The Europeans Are Having Some Gas Problems || Peter Zeihan

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Europe has been taking a beating lately, from economic issues to demographic problems, but there's a new one on the horizon. When the Ukraine War wraps up, what will the European energy situation look like?

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If you are not in the financial market space right now, you are making a huge mistake. I understand that it could be due to ignorance, but if you want to make your money work for you...prevent inflation and invest.


Divesting from nuclear power was such a huge mistake.


Nuclear isn't the only option for Italy, or for Europe. Geothermal is also an option with these new technologies coming online. Italy has access to hot rock not very deep at all, in fact has volcano's and at least one super volcano they could tap with Iceland's help. All of the EU could take advantage of the new geothermal technologies if they would provide some minimal (compared to bringing nuclear online) funding and aggressively removing regulatory hurdles. Fervo Energy already has working plants, and are working on bringing gigawatt level plants onstream. With some funding Quaise could also be a viable option for countries that do not have hot rock available to tap. The EU just needs to start thinking outside the box for the solutions to their issues with providing clean peaker plants IMO.


The occasional disagreements (or more usually disappointments) I have with Zeihan broadcasts are completely *swamped* by my deep appreciation for the upside of broadcasts that bathe the public in information about geopolitics and the world economy. There's no shortage of people with simple narratives trying to focus our indignation on their favorite villains. But the world is a complex place and voices like Zeihan that inform us about the complexity are very rare compared to the tsunami of low-information narratives with axes to grind. Thankyou, Mr. Zeihan for reminding us that we can't enjoy a complex modern politicaleconomy without taking an interest in how it works.


Italy has its own gas resources in the Adriatic see. The wells where closed down because of cheap russian gas import but Melonis governemnt is trying to have them up running again.


Lion of the Desert (1981) with Anthony Quinn and Oliver Reed. It's a movie about the Italo-Libyan campaign from the early 1930's. The actual war started in 1923. The movie is about the life of Libyan guerilla leader Omar al-Mukhtar (Quinn) and Italy's military governor General Rodolfo Graziani (Reed). Rod Steiger plays Mussolini. Highly recommend the movie.


Apart from all, you mic is top notch. Wherever you are, it sounds crystal clear!.. now back to the topic ^^


No mention of the pipelines into Spain from the Maghreb. Also LNG exports to Europe from Latin America (Peru notably has the only LNG export facility in the whole of LAtin America and from the Caribbean notbaly Trinidad and Tobago). Are they filling in demand ¿?


The danish Tyra natural gas field just came online again after extensive rebuilding and maintenance. While not a big field, it might help alleviate some, through the transition to other sources.


I enjoy your brief everyday as I sit on my throne wondering what the world is up to :your one of the best eco speculator there is, in my opinion I say good morning from the middle of Vancouver island British Columbia Canada


What about the Southern pipeline from Azerbaijan, going through Georgia, Turkey, and Greece into Italy?


Thank you for making a video while not hiking and being completely out if breath.


Problem is that Europe continues to buy NatGas from Russia, but unofficially ie through a middle seller


Always enjoy your videos. Looks like a pipeline from US to Europe would be worth thinking about ? And/or, you didn't mention Norway ? Thanks.


As an Italian I want to confirm the construction of a lot of solar and wind farms during the last years.


I am so glad I found your channel Peter. Thank you.


Decoupling from nuclear power is a blunder that major European nations couldn't afford. Given that nuclear power is relatively stable and efficient, supplanting it with gas is very pricey which would overwhelmingly drive up the living costs.


Great video!
I think it's very sensible for Italy to get more into nuclear power, especially now that there are very small micro-reactors that can even fit into a shipping container - easy to transport and fast to set up.
Each of those reactors still put out a good amount of power and you can just add more if you need more power.
They don't take up much space either (unlike most windfarms or solar PV farms).
*Nothing* beats nuclear power for a massive amount of energy in a small land area.


That's no problem at all. The only question our politics needs to answer is: Who the hell is paying for the change? At the moment the rich people are once again in an agreement. That the poor should pay. - It's a shame that only the surface is discussed and the underlying motives are never mentioned. As always, it's all about power and money. Technical obstacles no longer exist.


“The age of abundance is over” - Macron. Few people talk about conservation of energy. There is SO much wastage. Because of peak oil, because of climate change, it will be forced upon as all. I can foresee rationing of energy (and possibly other things as well ) in the not too distant future.
