[IDOL BODY] BLACKPINK 11 Ab Line | toning workout

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Another request! I've been busy this past week so I haven't had as much time to edit. But I changed the font a bit in the video, I think it looks cuter. The song is Boombayah by Blackpink.

Do this 2-4 times for maximum effect and/or pair with other toning workouts. The video consists of moves that target your core muscles! If you want to burn any of that pesky stomach fat, you will need to pair with any cardio workout. Drink plenty of water and take as many breaks as needed. You should be doing 10-20 mins of toning workouts + at least 10 mins of cardio daily for best results. Focus on different areas each day (f.e. day 1=legs&butt, day 2=arms&core etc.). Always have at least 1 rest day/week.

-- C R E D I T S: --

Exercise demonstration CLIP CREDITS belong to glam.d, sorinotsorry, emi wong and holly dolke.

-- S O C I A L M E D I A: --

INSTAGRAM @ytkpopfitness
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Me: **doing bicycle crunches**
My knees: **klick clack klick clack**


hey everyone, so tried it for 7 days and im gonna tell you abou that . i is surely effective you can see 11 abs but they ae not that clear maybe cuz i didnt do any dieting but im gonna d[ it 3 more days to get more toned abs. do try it its short nut effective. my advice is to drink watr before every meal cuz your stomach gets full. i did it twice a day plus also do their exo thigh workout its effective nad makes differece, first do ab workout then thigh and then again abs i also did 30 sec each sumo squat pulses nad sumo squat holds i have toned thoghs too keep going everyone you can do it. fighting go and get your abs its just 10 days i have 11


My motivation is here😂❤ : Lisa's picture


Omg thank you its only 4min:18sec ima do this for 3 days see how it goes ima do workout for 2x a day though but thank you for the workout :D


1. Cross crunch
2. Frogs crunch
3. Heels touch
4. Bycicle crunch
Repeat ×3


30 seconds for each

Cross Crunch
Frog Crunch
Heel Touches
Bicycle Crunches (try slow, it'll burn more)
Cross Crunch
Frog Crunch
Heel Touches
Bicycle Crunch
Frog Crunch



Imma update cuz so many comments dieded so yea!!!

Starting weight: 39kg
Starting height: 146cm
Waist: 25 inch


Day 2: didn't eat clean tdy. Also din eat clean yesterday but my abs still feel so strong. It hurts but it makes me feel better. Measured and no change but when I look at the mirror it looks more toned!!! Omg !


Day 4: didn't do cardio so it din rlly burn :(

Day 5: Didn't do cardio AGAIN but burned a bit better. So far for results wise? I lost 0.5kg. but I also dieted a lil'.

Day 6: I did it and it didn't really burn becauss I didn't do cardio AGAIN oops. But it's making it DAMN TIGHT GOSH

Ok so I stopped for awhile due to exams and surprisingly I din gain any weight back!!! But I did lose some definition so imma start again.

Day 6 Ending measurements:
Weight: 38.3kg (Lost 0.7kg)
Height: 146cm
Waist: 24.5 inch (Lost 0.5 inch)

New week:
Day 1: Did cardio so burned like HECKKKK also did the twice abs one!!!

Day 2: Did cardio again so it burned like MADDDD againnn and im sweating so much lol. It doesn't feel very tight but I can definitely see more definition again :D. (btw these 2 days I ate less for both breakfast and lunch but dinner as per normal and 1-2 snacks a day)

Day3: Cardio as per normal!!! Kinda overate yesterday and had a heavy breakfast today so I gained like 0.7kg back . I was really mad at first. I saw no changes in my appearance and thought maybe just growing muscles?

Day 4: Hurts soooo bad. I did it cos the weighing scale said I was 39.3kg and I got the shock of my life. Thank goodness I went to check again now and I am 38kg. Means it was all water weight. So I learnt to care too much about weight and just enjoy myself when working out. My waist did grow 1.5 cm because I ate a lot but this exercise makes me feel better. And I can definitely see some definition
Edit: I jus ate 7pc of MC nuggets and a yoghurt bar oops.

Edit: Suddenly went up to 39.3 again? So I did some 5-10 min cardio and the mina AOA workout and this workout and honestly it's barely burning but I'm so tired.

Day 5: did 10 mins of cardio(aka kpop dances) and it sooo But I love it Hahahah i was thinking about a yoghurt bar HAHA. Today actually ate 2 full meals and some snacks instead of 1 full meal and a lot of snacks and it makes me feel happier that I can eat without worrying about gaining fat.

Day 6: Today I also did cardio but didn't burn much as usual . Jus ached quite a bit on my upper abs. I ate 3 proper meals and 1 snack because I wanted to see what wld happennn if I didn't diet. And I honestly felt happy I cld eat whatever I wanted. The definition is not very obvious but I can FEEL it.

