HE'S DELUSIONAL & SHE'S TOXIC! Love is Blind Season 7 Hannah & Nick Relationship Analysis

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We've gotta talk about Nick & Hannah, a trainwreck relationship on Love is Blind Season 7 that was over before it even began!

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This show isn’t about anyone trying to find love anymore they just want to be Instagram famous. 🙄


He never said he was a massive football player. He said he was a kicker. all the kickers in US football are small.


Knowing things does NOT equate maturity, only lifestyle. Maturity is experience + behavior. Hannah had one and Nick had the other, and by far, I think Nick's will serve him better in life.


Hannah walked right into the villain edit. Nick was just trying to get by, kept his composure. Hannah resented even having to try, and is just overall an unpleasant person that isn’t the catch or socially-astute person she thinks she is.


Hannah will never get a partner with her negative personality. She is like that because of her personal self doubt. Nick appears like he would be willing to mature with time


Ok I'm gonna defend Nick here. First off I never got the impression he wasn't attracted to Hannah. Yes he asked her about getting plastic surgery and when she said no, he said good, I like natural women. Hannah was the one who started talking about his looks right after the reveal saying he was shirt abd not as attractive as she thought he'd be. As for him not having his shit together I think that isn't fair, he has job its not like he'd completely living off his parents. My mom paid my cell phone bill til I was 26, my brother was on my patents car insurance till 30 sometimes parents just do things like that for their kids, hell I'm 40 and I use my mom's Amazon prime and Sam's club membership. Also him not being able to cook doesn't mean he's immature, if he can get food for himself and doesn't expect Hannah to cook for him then there should be no issue, like I doubt my dad can make pasta either does that make him immature too? Then there is the financial stuff, at 28 I had no clue about investing either and I'm just learning about it now, plus putting money in the stock market is a big gamble you can lose money just as quick as you can make it. Also Hannah is unemployed and quit her job to come on this show, that is not a very financially smart decision. Hannah to me is one of the worst people in LIB history, she did nothing but tear nick down the entire time and then at the end tried to act like it was all his fault. Hannah goes around acting like her shit don't stink and hopefully someday someone will give this girl the wakeup call she needs.


Oh my gosh, I love this recap. I knew he was a red flag from episode one, and so is she! This whole season gives me the ick 🤣🤣


That is hispanic tradition mothers do everything for their son my husband knew nothing when i met him but i helped him and now hes a great cook she was nasty mean and basically a b**** Nick handeled himself well.... shes just rude and not knowing about stocks is not a shock ALOT of ppl dont know anything about stocks 🙄 she was talking about how she makes more money but she had no JOB LMAO her using all those paper towels were driving me crazy lol


Hannah's behavior gives me the ick


I like Nick. I believed he wanted to be married. He comes from a loving family. I like how he saw is football career to the end and successfully transitioned into real estate. He seemed like he was a fun person to be around. I felt bad how Hannah treated him. She was so critical and judgmental. No one should have to deal with that harsh treatment daily. Happy to hear that Nicki’s doing well and purchased his own place in Tyson Corner in DC.


Scolding him about reading books SENT me- so not only is she a total buzzkill & toxic in general, but we have *homework* now?! 😂I can’t figure out if Hannah thinks Nick’s her Maid, her Student/Child, her adopted Pet, or what, but it sure ain’t a husband. I really hope they don’t try to give her some angelic redemption arc at the reunion, I seen her glow up already and am just mentally preparing myself for the rage to come


Correction… Hannah quit her high paying job to be a clout chaser, like most of the cast


In episode 11, Hannah lists off her 5 points of concern with Nick. The entire time, I felt she should be looking in a mirror and talking to herself. Nick is a bit of a milk-toast and doesn't really seem to stand up for himself. As for Hannah, she is extremely delusional, has and ego problem, has severe body image issues (that she pretends not to have, via fake self-esteem), lacks social awareness, shows little respect for Nick and - as the title of this video suggests - is extremely toxic! Nick, you dodged a major bullet!


