Why I Quit Teaching Gen Z! - A Story of Little Things That Made a Big Difference

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People who are not in education do not get it and don’t want to. I am a teacher and have been for 20 years and what I have seen in the last several years is insane. We are in a serious crisis: we have freshmen reading at a 2nd grade level, behavior is like Lord Of The Flies, kids just don’t turn in ANY work, drop out rate at the highest I have ever seen so is the flunking rate, and EVERYONE is addicted to social media- and that is what is teaching them, the University of TikTok. We are heading to a massive collapse of society because these kids literally know nothing. In ten years, we will resemble Idiocracy more than anything we remember. You can make up your own reality now, which, by itself has its own terrible consequences. Once you do away with objective reality it’s over.


A point to make too is that it's not just exhausting for teachers, it's also exhausting for the few students who are actually trying to follow the rules and respect their teachers and peers.


Even when I was young I noticed most kids didn't listen to the teacher. It's an issue with their parents not teaching them to respect authority. Also might be an empathy issue as well. Teachers deserve to be able to do their job.


I just read about two students who knew a team member had a deathly allergy to peanuts. They questioned whether it could killed him he explained it could. They started flicking peanuts at him. Then the filled his clothes shoes and locker with peanuts. The consequence was a two game suspension. That’s it. Two kids tried to murder a student and all they got was suspended from playing in two games. The mom tried to take it to court but the DA said it didn’t even meat the standard for bullying which has laws that would allow them to prosecute. I cannot stress this enough, good children are not safe in public schools. Hopefully, they complain to the DOJ and get a case going.


As a member of Gen Z, I can honestly say that if you asked students to put on an oxygen mask, 90% of them wouldn't do it just because they believe they can get away with it.


I'm Gen X. When I was in high school there were different paths for students to take. Not everyone pursued college. My school offered automotive, carpentry, construction, and business courses. I think part of the problem is we are forcing one path. Our society is now losing very important skills and expertise in trades. Just a thought.


College teacher here. I recently had a class of all first-semester freshmen (all directly out of high school, no transfer students) and I was impressed with how much trouble many had following instructions, and doing other weird immature things like sleeping in class, just turning in nothing, things that I'm not used to seeing college students do. Not sure it's a sign of a trend, but it's consistent with what I've heard from high school teachers lately in the difficulty of working with current student cohorts.


Tbh, as a student, all I wish for is for things to not always be DIGITAL. I know it’s more convenient or whatever, but I find it helps when I have a physical copy that I can actually write on. That’s all I really want.


This is not some old disgruntled person talking about how bad the next generation is. This is a young professional who wanted to make an impact on the future of our country. People need to wake up and listen!


Child please! You are wasting your breath. This is 100% about BAD PARENTING. There is no way that parenting of the American children can be successfully transferred to schools and teachers. These folks need to raise, discipline, mentor and monitor their children. PERIOD.


As a nurse, I have always said teachers are our sisters in misery. The appreciation for the roles we play, and supporting our ability to lead our respective students and patients has been worn down by media and noise. Its so sad too because they are both female dominated fields, and some areas of society have stock behind dumbing down our importance. Its very very sad.


I have been a both a private and college (adjunct) music teacher since 2008. What I have seen is that the students that have parents that set up real consequences for bad behavior at school, that are carried out at home, are ludicrously more successful than those students whose parents do not. To the extent that it simply isn’t possible for those students with “problem” parents to catch up. This has been true of my students regardless of race, economic class, or immigrant status. It’s to the point where when I spend too much time thinking about it, it creeps me out, because it’s a fulfillment of a theory my Freshman philosophy prof had in 1993, that eventually we’d end up in a society where there was a small, educated elite and everyone else. And the answer isn’t to breakdown existing family structures to create “equal” outcomes. It’s to somehow help parents to understand how much their kids will benefit from maintaining high standards of behavior, and enforcing consequences for not meeting those standards. I know that sounds reductive, but that has been my consistent experience.


"Teachers get in trouble when students fail."

This. Nothing else does as much damage as this, imo. We are producing a more and more stupid and more self-absorbed society because we no longer hold children accountable for their actions.

If they don't learn that actions have consequences when they are young, they either won't learn it at all or they'll be slapped down over and over again in the real world and be held back for years trying to learn it as an adult.


I teach older gen z in college. They are Struggling! You are right about not understanding deadlines or consequences for late or missed assignments. Their reading comprehension is less than students of previous years. I've been a professor for 13 years. The difference is astounding and scary for our society. The thing is in college I dont talk to parents, I design my own courses, I set the rules. Whoever doesn't like it can drop or whatever. It's not a democracy! And the students are clearly having culture shock. If they earn an F, I am willing to give an F. Yep, I'm that tough teacher. Try me if you want to ! Time to grow up, pay attention and start getting yourself together Gen Z.


Gen Z here (Born 2005), I am genuinely so sorry for how my generation treats teachers. My parents taught me that I should respect everyone and that I should be prideful about education and learning. All of my teachers lead me to where I am today, and I am grateful to them.


I had a colleague who experienced a medical student make a tremendous fuss at one point because “they came to university to study medicine not math” yet the closest they could get to calculating a correct dose of a particular drug was a ten fold error!!! In this case the potential effect in a live situation rather than a class, would have precipitated the death of the recipient patient. This strange attitude goes right through the system!


My Gen Z daughter couldn't even muster finishing high school amongst her Gen Z peers. The verbal, physical and mental abuse towards teachers and peers was more like being in the court juvenile system than an educational environment.


First thing I learned about teaching: "It's easier to lighten up than to tighten up. NEVER start off nice. Always firm and strict. If you do lighten up, do so towards the end of the year, when deserved. Didn't listen, my first year was a disaster. Implemented it every year after to noticeably improved results


I've never taught, but as a dental assistant, I've seen some kids say things to their parents that would've left me unable to sit down for a month. Absolutely unreal.


Gen Z's are in bad shape. Social media is one of the worst things that's ever happened to humanity
