Myth-busting BETTA FISH Care | Simple Truths No BS #Shorts

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You forgot one, bettas are food driven bois, but be careful because they can get CHONKY.


You tell that to my customers and they all of a sudden turn into betta experts and will tell you that their betta has lived for a decade in their small bowl


Betta care:Betta likes caves and decor to swim around.
They like to hide.
Lay on wide leaf on plants.
Some tannis too.

You missed “they don’t need water changes because they live in muddy puddles anyways”

Clarification: the quoted part is the myth not my opinion


I learned all of this after I got my 2 Betta fishes. A fish shop owner gave them to me as she is closing her shop for good. I never plan on getting a fish as a pet but I felt pity for the fishes. I only knew some basic knowledge about bettas fish and I knew I shouldn't kept together so I bought the basic necessity for them: 2 tanks, 2 filters, and 2 air stones. The tank I bought can only hold about a liter of water. I thought it's enough for them but then I started searching the net for "How to keep Betta fish happy". There I found out from aquarium carers that betta fish should live in a minimum 5 gallon tank and they can actually live in a community tank depending on the size of the tank, the temperament of the betta fish and other fishes. I also learned that they need a day and night routine just like us. I learned a lot and still learning by watching you and the other aquarium owners or care takers. Thank you so much! I have them for 2 years now and I think knowing the basics of taking care of them made such a huge difference. The female one doesn't have scales when I first got her and now she has those beautiful blue and silver scales. The other one also changed color and is very active. I'm happy because I think they're happy.


“More friends, more problems”

Very true for bettas, I think it’s best if you’re a beginner to keep them by themselves so you don’t have to stress over compatibility issues

Only attempt to house a betta with other fish if you’re confident have the right setup, the right tankmates, and have a backup plan in place - like an extra tank to house your betta - if things don’t work out


Celsius to gallons
Metric to imperial
Doesn't matter
The Cory gang know
Its all about how
u measure up
as a fish keeper


I went to a fish store and I was looking for a filter for my betta, and the guy at the fish department said that “bettas don’t need a filter, I keep mine in a vase and he’s just fine”🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️


I've still got two female Betta's in my community tank. Tried separating them ages ago as they kept flashing stress marks, they were more stressed apart than together even though they have their chasing fun. I'll catch them both getting along more often than arguing. Definitely one of the smarter fish breeds I have.


I'm part of a discord group and I constantly have to dispel this "You can't have betta fish with other fish" "Beta fish isn't a community fish" " Ur wrong" Endlessly.. It gets annoying, but here I am with a female betta in a 50g community tank with platies, otos, guppies, corys, neons and an angel fish and nothing ever bothers her + She eats platy fry

The thing people forget about bettas is that they have personality and if you get them young enough and raise them in a tank where they're not the biggest but also not ever getting picked on.. Generally, they become very non-aggressive and passive. I've also had bettas literally catapult themselves towards other fish to attack them.. It depends on the fish


My betta and I would play a sort of "tag". I would point my finger to a spot on the tank and he would swim to the spot and touch the glass then swim to a different part of the tank and hover until I put my finger on the glass. Repeat 2/3 times. We would do this every day. He was a great friend! I loved that little guy!


I have my betta in a 3.5 but she will be upgraded into a 10 with lots of plants!


now this is the only betta video that should be going around in tiktok, instagram or wherever the fish abusers are to teach them how to take care of a fish


I need to send this to my sister. The first thing she said when she saw my betta was, "He needs friends!" No, he doesn't.


My betta is in a community tank. Mostly have bottom dwellers, ghost shrimp, some mid level swimmers, plus a dwarf gourami. Everyone gets along great and my supplier likes raising different fish together in community tanks specifically for this purpose. They're in a 30 gallon.


Bettas love life plants. Well, at least mine does. He loves the maze of roots from my pothos and sleeps under the leaves of my amazon sword.


My 4 year old betta just died and he lived happily in a planted 5 gallon tank his whole life


This is great! You should do a mini-series on fish care during the holidays. Family and friends typically love the idea of running out and buying a 10 gallon starter kit for a child and next thing you know they have 3 Bala sharks, a convict cichlid, two guppies, and a common pleco. Maybe an episode of 5 fish you would recommend for Christmas and a quick care guide for them?
Anyway - Great videos and keep up the good work!


Last week was a record for me . I took in 11 "dumped" bettas from my local Petco. 11! All with fin rot. I now have 63 bettas. Why can't people just do the research and the work? Bettas are one of the easiest fish to take care of. I guess people just get lazy. Next week I'm sure there will be more. But at least I have them now and they will have what they deserved in the first place. Thank you for doing your part Chris! ❤🐟😊


I have a 9 gallon aqua scape for my veiltail male, we just got him. He is a little cautious as we do have some snails in here but he hasn’t bothered them. He had a heater, filtered and cycled tank. Anubias and some cover on the ground and soon some leaf litter- from the pet store, not the ground :)
