Why I Quit Teaching: The unedited truth

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The truth is that teaching traumatized me. I had to quit for my overall health and wellbeing. If you are currently a teacher and want to leave the profession, or thinking about becoming a teacher, I hope this video gives you some insight on how teaching can possibly impact your health. Well wishes!

#teaching #teacher #education #mentalhealth #newbeginnings #movingon #storytime #selfcare #selfimprovement
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Hey everyone! I just want to specify that my first paycheck was $2, 300 a month, not biweekly. That’s not a livable wage. Also, though I am not married, I don’t think teaching would have allowed me to be a good partner because I was always tired and grumpy. So, even if married, I would not have been able to stay in the profession with dual income due to the mental and physical impact. From the outside looking in, I was like a zombie. Just barely making it day by day. I feel so much happier since leaving and I nearly have a nightmare anytime I drive by a school.


Toxic Positivity - Nailed it! I used to sit in my classroom thinking "is this a cult"


anytime I mention problems, I get labeled negative


i'm a highschool student and i 100% feel the same way about the disrespect towards teachers. the kids in my class swear, say disrespectful and offensive things, fight, etc, and everything gets swept under the rug by the principal or they get punished and then do it over and over again. it's one of the reasons why i am switching to online school


I was a math major in college. I had aspirations of becoming a teacher.

I did one clinical and said, “no, this isn’t for me”. I changed to engineering and all my math credits went to my degree.

I’m an electrical engineer now. I do not regret my decision.


I recall students with behavior issues being sent to the principal’s office and sent back to class. The principal would ask them, “ are you ready to make good choices?” The student replies, ”yes” and commences to acting up again. Lol that is an example of toxic positivity


I was a teacher for 26 years. Should have walked away years ago. It literally has ruined my health. I have been “retired” since 2021 and when I come across videos like these, I always want to leave a comment to say that you made a great decision. Never look back. ❤. Best wishes for a successful future.


Im sad you no longer teach. You seem to be a calm, grounded person. Kids need that. But im glad you are having a better life now.


Wow when you said HIGH school my jaw dropped. I was so sure you were talking about elementary school. Good for you for getting out


I am not a teacher but as a nurse I can tell you that many of the problems you encounter in the classroom are directly related to how kids are raised nowadays. I do respect teachers a lot. All the best with your new endeavors.


I left teaching after 1 year
High school math teacher.
I was young 23 years old. School was a jungle
I love maths and wanted to make scholars out these kids.
The classes were too big- over 25 students.
The kids were hormonal and disrespectful. And the dean and principal did not support me and this was my first job, and dealing with these rude kids- the had no consequences- no detention, nothing


Toxic Positivity and Gaslighting is definitely a thing in professions where there are high workloads and risk of burnout.


I'm a student and I want to say from the very bottom of my heart that I am sorry to all teachers that out generation is like this. I've wanted to be a teacher my entire life, but I've seen and heard about so much horrible situations I'm not even sure it'd be worth it.


You are absolutely right! My sister taught for 35 years. She passed away 6 years after retirement.
She always use to say “ We have no idea what is going to be unleashed on our society.”
She almost lost her life teaching High School! The kids poured oil on the floor, and she slipped, fell and hit her head on a desk. She was carried out by ambulance. She was out for over 2 months.
You have chosen yourself and your well being over teaching.
I personally am a retired Kindergarten teacher. I taught 12 years and left the profession.
I certainly can speak to this topic.
God bless you going forward, and I wish you the very best! ❤


You have told no lies!!! It it's an exhausting and draining job


“Lack for respect for authority” has to be the number one issue in most school settings.

I’m not a school teacher, but have sat in many high school classrooms as a RN with student(s) who either had diabetes or seizures; requiring 1:1 monitoring.

This lady is telling the truth! Public high school settings are especially toxic and brutal! Teens say and do as they please…

Notifying parent(s) is a waste of time bc it usually inflames the situation.

“The fruit doesn’t fall far from the tree.”

I pray that you will receive emotional, physical, and spiritual healing.
Thank you for sharing.
God bless you.
Ann (Retired RN)


Teachers mold the minds of tomorrows generations. I’ve always thought it was weird teachers didn’t get paid more.


I signed up to be a substitute teacher. I accepted one assignment for a kindergarten class and that was my first and last day. The problem was the teachers ( looking at me as if I’m competition and it was my own race that was doing this )and the students ( just bad as h*ll) it was horrible. I can’t imagine years of this 😩


"The environment is complete chaos because everyone is trying to survive." You hit the nail on the head with this sentence.


I used to be a Pre-K teacher, and all of the points you made are eerily similar to my own experiences. I had kids that were five years old that couldn't tell me their last names, their parents' names, their ABC's, were not potty trained, and the behavioral issues were absolutely out of control to the point of being dangerous and violent. Administration applied toxic positivity to my concerns, and eventually told me, "All that's important is that they stay alive." This class was supposed to prepare these children for public school, and with no help from admins or parents, I eventually had to throw my hands up and leave.

Parents, teach your children basic life and educational skills, or you will be caring for them in their twenties. You can't grow out of neglect.
