Why are Texas teachers quitting in record numbers? This is what they said.

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We sat down with a group of teachers who recently left the profession. Here's what they told us about why teachers are leaving the classroom record numbers.
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Parents need to be held accountable for their bratty kids. The amount of psycho level abuse kids put out then get a slap on the wrist for is insane.


My father is a retired teacher. He committed himself 100% to be the best that he could be. I remember him falling asleep at the kitchen table while grading homework and creating teaching plans after dinner. And up at 5 a.m. to prepare for the day and a long commute to work. He did a summer Master's Degree course to improve his skills and better support our family. God bless all of you teachers who are struggling with all of our current problems in society and education.


“I did this because I love numbers, I just wanted to teach the kids numbers.” That just broke my heart


I work for a school district and this is so TRUE 😢
Salary, disrespectful administration and parents, behaviors, lack of support, etc, etc.. all these is real. Teachers should be making more money than those working in the district office, taking phone calls and sending emails.


We have forced teachers to “make bricks without straw” for several years now. Children come to school unprepared to learn, with complete and total disrespect and contempt for teachers. Not to mention children with parents more petulant than their demonic children. Our teachers deserve better.


My first job teaching was at an inner city school. Fourteen teachers quit the first two weeks. I was determined to make it work. After two years, I swore I would never teach again. A few years later, to help an orphan I met in China, I got a job there teaching English. I was the one who got an education. Respect, gifts from parents, a boss with encouraging things to say were all new to me. The problem is in our culture (or lack of it). No one in America thinks anyone else should be able to tell them what to do. We have some distorted idea of what freedom is. Every single teacher has gone into the profession with good intentions. The system wears them out.


My wife is an elementary school teacher here in North Texas. I can’t tell you how many conversations we have had about her being a stay at home mom. Shes taught for 10yrs now. She’s committed to educating and shaping the youth but it’s very difficult at times. We made it a rule that she does not bring the work home to try and mitigate her stress and anxiety. We are blessed that I make 6 figures so I’ve always told her if you want to stop just say so. I doubt she will but it’s just sad what teachers go through nowadays. God bless them all


People need to realize this. The whole reason why we have doctors, lawyers, judges, etc. is because of these teachers. They need to be given everything they need and then some.


My daughter just graduated Law school last summer. Her kindergarten teacher came to our home for her high school graduation party….that’s how important our teachers are at ALL levels, without exception and without distinction. Thank you!


My husband retired from being a registered pharmacist and decided to take a teaching job for 9th grade. The pay is low but the worse thing is the disrespect from the students and their parents! 😮😢. Parents need to teach their children to have manners and respect!


Being a teacher is nobel duty. To all the eductors who have quit teaching because of the stress and other issues you've faced. I appreciate your time and efforts into educating our children. Thank for your service.


Outstanding interview. My mom was an elementary teacher and I was a college instructor. Things were bad when my mom retired, they sound horrific now. You all have my deepest sympathy. These people are clearly well educated and trained to handle problems....there are just too many problems for them to deal with. It is ridiculous that teachers of small children cannot wrap their arms around a child that is losing it to both contain and comfort them.


“If you’re complaining about the cashier who doesn’t understand how to count your change, you better be at that school supporting us and students”
That. Is. Perfect.


I am a retired engineer, before I was an engineer I enjoyed teaching math for 10 years. Now that I am retired I decided to substitute teach. It was terrible. When I follow school policy and make students put their phones away, students would be very rude to me. Some students would tell the principal that they did not like the way I looked at them. I then would not be allowed to substitute teach. I was also attacked by a student because I picked up the students phone and nothing was done. Since I was an engineer, I have a good retirement, so not teaching does not hurt me. It is hard for regular teachers to quit. So they have to put up with the abuse and it hurts them emotionally. I was insulted by the students every time I made them follow the rules. Having no support from Principals a person is in a trap, they cannot get out of. So they get physically sick. Until school boards support the principals, principals will not support teachers. So the students rule the schools.


The moment I had total understanding and enormous respect for teachers was when I started dating one. I gave her an open heart, a listening ear, a helping hand, and a shoulder to cry on when she needed it.


Our father was a passionate teacher committed to bringing literacy to the students who'd slipped through the cracks. He dropped dead of a massive heart attack and stroke at 55! He taught during the day and was back creating his program every single night and weekends. He wanted to save the world 🥰.


"We wouldn't have doctors and lawyers if we didn't have teachers" YES MA'AM!


While all of the things they have cited are indeed major problems, it seems to me that children and parents are held to the absolute lowest standards of behavior now. I know several teachers that have quit because students throw stuff at them, curse constantly, and behave like animals while they’re at school. If you tell a parent, the parent gets mad at the school. Fix children and parent behavior and it won’t be a matter of “recruitment” anymore. Teachers that are passionate about what they do are passionate about educating, not baby sitting students that know better. Get better discipline in schools and hold students accountable when they do wrong THEN raise teacher pay (believe me, these teachers deserve that and much more). Teachers deserve respect, huge pay, and good working conditions. But to make that happen, you have to start with fixing parental entitlement. Everyone wants to dance around the uncomfortable topics instead of addressing them. 😑


I’m commenting for the traction! Thank you all for your efforts!


This is sad. I hope any teachers reading this know that there are still some people with common sense in this world who know teachers do deserve more. I respect teachers everywhere they are GENUINELY trying to help which is something great in this world.
