they understand the revelation, etc.).

The pseudo-philological framework and concealed knowledge are the foundation of the texts. If you start from the assumption that whoever wrote these texts must have known cuneiform, you must concede that they knew the difference between Sumerian and Semitic languages. Here is an example of their strange philological assumptions:

Amos 7: 7 - 9

This is what he showed me: The Lord was standing by a wall that had been built true to plumb (אֲנָךְ), with a plumb (אֲנָךְ) line in his hand.

And the LORD asked me, “What do you see, Amos?” “A plumb (אֲנָךְ) line, ” I replied. Then the Lord said, “Look, I am setting a plumb (אֲנָךְ) line among my people Israel; I will spare them no longer.

“The high places of Isaac will be destroyed and the sanctuaries of Israel will be ruined; with my sword I will rise against the house of Jeroboam.”

In this passage, God holds an אֲנָךְ, but the Hebrew scribes had another word for plummet as well, הָאֶבֶן הַבְּדִיל, as used in Zechariah 4:10, as another tool of judgment:

“Who dares despise the day of small things, since the seven eyes (!) of the LORD that range throughout the earth will rejoice when they see the chosen plummet (הָאֶבֶן הַבְּדִיל) in the hand of Zerubbabel?”

So, why does God hold an אֲנָךְ and Zerubbabel hold a הָאֶבֶן הַבְּדִיל? The אֲנָךְ is a word directly derived from Sumerian, 𒀭𒈾, AN-NA. The word refers to tin or lead, and the signs mean literally "sky/god/heaven stone." The Hebrew scribes would have known that אֲנָךְ was derived from AN-NA, so why did they put a Sumerian device in the hands of their Semitic deity when they had a perfectly suitable word for a plummet, הָאֶבֶן הַבְּדִיל? Furthermore, הָאֶבֶן הַבְּדִיל takes the same format of AN-NA, consisting of a word referring to the metal and a word meaning "stone." Why did the Hebrew scribes favor Sumerian over Semitic when giving their God a tool of judgment? And why was Zerubbabel's tool of judgment referred to by a Semitic word, when אֲנָךְ meant the same thing?

This is just one example of their pseudo-philological assumptions that have real implications on the meaning of the texts, implications which are completely ignored by Jews and Christians.


Those who believe we may have been a GMO might look at the "Human Accelerated Region 1."
Analysis showed that HAR1 is essentially the same in all mammals except humans. There were only two differences between the chicken and chimp genomes in HAR1's sequence of 118 bases. This similarity means the DNA sequence remained unchanged over hundreds of millions of years in evolutionary history, but there are 18 differences in HAR1 between chimps and humans, an incredible amount of change to have happened in a few million years.
When the Anunna gods asked EnKi (En meaning Lord and Ki meaning Earth) for a substitute to do the work of mining and farming, he said, "I've got just the thing."


Coming out of the LBAC, a particularly severe dark age for the western world, polities collapsed and reorganized into city with a pronounced decrease in writing skills that flourished during the Amarna period. Assyria itself only began to rebound in the 9th century, and S. Canaan was one of the last to go into and come out of the LBAC reestablishing monarchies in around 1020 BCE, maybe later depending on you political persuasion.
These are the facts on the ground. The written language we call paleoHebrew is debatably present in the 10th century BCE but aguably there are phonecian scribes in the courts of Omri and David writing things down.

Following the Balaam inscription, around the year 852 BCE Assyria starts taking note of Israel, and Israel is taking note of Assyria. Though the the king Shalmanaser III gives a hand waving account of the battle, it seems he was either equalled or outmatched. The was very early in the rebuilding of the neoAssyrian empire compared to the Empire of Ashurbanipal.

The lay of the battle is like this, the Babylonian Chaldeans were testing their strenth and it probably appeared like they were going to attack the ecposed flank of Assyria while its army was in Northern Syria, the City states prepared for attack. There are 13 attackers listed, there appear to be errors in this list on assyrias part.

"In 853 BC, a coalition was formed by 11 states, mainly by Hadadezer (Hadad-ezer) the Aramean king of Damascus, Irhuleni king of Hamath, Ahab king of Israel, Gindibu king of the Arabs, and some other rulers who fought the Assyrian king at the Battle of Qarqar. The result of the battle was not decisive, and Shalmaneser III had to fight his enemies several times again in the coming years, which eventually resulted in the occupation of the Levant (modern Syria and Lebanon) and Arabia by the Assyrian Empire."

And so a point here I want to make to Derek is that any history is a reconstruction from sources, different perspectives on events. Herotidus was just as likely as any to load his various accounts with myth and suoerstition.

In the text of 1 Kings 15:20 the beginning of th intrigue that eventually brings down Israel as there was constant strife with Judea, Judea allied with Aram

In kings 20:2, :22 -:36. The death of Ahab by the syrian leader.


We should remember that for most of these ancient cultures, the idea of accurate history holding intrinsic value was strange. Narratives recorded for the public were propagandistic, intended to unite and motivate - not give honest accounts.


