Why So Many Teachers Are Leaving This Year - A Teacher's Rant

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I literally just walked out of my teaching job 10 minutes ago. I couldn’t survive till the end of the year. Wish me luck everyone!


I am emotionally abused by my students. They don’t listen, they talk back, they have conversations with each other while I’m teaching, they fight each other, they yell across the room. They are entitled, they are lazy, and so much more. I’m tired. I can’t sleep at night. I’ve gained 50lbs in a year. My admin is crazy too.


I'm in my 2nd year and teaching is absolutely the worst job I've ever had. Great administration. Lots of support and back me uo on everything. THE STUDENTS ARE TERRIBLE. ITS HORRIBLE. Everyday is nothing but "put than down, sit down, stop throwing that, stop running sit down, I'll wait until everyone is quiet, please stop that, sit down" ABSOLUTELY HORRIBLE


I’m a high school teacher and I’ll be retiring at the end of this year after 24 years. I feel like one of those marathon runners crawling the last couple of yards on all fours. This has been the hardest year. I don’t see it getting any better any time soon, that’s why I decided it was time to call it quits.


When I taught in China, I was treated SOOOO well. You can't imagine. A nice, warm breakroom with all kinds of amenities, parents bringing me home cooked food and taking me to see their cultural spots, kind words wherever I went in town. A parking spot by the front door. I met a divorced black guy whose children had been starting to get messed up in the DC public schools, in desperation he took a teaching job in China. He said his kids turned around within months. And he loved the good treatment he got from everyone as a teacher. He was the only black man many chinese had ever seen, so they pampered him like crazy. Everyone tried to find a wife for him. He finally married another chinese teacher. His boys mastered calculus (in chinese!) by 11th grade.


I felt this video so much I started crying. I decided to leave without giving a 2 weeks notice. I refuse to let my well-being suffer anymore and my kids need their mom. Thank you.


Overworked and underpaid, something needs to be done. People aren’t raising their children properly. It all starts at home, teacher can’t raise your kids for you. Some parent literally get mad at teachers because their kids aren’t grasping information, sweetie you’re the parent. They need to raise teacher wages just how they raised nurse wages. Nurses didn’t get paid like they did today a few decades ago! It should be the same with teachers. I’m all over the place but I hope everyone understands. Teachers have a lot of degrees, in demand degrees too. They’re sacrificing other jobs, better paying jobs. I’m from a low income neighborhood and seen teachers go through the worst, it’s literally sickening.


I am a teacher in Russia. Kids have respect for teachers here because their parents explain this to them at home. We say that education starts in the family. Coming to school kids already know what is bad and what is good.


I resigned a month ago after 15 years. The increasing admin demands, discipline demands and low pay made teaching unsustainable.


Sounds like there's no incentive to stay: the stress, no time for your own families, abuse from students parents and admin, lack of appreciation, sounds like yall are being treated like babysitters rather than educators imo. And you don't even earn a livable wage from this high pressure job! Kudos to all of you for standing up for yourselves and your peers! Yall deserve better.


I was thinking of becoming a sub after retirement. I reviewed all the requirements and expectations. I saw that teachers are literally not allowed to enforce discipline in the classroom. I "Noped Out" on that idea immediately! Kids need structure, discipline, and expectations. The current system is rewarding failure.


The sad thing is a year later (from this video)it is still going on. I feel so bad for all teachers who have to endure this mistreatment. I'm sorry you all are going through this.


And let’s be honest, this was all happening before the pandemic but COVID brought everything into sharp relief by intensifying the already overwhelming problems in education. My favorite line is the one about about returning to business as usual. Business as usual was ridiculous, oppressive, and exploitative so the return to it was incomprehensible. We missed a golden opportunity to rethink what education should be and to start reforming from the ground up. This rant is nowhere near complete but I will stop here. Gotta get ready for work.


We trust teachers with the thing we treasure most in life and we pay and treat them like indentured servants. Messed up, isn’t it? ❤️


I’m turning in my resignation tomorrow. I’m retiring.


Absolutely true, Every word! I taught for 19 years and took retirement last June. By the end I didn’t even recognize the job anymore. My heart goes out to all teachers. You’ve got to save yourselves first, if you can.


I quit after 12 years 2 weeks ago. Done. Join the great teacher resignation. If you are in college studying to be a teacher....STOP. Choose another major. Get out. Save your mental health. The country abandoned us 2 decades ago. Leave now and better your life mentally and physically.


After 33 years I FINALLY get to retire in June and it can’t come fast enough. Teaching simply sucks now. You can count on no support and no matter what you do- it’s your fault and you suck. 7 months to go. Sweet Jesus- give me strength


Preach. I started homeschooling my 2 elementary students October 2020 and it's a full time job. That I don't get paid for. But since they're my kids, it's worth it. So any teacher out there teaching other people's kids... MORE POWER TO YOU! I pray for ya'll every day.


I’m not a teacher, but I was a school counselor. This was my first year, and I quit today because I just couldn’t handle the toll it was taking on me. I could barely sleep and started having panic attacks everyday. I’ve gone to urgent care 7 times this school year because of how sick I was getting from stress. Thank you for sharing this, and for everyone still working in schools, God speed.
