Shocking Effects Of A Whole Food Plant Based Vegan Diet

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We ask medical doctors at a nutrition conference about some of the side effects of a plant based diet.



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Food is medicine. Chefs are doctors. You are a doctor to your own body. Take care.


I’m a real person who went vegan. 4 years ago I weighed 240, took meds for high blood pressure and was pre diabetic. Today I weight 215, no meds and no health issues. I have enough energy to run 6 miles a day.


The biggest change for me after 6 months of a plant-based diet that I was not expecting to change at all is my depression (and when I say it's the biggest change I'm comparing that to having lost 90 pounds since April as well). I'm regularly smiling for no reason now. It's like my brain is finally able to produce dopamine properly


My mother and father died of obesity I refuse to die like this I have been a vegan for a while now I’m not looking back to eating meat and junk food I have lost 74 pounds as well i am very healthy and plan on living this way for the rest of my life thank you Jesus


I had a lot of problems growing up with skin boils which can be extremely painful and with a wfpbd they completely went away and never came back and my energy is through the roof, always in a positive mood...thank god for this information


This is my second week on plant based diet! And MAN!! Best decision I have EVER made! 🌱🌱💪🏼


When I started eating plant based and exercising, I went and bought a scale. I went on the scale and it said 252. Two weeks later it said 248, I thought it was a glitch, like needing a new battery. Paid it no mind. Another two weeks went by, it said 238. I didn't believe it. I told my husband to get on and let me see what he weighted. It was his normal weight. I felt soooo happy and encouraged. When the mind and body are one 💜


After 6 months being vegetarian, 1 month vegan I have stopped my antidepressants after 20 years, on 5 mg of empagliflozin, pain free from my joints and back but most amazingly is my energy level, oh and I lost 35 kilograms.


I’ve replaced 4 different medications for depression, anxiety and mood swings with a vegan lifestyle, yoga and meditation. I’m walking on sunshine!! Also a plus, my acne cleared up and my belly flab went away! 🌞🍇🍓🥦🥕❤️


I threw my Lisinopril in the garbage and went Vegan 9 month ago. I reversed my Diabetes!


How did I ease into Veganism, 2007 woke up went to the gym four days a week, felt extremely heavy and decided to take a week off from eating meat to see if I felt a difference. After a week I felt lighter, decided to try again the following week which turned into a Month, one month turned into three and now 13 years plant based and meat free, the end result, 120 pounds lost, NATURALLY. We can do this people. Not to mention, long term and intermittent fasting allows you to have control of your health and overall discipline.


I turned vegan 1) for animals 2) by looking at this 57 years old vegan woman at work who was glowing and running around like she was 20 .. I wanted to be happy like her .. Guess what .. 2 years being Vegan I feel happier than ever .. lost 30 pounds ., and feel more active ..


I have been eating a plant-based diet for just under a month. I did it for the animals and the environment, but I'm improving like crazy! My skin is glowing, my hair is softer and shiny, I have more energy, and I am happy all the time for no apparent reason. I'm morbidly obese, and the weight is sliding off without even trying. All of this in 4 weeks. This is definitely a permanent lifestyle change for me.


I buried my father at 56 years old (just turned) two weeks ago. He had cirrhosis, Acites, liver cancer. I just turned vegan, because I don’t want that same fate. R.I.P.


Followed Esselstyn's plan perfectly, lost 60 pounds got off all meds, lipids plummeted, Hypertension gone, felt great. Went back on SAD, got fat, sick, hypertensive. Got back on Esselstyn, got healthy again. Simple! It's not complicated!


My multiple sclerosis and fibromyalgia symptoms have dramatically improved. The pain and fatigue had me bedridden some days. The brain fog is gone. My skin and hair look great. I've reduced most of my meds. This is only three months in! I'm stunned myself and the best part is that this nutritious whole food, strictly from plants, tastes so much better.


Cured my digestive problems, cured my arthritis, cleared my skin, I will be vegan FOREVER!


I just wanna thank everyone who posted about their positive experiences by being vegan. You guys have inspired me to just go ahead and get on board and become a vegetarian. Meat was starting to taste horrible to me, so I just feel it was no coincidence I found this video, read through as many of your comments as I could, let's me know it is time for a change.😁


My mother is alive today because of the plant-based diet. She had (emphasis on HAD) cancer, diabetes, and heart disease. She was supposed to get a bypass because her arteries were clogged. She decided to turn her life around by eating plant-based and when she had her next check-up later the clog cleared away significantly. So now, I'm doing my best to change my diet and eat plant-based. - for my health, for the animals, and the environment. :D

Watching What The Health on Netflix really helped to motivate me.


Adopting a whole food plant based diet was one of the very best things I've done in my life. It makes me very happy.
