Why Do I Have Brain Fog? Brain Fog 101

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If you're wondering why do I have brain fog? You've come to the right place. The source of your brain fog can vary drastically, including inflammation, infection, hormones, and more. Brain fog is incredibly frustrating and is one of the most common complaints I hear in practice. But your brain fog doesn't need to go unaddressed. In my next video we'll talk about reversing and healing from brain fog. But first: why do I have brain fog? Let's unpack this...


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I get brain fog around electronics and it’s progressively getting worse. It definitely gets worse around stress.


I am suffering from brain fog from 8, 9 years. Am 26 years old. Final yeat MBBS Student. I lost my major portion of time of my young age in this. Now I think it is may be due to Rhintis ( Chronic Inflammation). Thankyou so much for this video. I know its horrible feeling. I dont like to sit with friens or family bcz my brain cant give new thoghts or ideas.


Yeahhh Dr Taz
I notice when I eat more protein on a ketovore diet I notice I feel much better. I also include intermittent fasting as well and walk everyday that clears it even more.

I deleted social media apps on my phone. This has lightened up my tangled up mind as well. So many things cause brain fog 😶‍🌫️


I have massive brain fog and memory issues. I’m trying to find the root cause. It’s horrible and scary 😭


Rona got me in '21 and MS affecting me for years. I feel like so much of the video did half my doctors job.


I've cut out gluten and its helped a ton!


Does anyone have Light sensivity?
Like the Led ones in the supermarkets and stores


I recently got to know I have iron deficiency anaemia (ferritin levels below 5). Im guessing that's what's causing me severe brain fog for a while now.. the worst part is I'm raising a 3.5 year old with this tough thank God its much easier than a year ago now that he's over 3.
I had no energy to run around with him and the present mind you need to be able to deal with a strong willed toddler


I actually had no idea about the connection between hormones and thyroid and brain fog. I’ve felt not like myself for a few years and like I can’t process well or fast enough and have more trouble focusing and like I get lost at times, and noticed a difference post Covid vaccine #2 but I’m not sure if I can attribute it towards that even though things started happening post I didn’t deal with or things I did deal with got worse. I have adhd, ocd and deal with anxiety and depression and suspect I may have autism. I also have been dealing with a hormone imbalance for over a decade and am hoping to finally get insurance again so I can go advocate for myself and get properly tested for my hormones and thyroid as I have a lot of the same symptoms seen in pcos and thyroid problems. I just wish I could fix this just navigating the world of hospitals is scary because I’ve dealt with not being listened to or demeaned before by those in healthcare and by people in general.


I was drinking sprite last week with my little brother at night and then I felt a pop in my forehead which made me like forgetful of memory I’ve been looking for answers for days now and I’m only 20 years old too I’m scared to have something in my brain like dementia, autism, ADHD, or worse, I haven’t act like my self ever since then and it’s worrying me a lot I just want my memories back and the ability to laugh and be excited again I’m so scared


Can you provide the references, both in popular culture and academic space. There are now dozens of videos on this topic, with no references. Thank you for taking the time to product this video.


Eat sauerkraut 2 X a day. Just don't over cook. Heat for too long can destroy good properties. Stay away from sugar and white breads.


This is really interesting. As a person with chronic infections and iron deficiency it makes sense i get brain fog. Legit justbhad some protein and felt a bit better! I tend to have more brain fog when my chronic symptoms start cropping up and i thought it was just bad neurodivergent days😅


Did she mention emf..from mobile phones etc....they cause inflamation in the brain. Give me brain fog and headaches too after longer while.


There are a lot of self proclaimed experts on YouTube without a medical degree giving advice on health.


Very interesting, shame about the really annoying background noise(music?)


Get off the rockafella medicci pharmakia, get onto some real indian/chinese health


Since covid I've had major brain fog as well as fatigue. It's debilitating. Imaging having to work a full time job, studying for work license. Responsibilities trying to clean your house trying to stay healthy and exercise yet your body isn't letting you . What help is there?
