5 Subconscious Reasons You Overthink Everything 🧠

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The 5 Main Subconscious Reasons You Overthink Everything:

1. Perfectionism - Mistakes are ‘bad.’
2. Control - Fear of losing control of the situation.
3. Certainty - To be certain of the outcome.
4. Distrust in intuition - Vulnerability when deciding based on intuition.
5. Connection to identity - It’s who I am thinking.

“Fall in love with not knowing what tomorrow may bring.”

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What was your biggest epiphany from this video warrior? Share and inspire. ❤️


I needed this. My biggest fear is letting go, of control, of old dreams, of old relationships, of who I thought I was. I'm not that person. God has greater things in store for me. Dennis, you are my Blessing today❤


This sounds just like me, I get so obsessed on things which haven’t happened yet especially in health 😩 so worried about getting I’ll with something like cancer or another serious illness that I’m obsessed with trying to get to it before it’s too late so finding myself at the doctors more as I get older, but it’s so horrible worrying about the future and death and forgetting to live properly 😢 really good video though really helped me to watch this and will watch it a few times so it sinks in properly and try to use it in my life


"Fall in love with not knowing what tomorrow might bring" is my epiphany from this video. And something I try to work with at the moment


"FALL IN LOVE WITH NOT KNOWING WHAT TOMORROW MAY BRING." This is so powerful, and this is the essence of this video. Thank you Dennis.


The biggest epiphany I got out of this message is your analogy of the blockage of cars on the road, how nothing in the back can manifest anything until the blockage up front gets cleared, dealing with each individual "car" at a time. I kinda see what I need to do now to move on from certain things holding me back in life. You got thru to my brain, which is a job, let me assure you!! Thank you!!


Last week my anxiety caused me a five day tummy upset, all about travelling over two hundred miles on a trip and leaving my pet behind... next weekend I have a similar trip to make, but I feel so much more chilled about it, I'll just go there, enjoy the travel and the party and then return home after... thank you Dennis x


Yes i have many of these thinga going on at the moment. I mean, the perfectionism is going overboard sometimes with cleaning up my home and going nuts about it i dont do it immediately. But i have just said NO i will do it later when i want to and it has worked fine.


Every anxious moment is a chance to let go...❤️


See this was two years ago but must comment. When you said we are scared of losing control hit the nail on the head for me! I always have to have a plan as I wake up in the morning in case something goes wrong.


You have no idea how much I relate to this. Growing up with constant fear, insecurity, low self-esteem nature, with over protective, judgmental parents . These things really can develop some serious mental health problems or can worsen if you have a problem already, like me. Thank you mr simsek to bring a light on such Topic.


I always wanted control and always wanted that outcome to be the exact same thing. I try my best to stay grounded and present. Dennis you're a Godsent.


I'm having a lot of trouble with using any form of public transportation. I feel like I'm going to Lose Control if I board a cruise ship or an Airplane. In reality I've never lost control on any form of transportation but I'm thinking this way. I was not able to board another cruise ship this past week because of this fear. I must learn to give up control. This is seriously impacting my life as well as my wife. Just for context I've cruised 27 times in my life and I've flown for 50 years! But now I'm in this terrible rut.


Thinking over nothing for no apparent reason really is a pain. Been struggling with this all month and it's annoying. :( Feel like I'm stuck in a feakin loop. Tried several therapists in town. Non didn't even wanna help me at all. They said nope. They didn't wanna help me treat my anxiety at all.


Thank you so much for taking the time to share all of you info and love with us.
This was such an eye opener for me, I am all 5. I would have to say I think control was the biggest insight for me. From the second my brain wakes up in the morning I am trying to control my day, week, month, year and life, I continue this throughout the day. Thank you so much for making this video, I think it’s going to be a great tool for getting rid of GAD, panic disorder and many other things.


Fall in Love with the uncertainty of tomorrow 😮


I can relate to the first three: perfectionism, control, and uncertainty to a degree. You really described these well!

You asked if we're able to let go of the control. I would love nothing more, but I don't know how...I never let it in, and my perfectionism and control seem to be symbiotic.


Just found this amazing channel! Thank you for creating content like this 🧡Really helpful to unpack anxiety issues! I have a different opinion on the intuition part - In context of anxious attachment at least. While people say always trust your gut feeling, I think intuition could be flawed as it overrides our own logical reasoning (and this is probably relevant in anxious attachment) and our anxious thoughts have the propensity to cognitive biases. We feel something is off which triggers a bad thought so it must be true (emotional reasoning) which sets off our nervous system + behaviour and getting stuck in this cycle that feed each other. Because for me intuition comes from the brain making a quick conclusion based on limited information that it has. Without tangible evidence, feelings are just reactions and thoughts aren't facts.


I have binge watched all your videos and decided to get your anxiety program which is the best investment I could make, its better than any therapy Ive ever tried and its been a lot.


Thank you Dennis and explaining that Overthinking is not a part of me rather a technique I practiced a lot.
