👩🏻‍🏫 WHY I QUIT TEACHING … my story

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Hello, it is Andrea Michelle with The Longest Video of All Time!

No, but seriously. Sorry this is so long and I sound like I'm running out of breath by the end! You try talking for 30+ minutes straight!

Today I am telling you the somewhat sad story of how I decided to quit teaching elementary after only 3 years. There is a mass exodus of teachers right now and I know the "Great Resignation" has been going on for a couple years. I respect teachers SO much. They do so much more than anyone really thinks about or knows. It is such a taxing and emotional job. I wish I could have stayed in without sacrificing my mental well-being but it wasn't really an option. Maybe one day the profession will improve for all those who so greatly deserve it.

I am so happy to be in design now and get to do something I LOVE with better work/life balance. I miss my former students constantly but I know that being in a job that was unsustainable for me wasn't fair to them or myself. Please; thank a teacher. They are probably more tired/overwhelmed than you think and they are almost certainly struggling to pour from an empty cup in an effort to give all they can to their students. I know I was.

Thanks for listening! And teachers are heroes... amen!

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I am a first year teacher and I am trying to get out. I’ve been interviewing and have been exploring different career options. I don’t understand how anyone can be in this career for multiple years, especially with how messed up the public education system is now. Absolutely no accountability for students and everything is somehow the teachers fault.


I hope all teachers quit, you guys are being used by parents as babysitters not educators.


I just want everyone to take a good look at the comments here... these comments are EXACTLY why we are quitting teaching. That lack of empathy and horrid disrespect is exactly how all of your kids act.


I have been teaching for 16 years and living from pay check to pay check, and You can feel how hard it is. The work never ends. I think you made a good decision. Wish you all the best.


I’m so glad you have found a career you enjoy. Life is to short to “stick it out.”


More than 20 years in and it NEVER gets easier. I'm still putting in late hours. The stress is horrible.


I resonated with this video so much. I am currently a 2nd grade teacher and am struggling with burnout and overall anxiety from the work load. I actually just put in my two weeks. I realize I need to put my mental health first. Thanks for sharing❤️


I'm in my second year teaching.
I'm still struggling with not being able to "shut my brain off"
I feel like I'm always working


I am getting out of student teaching today. I’m so unhappy and don’t like where education is going.


After 40+ years of teaching, I’m becoming increasingly convinced college is a huge waste of time and money for most people. Go only if you have a specific goal that requires it, and work at least a quarter time while doing so. Do not take out humongous loans you’ll regret.


I'm in year 15 (and with one foot out the door). What I don't understand is how parents can't handle their 1-2 kids, but get frustrated that we can't handle 150 (high school, up to 33 kids at a time) kids!!


I think it’s pretty crazy that you turn 18 and you’re expected to choose a major. You’re 18. You don’t even know who you really are. I blame the high school counselors for aggressively pushing college right after hs instead of taking an active year off where you work/travel and figure it out.


Reasons for leaving: horrible principal, horrible admin, racism, anti military, told I had to pay for everything I needed, which of course was EVERYTHING, being locked out of main offices because principal brought grandchildren to work (that’s where copy machine and supplies were), no support, constant criticism, no lunch break, misbehaving kids forced on me during my planning period, no time to even pee. Final straw: being downgraded on my observations because I didn’t have enough room. Seriously. Most horrible job on the planet.


I'm a teacher from Spain, I've taught for 7 years now( In Spain). Last school year I went to the US to teach as a part of a teacher exchange program. That year got me question my whole career too. Never happened to me before


Being treated like a child ...wow girl thanks for saying that. You really nailed it...sad truth


It’s a very tough job that only teachers and their immediate family can see. I’m sure you feel so much healthier.


Apparently third year itch is a real thing in teaching. This is my 2nd year teaching and I'm most definitely not working as hard as I did last year.

I'm not staying behind. I'm not going above and beyond or volunteering for extra things. I only do things unless I'm told or the deadline is near. I don't have school email on my phone and never reply unless it's specifically directed at me with my name on the email. I've not be printing anything this year, it's all on Google classroom to save printing everything and it also saves precious planning time. I phone for help if behaviour gets out of hand. I do spreadsheets within my own time and don't rush things. I feel so much more relaxed. I leave about 20 minutes after students leave and only do a little bit of work at home (e.g. open all tabs and powerpoints on my computer for next day or a little bit of marking).

I don't care what anyone else says, but if teacher wellbeing and mental health in isn't prioritised, the teaching quality will be poor. Seriously. Students push the boundaries to see how much they can get away with and how little work they can do.

As staff, try the same. Stop going OTT and working so hard and see what happens. Because the way education is going, just being in the building with lessons prepared is enough. This doesn't mean you don't care about your students. It means you care about your health and your wellbeing that is vital for teaching good lessons, and this will rub off on your students education and wellbeing. There is nothing wrong with this!

Good luck and I'm sure you have made a good decision.


This video made me realize as a kid I should have told a classmate to stop bothering the teacher. The kid was a real jerk.


Great video! As a former teacher myself, I can totally relate to these mistakes. It's so important for educators transitioning into new careers to be aware of these pitfalls. Thanks for sharing!


I'm close to retirement but would not have stuck it out if I was 20 years younger. Lack of support for students with diverse needs is the biggest challenge in my experience. It's not that we don't care. We do!! It's just not a hill we are willing to die (literally) on.