The Bible is the historical evidence, duh!



You put in a lot of work (for videos like these) but I do wonder if the audience which needs this the most will bother to watch. This is the challenge: *make a video (and its title on Youtube) so compelling that those caught up in the cults will pay attention.* That is not a small task.

Also, I suspect if you put "Israel" in the title that the algorithm will catch more people. "Historical" is likely a turn-off for many people. My _feeling_ is that the typical Youtube viewer is scared away by videos that may sound like a class in school.


You are silly, of course there isn't, it happened 6, 000 years ago.Before the world flood, the evidence is that Noah wrote the event down, and had the knowledge of creation with him.Andcthen he passed it down through his generations, that's why it's so fragmented.Which God did on purpose to allow for some faith which it says he loves.Forcit is impossible to please Him without it.


Come to think of it there is no evidence for any of the stories in the Old Testament .
Let's not forget it was written by goat and sheep herders who carry on to this day not being the brightest .


IDK MythVision ... but that thumbnail is enough to spark some continued thought ... and maybe even . . . some more continued thought ;)


I think you mean "disco-fueled 80s" (not 70s) although we did have quite a bit of disco in 1978.


There was no Moses, Noah, Joshua, Crucifixion, Jesus... While those stories are borrowed, David is original. The Bible is not about the historical narrative. Ask a talking donkey.

Consider that Moses had more Israelites follow him out of Egypt than the population of Egypt at the time. The Tower of Babel informs us that we will all speak one language. The flood story of Noah comes from the Sumerian Epic of Gilgamesh and is used to inform you that there will be waters above the dome of the sky, likely an icy one, in the new heaven and new earth. Albeit, the new heaven and new earth are a different location.

Perspective: Sarah gives Hagar to Abraham.

The origin of the story is that Lilith, Adam's wife, gives Eve to Adam, the Christ, when he begins his work of the salvation of the kingdom of Eve's Shining One (Snake???). When you can explain how more people can follow Moses out of Egypt than the population of Egypt at the time, you will begin to understand that you need to dismiss the fantasy of the crucifixion and flood of Gilgamesh and that David, your king, is your God and Father, Yahweh.

You are thinking like a Christian if you think this universe was created for you and that the creator of the universe is your G-d. Little Green Angels will be arriving soon.

Light and vegetation are created before the sun and moon because the story is about the new heaven and new earth. Yahweh is the light and the Christ is the lamp. Your creation story is when, in the beginning, Adam found you in a wasteland, empty, and void of understanding, your having become corrupted by sin, and he shielded you as the apple of his eye.

Inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world. (Mat 25:34 NABO) There was as yet no man to till the soil. Adam tilled the soil and created the Garden of Eden, a promised land, a heavenly home, a new heaven and new earth, according to the plan of his Father, and then he settled east of Eden and has tilled and cultivated the earth ever since. I am with you always, until the end of the age. (Mat 28:20 NAB)

The kingdom of the Shining One (Snake???), David, the Morning Star, Yahweh, was in need of salvation. This is David's kingdom. His people set out from Babylon seeking a promised land. You will be a kingdom of priests, the Assembly on the Mount. You will be qualified by your salvation from behind the gates of hell. The gates of hell will not prevail. (Your) Father is greater than I (Joh 14:28 NABO)

Blessed is the kingdom of our Father David that is to come! (Mar 11:10 NABO) No one comes to the Father except through me. (Joh 14:6 NABO) The Son of David rules from his Father's throne and over his kingdom, preserving and restoring it for him. Then comes the end, when he hands over the kingdom to his God and Father (1Co 15:24 NABO)

Adam, the Christ, is not of this world or these heavens. The one who ascended far above all the heavens themselves (Eph 4:10 NABO) Never to return to corruption (Act 13:34 NABO) He is a third-party mediator between you and your Father. You will not always have me (Mat 26:11 NABO) The Sun and Moon are David and his Bride. The Man and Woman are Christ and his Bride.

Adam was without. The sin of Adam is prophetic of the sacrifice, when he wields the fiery sword guarding the way to the Tree of Life on the day of vengeance AS judgment, setting up the abomination of desolation in him, as the Temple without one stone left standing upon another. He justifies David when he speaks and vindicates him in his sentence at the resurrection. The hand of the (Yahweh) is not too short to save, nor his ear too dull to hear. (Isa 59:1 NABO)

On the day of the great slaughter, when the towers fall, The light of the moon will be like that of the sun and the light of the sun will be seven times greater (like the light of seven days). (Isa 30:25-26 NABO)




I thought science backed up the idea of a single ancient matriarch of modern humanity (based upon genetics I think).




Why men think they should lie for God for unbelievers to believe...


If you live your life based entirely on secular, rational, scientific information; then perhaps that earthly logic is for you the only certain guaranteed resolve for everything. That's your perogative. However don't limit your secular reasoning to only quanta. In other words try to see that there is the possibility of things or mysteries which go beyond empirical truths.