Nick can come to my house anytime! Just bc he asked what level of heat to boil water doesn’t mean he can’t cook nor does it mean he is incapable of looking on Google.
Fun fact: it took me over a year to figure out how to boil water on my stove. I had switched to a gas stove and no matter how long or how high the heat the water would never seem to boil. Had to figure out Samsung for whatever reason has their big sized grill heads in the front opposed to the back. So I had to learn to move it to the front to boil a large pan of water.

Nick and them just moved into that apartment. And pasta being in the fridge, some require this. The noodles I cook will always be found in the fridge bc I make my own, and or use frozen ones, and before cooking I put in the fridge. I never use boxed.

Nick is paying everything while Hannah sits at home and then complains why he won’t clean.

I have no sympathy for Hannah. Nick you’re amazing! And will find the perfect wife!

And fyi nobody knows anything until you’ve been in a 10 year relationship, lived to 35, have 3 kids, multiple dogs breeds, jobs, etc. so I’m so sick of 20 year olds thinking they know everything bc they are all immature! You have to live life and interact with real ppl to understand all POV. Plus this only is beneficial if you’re a good person. Bc if not, then no growth is possible.

Hannah is awful, I’m surprised her skin isn’t green!!

Girl I usually agree with you, but not this time child not this time


PREACH Grace ❤ I always knew they weren't going to last


I think you were rough on Nick, he was very nice and very willing to learn everything, I am older and years ago many men were like him and their wives had to "teach" them things. I think he has great potential with someone who is sweet and understanding and I realize that's not every woman, but nothing he did deserved the attacks on him that she did! She is ridiculous how much she thinks she is so mature! An emotionally mature person would have just ended it and not attacked him, especially when he brought him to a triple attack with her friends! She's just a nasty b!


I think he just wanted to be on the Netflix reality show and she was just mean. He was never going to marry her, I don't think someone that lives the way he does is really looking forward to get married. I'm convinced that if he got to the altar he would have said no. And she wasn't either. There was not physical attraction between them and no love either. However, no matter the reason to be on the show and how useful Nick was, Hannah was so mean to him that he should have left just after the trip to Mexico. And there is something strange about Hannah and her relationship with her family, in the pods she said that her mother locked the cabinets so that she wouldn't eat or something like that and that she had to take care of herself since she was 18, i understood that her parents kicked her out. But they seem quite nice and she kept a relationship with them. It's all a bit strange.


This is the most reasonable take. I’ve been seeing WAY too many only dragging Hannah & putting up Nick as some sort of hero. They both suck! I believe with her it’s almost like a ‘right message, wrong messenger’ type of thing. Nick has NO business looking for a wife at 28. In my opinion he’s one of those that won’t be ready til their mid 30s at least.


"Love is Blind." That is an interesting title for this show, if you think about the meaning/intent of that expression. It has nothing to do with falling in love with someone before you ever lay eyes up them. "Love is blind, " means, "Love makes you blind to the true nature of the person you claim to love." It's is an expression used to give a name to the condition of denying the detrimental faults of another. In simple terms, "You are blind to the fact your significant other has some severe issues that are harmful or toxic!"

"Love is Blind?" It's not love, it's limerence. Love takes time. Limerence happens quickly... a single night... a romantic weekend. Limerence is a state of involuntary obsession with another person. The experience of limerence is different from love or lust in that it is based on the uncertainty that the person you desire, called the “limerent object, ” also desires you.

Understanding the four stages of limerence - attraction, obsession, elation and frustration, and resolution - can help you recognize whether you're caught in this intense emotional cycle. If you find yourself stuck in one of these stages, it's important to take a step back and assess your feelings.

In the six weeks these couples are together, with any luck - and the hope something resembling love may actually be there - these people are merely moving from limerence to the early stages of love.


No he didn't say he was big though. She made it up in her head.