Edit: Btw my goal is 54cm of waist which is about 21inch. It takes time but it would all be worth it right?

Day 7: Very sweaty and it didnt really burn or hurt. Just upper abs ache a tiny bit but that's all. It's ok.right? I ate a TON today. I ate so many snacks and a big meal for lunch and dinner.
Overall for 1 week:(Btw I'm doing for 1 month)
Weight: Same(But might be muscle mass) I feel stronger tho

Waist: 61cm(24inch) (Lost 0.5inch again Yay!!!)
I learnt that weight doesnt always matter and how you feel is more important. I feel stronger now. And I like it. I don't care if my waist shrunk or not. I just feel happier whenever I workout :)

Week 2:
Day 1: Didn't do today. Just did 10 minute cardio(2x). Ate a lot today also hahahhahaa. And I feel like this workout doesn't hurt anymore. Maybe I'm too used to it kehe. I'm so lazy today. Tmr imma change workout to the minamize waist workout. But will update here :D
Real day 1(minamize):
For morning: Did 10-15 min cardio(no ab workout)
For afternoon: Did 10 min cardio and this blackpink abs workout
[Didnt burn :(((]

For evening: 5-10 min cardio and minamize workout (didnt burn tho but I guess u could say I feel STRETCHED)

Day 2: 20 mins cardio(no workout)
Edit: I was really lazy and tired I could barely get out of bed.

Day 3: ate whatever I wanted, didn't diet at all. Did 5 mins of cardio and the Minamize waist one. Didn't burn but I feel tight :D. Let's see my results for lazy week HAHAHA

Day 4: Ate whatever I wanted again. Like I didn't care what I ate. I jus ate whenever I wanted. Did 10 min of cardio and the Minamize workout. So far for results, I don't really get bloated that easily anymore :D no change in measurements yet
Edit: Didn't burn at all tho. Jus makes me feel hungry haha. Now Im not so concerned about my weight and it dropped to 37.8 without me even knowing! And I feel stronger. No change in measurements but I feel I don't look so bloated anymore. :D excited for the results at the end of the week

Day 5: Didn't do the ab workout just 10 mins of cardio(and I ate whatever I wanted again)

Day 6: ate junk food so much salt haha so I got kinda bloated and I ate cookies and ahhh so much unhealthy food haha. I did 10 mins of cardio and the Minamize workout but separately haha. I'm so lazy these few days. Tmr is my last day yay!!! Haha results day

Day 7: Did some cardio(5-10mins) no workout HAHA

Results wise: 37.8kg(lost weight)
Waist: 60.5cm(23.8 inch)(Less bloating)

I think this lazy week was quite surprising I didn't expect to get results haha. I didn't eat clean and I jus worked out when I felt like it HAHA

Change of routine:
Arms roulette
MinaMize Workout
Exo slim thighs
20 mins of cardio everyday

(btw today I ate a LOT . I had so many snacks, supper, and really heavy meals.)

Day 1: Did 20 mins of cardio in the morning. In the evening didn't do cardio but I did do only the Minamize workout. Didn't finish the routine today. Also today I ate as much as I wanted and snacked a LOT haha now I got a food baby.

Day 2: Ate clean. Did some stomach vacuum (exercise). And I did the whole routine and my arms ache soooo baddd omgggh

Day 3: only did 20 mins of cardio haha because I was very tired from school hahah. But seriously I'm sooo sweaty HAHAHAH

Day 4: Did the whole routine with some breaks in between because I was so tired from 1hr of dance CCA haha. Ate as usual.

Day 5: Ate whatever I wanted HAHA I didn't diet today and was so lazy hut luckily I finished the routine HAHAH YAY my arms and legs are hurting not my abs tho. Kinda weird HAHA

Day 6: CHEAT meal!!! Ate at buffet for my friends birthday party HAHA!!! did 20 mins of cardio in the morning, and one set of the whole routine in the afternoon.
Tips: I learnt that I have to do warm-up and cooldown because I didn't do those and now I feel sick and naseous, tired and cannot do anything.

Day 7:REST
Results: No changes in measurement or weight but I can tell my fat became muscles instead !!! :D

Last week:
Day 0: REST
Day 0: REST
(It ached so much so I had to rest)

Edit: Sorry I haven't updated for about 1-2weeks because I'm so stressed out about school and so tired these few days, once I even slept at 7pm at night when my normal bedtime is 11pm HAHA
I will start again soon, this time with her new wannabe cardio workout HAHA and maybe a few an exercises from kpop fitness here and there.
I couldn't update my results because my weighing scale is broken but trust me, these exercises have long-lasting results. I haven't workout in 1-2 weeks yet I manage to maintain my body shape without any diets :D

UPDATE 25 OCT: so I stopped working out for about 6 months HSJZKZK so yea ofc I gained weight but I grew taller too so I guess it's okay? I'll continue to update here again!

