Why Your Brain Fog Never Goes Away (and How To Get Clarity)

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Join me as we delve into the prevalent issue of Brain Fog—an increasingly common problem affecting many individuals today. In this video, we'll explore the rising phenomenon of Brain Fog and offer constructive strategies to combat it.

Brain Fog, characterized by a sense of mental cloudiness or confusion, is becoming more pervasive in our fast-paced society. Identifying the causes behind this cognitive fog is crucial in seeking constructive solutions.

▼ Timestamps ▼

00:00 - Preview
00:19 - Guru
00:33 - Introduction
04:41 - Why is brain fog increasing?
19:23 - Clinical experience
25:22 - Dietary factors
26:55 - Sleep and caffeine
28:16 - Conclusion



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I had severe brain fog from childhood until I was about 28. I used to describe it as a child to my mother as feeling like I had wool stuffed in my head. The doctors said it was because of depression. None of the medication helped, I drifted through life feeling like I was surrounded by fog. Then one day a doctor I worked for offered to do some allergies testing on me as a favor because I was having some trouble with stomach issues. No doctor I had ever seen had ever suggested allergy testing for any of the problems I'd been having, and I was having a lot of them. Joint pain, brain fog, strange rashes, stomach issues, and plenty of other vague symptoms that I kept getting referred to psych for. Yeah, I'm allergic to a lot of food. That doctor changed my life. I don't get brain fog anymore unless I eat something I shouldn't. I'm not saying that there aren't plenty of other causes, but if you're having brain fog and nothing else works, get tested for food or pollen allergies.


I've had brain fog all my life, it's like exclusively living the present but without the happiness of living the present, there's a constant frustration of knowing that there's something you're supposed to do but you don't know what and how to do it


hings that helped me with chronic brain fog:
1. Deep Breathing
2. Cold packs on the back of my head
3. Fasting 24 to 36 hrs.
4. Magesium Potassium Vitamin c and Iron Supplementation.


I have ADHD, I had a brain fog when I was in college for almost 3 years, it's the worst feeling ever. I feel like having a Dementia or Alzheimer's. I even consulted a neurologist but the medication only made it worse.

I've read several articles on the internet about brain fog and the solutions are surprisingly simple. The effects are not immediate, but you can see the results after 2 or 3 months as long as you dedicate yourself to having a healthy lifestyle. Sleeping plenty, eating healthy and exercising a lot will purify your body from toxins and remove most of the stress that you have accumulated over the years.

Stay away from junk foods, fast-foods, instant noodles, canned foods, sweets and caffeinated drinks. Preservatives and additives from junk foods and instant food are the source of toxins that may accumulate and remain inside your brain tissues for several years. Alcohol, smoking or drugs are also a big no.

Drinking a lot of water helps with body cleansing. Perspiration through exercise can remove a lot of impurities from the body. My brain fog never came back after changing my lifestyle.


Finally a video about brain fog. Thank you, feels like nothing's real and like I can't think or feel


Honestly I've been dealing with brain fog since 2020, and i noticed the more I exercise the less I feel it. If I have multiple days in a row of being relatively sedentary I'll get the brain fog really bad. The feeling of tiredness discourages activity so it's a cycle. This is fascinating.


My brain fog was caused by my diet. All I eat now is steak, cucumbers, avocados, belle peppers, and I do a protein shake with some fruits and peanut butter. Never felt better honestly.


30 minutes to simply say: eat healthy, sleep well, and get exercise.
And actually it was extremely worth it. This kind of evidence based approach to solving symptoms will help motivate many people to improve their lives. Great video.


the way you decode everyday problems with scientific accuracy and giving us solutions is impressive!!


I relate to this so hard
It quite literally feels like I'm looking at reality through a thick sheet of fog


I’ve struggled with brain fog and disassociation for 7 years. Here are some random life hacks i’ve found surprisingly helpful for my brain fog:
1. Not using my phone for at least 30 minutes after i wake up and instead doing something with my hands, like making breakfast, folding clothes, anything. I actually got this tip from one of Dr K’s videos, i think it’s called how to not wake up tilted or something. I never expected this to help with my disassociation/brain fog but it did
2. Oddly enough, trying to watch my blood sugar has really helped. I only started doing this because i recently had a health scare, and it surprisingly helped me focus and be present. For instance i’ve stopped drinking my morning iced lattes, replacing sugary products with sugar free alternatives and increasing my fiber intake.

I hope this helps someone


So basically:
- Exercise (cardiovascular training and I would add resistance training because why not)
- Eat clean
- Sleep good
- Drink water (simple as that)

I had brain fog all my school years because I didn’t do any of those things. Now I actually do them all and don’t have the fog anymore.


Thank you so much for talking about this! I failed 2 subjects in university last semester because of this and I never came to a conclusion on why I was experiencing this! I have always performed well in school prior to these symptoms. I thought I was going mad, and it threw me into a spiral of depression and anxiety. Things are better now in terms of anxiety and depression, but the brainfog just doesn't seem to let go. Again, thank you so much for bringing this up, means the world to me!


NTS: big takeaway ~24:20 - walking/cardiovascular exercise helps to pump blood back to the brain = helps encourage me to walk and go out or at least take more standing breaks


After a period of chronic fatigue and morning brainfog since childhood, I started an elimination diet (after numerous futile doctor visits). Within 3 days of the diet (the first week was some sort of cleanse. Leafy greens, onion, garlic, lemon and eggs were allowed). For the first time in my life I felt clear headed. Even my daughter noticed and said: Hey, you look awake. I slowly started adding foods to my diet again and found sugar, even very sweet fruits, gluten/grains, and high carbs like potatoes, rice brought the fog back. I prefer being clear headed all day over having 10 minutes of tasty food in my mouth.


I had covid a while back, and while I was only really sick for a few days, I had brain fog for almost two months. Eventually it seemed to work itself out, but for a while I was starting to go through the process of having to accept a diminished mental state as my new reality. I truly sympathize with anyone who struggles with this long term.


I would get brain fog from being surrounded by screens, tv, computer, phone. I would go out field in the army for 2 weeks and would not see a single screen. Be outside and have my body clock to nature. I would come back super alert, everything seemed brighter and more defined, I would be hyper aware of everything and all my senses are in overdrive


I have found success in cutting down my technology use, focusing on a clean diet, prioritizing sleep, maintaining a consistent morning routine that includes exercise, showering, and meditation, reading books daily, and effectively managing my time and setting regular goals, which has significantly improved my overall well-being.


I've been having brain fog for the past year and went to the doctor; they basically told me to hydrate... I started to stress out because I thought I was very sick, and it made it worse. It made my life harder with work and daily tasks. This is what helped me, and it didn't happen overnight. After a month, I started to feel better.

Talk to friends and family.
Find a hobby (Away from the computer) I enjoy fishing.
Walk every day and breathe.
Exercise 3-4 times a week. As I started losing weight, I felt better.
Stress less or try to stay positive.
Eat less processed food.