UPDATE 6 JULY 2021: im gna start working out again bcos i gained sm weight aghhhh will update again tmr!!

Starting weight: 42kg
Starting height: 148cm(last measured in July)
Waist: 65cm(25.5inch)

Day 1:


I’m gonna try this one for a week and see what happens

Weight: (already ate breakfast🤦🏼‍♀️) 97, 5kg
Height: 165(I know it will stay the same but just to let u guys know how tall I am....)
Waist: 92cm
(don’t judge me🙈)

Day1: Starting strong!💪🏻Definitely feel the burn!

Day2: I decided to do this for 2 weeks instead of 1 cuz I’m eating very unhealthy because of al the easter food and easter
Just did the workout and man does it it hurt but in a good way👌🏻

Day3: Stil feeling the burn while doing it but like 5 min later I don’t feel anything anymore

Day4: Same as yesterday

Day5: I was really lazy today so the workout was a little hard😂

Day6: It’s getting easier but I ate sooo unhealthy the past few days and I feel really bad about it

Day7: I literally had no time cuz I decided to do ALL my school work in one day to get it done with and it’s done and I feel good about that lol🙈

Day8: Since I didn’t do it yesterday I’m doing it once in the morning and then before bed(but just today...)

Day9: It was actually really hard today lol😂

Day10: The workout is getting easier but I still feel the burn

Day11: My lower back was really hurting today
Idk if it’s my posture or what?

Day12: Lower Back still hurts but my upper abs hurt in a good way

Day13: I felt really sick today but still pushed threw the workout and it was fine

Day14:Last day, I feel good, I’ll give my results tomorrow👍🏻

Weight: (already ate Breakfast) 95, 6
Waist: 92cm
Belly: 104cm
Total kg lost: 1, 9kg
Total Waist lost: 0cm
Total Belly lost: 0cm


Me in other workout videos: I can't do this 😭
Me after hearing boombayah : This is my jam 🔥🔥


Aout glow up :
Day 1 : 2 sets abs
Day 2 : 2 sets
Day 3  :1 set
Day 4 : 2 sets
Day 5 : 3 sets
Day 6 : 3 sets
Day 7: 2 sets
Day 8 : 1 set
Day 9 : 2 sets
Day 10 : 2 sets
Day 11 :2 sets
Day 12 : 1 set
Day 13 : 3 sets
Day 14 :3 sets
Day 15 :3 sets,
Day 16 : 3 sets
Day 17 : 2 sets
Day 18 : 2 sets
Day 19 : 2 sets
Day : 20 : 1 set
Day 21 + 22 + 23 Hi guys i did not practice because i was mentally broke + my period lol, but i eat small pieces in every meals
Day 24 : 3 sets
Day 25 : 2 sets
Day 26 : 2 sets


I didn't know that 4 min of my life could feel like hell, the music made me keep going don't give up guys!


And thank you for the workout I love it!!! 😍😍😍😍😍😍😍


Bro I just started doing a 11 ab workout.... You read my mind!! 😅


hi guys! im gon give you guys updates on me doing this & a couple other kpop workouts!
day 1: ✅ hard; also did kpop dances
day 2: ✅ did kpop dances & took a walk
day 3: ✅ still super hard
day 4: ✅
day 5: SKIPPED; studied for ap exams
day 6: SKIPPED; studied
day 7: ✅ kinda wanna quit 😭
day 8: ✅
day 9: ✅ it’s getting a little easier!
day 10: ✅ measured myself! lost 0.5cm on arms, 0.5cm on thighs & 1.5cm on stomach!


Doing this:
Day 1: Hurt a lot during, but no lasting pain. Already lines starting to show up a bit, but they went away after day 2 breakfast.
Day 2: No noticeable differences, didn’t hurt as much.


So i've done this workout for about a week, once in the morning and again at night. And I can tell you it really works! I mean in the first day my abs were on fire and I could already see the line more defined, of course I was already doing other workouts already but this one really helped and pushed me. You got this okay! Keep it up! :D


This for me is quite insane im 12 years old and i do this ×2 a day...imma gonna do the 1 week woukout chall using these workouts thx....skl


If I do this for around 2 weeks plus 10 mins of running, could I reach the abs?


I don’t know if we can request but can you do muffin tops/love handles 🙏🏼🥺


please yell at me if i don't update.
starting weight: 155
height: 5 foot

day one: ow ow ow i did it but ow ow ow i liked that i did it but OW my abs feel tighter already
day one waist circumference: 33 inches
useless updates (you are welcome to skip): sorry y’all mental health got the best of me but I’m back!
day two (basically day one tho): feels good man i feel healthy. like the opposite of bloated
day two (basically day one tho) waist circumference: 33 inches
day three: my core feels so tight! it hurts but at the same time i love it. i have a feeling that once i get into the routine of working out ill keep doing it.
day three wait circumference: 33 inches
