Why Europeans Hate Living In The United States.

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10 Reasons Europeans Hate Living in The United States. It isn't just one or two countries in Europe, it is the map of Europe in this video.
Since the 1700s Europeans have been coming to the Americas en masse. That is starting to slow down. Why is that you ask? Well in this video we are going to find out. I ran a survey asking foreigners to the US, if would they want to live in the United States if they said “no” there was a follow-up question of why. I list 50 different things that are most commonly talked about as negative to the United States.

So, today we look at the reason Europeans won’t move to the USA

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The reasons why Europeans used to come here really don't exist any more. Ireland isn't starving. Refugees wandering from country to country due to the devastation of a world war has not happened since 1945. If you live in a safe place, have a job and can spend time with family without worrying about going bankrupt if you get sick, why leave?


American making fun of the polish guy's mistakes: maybe he wants to go to the US to improve his english. As the proverb goes: you speak english because it is the only language you know. I speak english because it is the only language you know.


And don't complain about a Polish person's spelling until you spell perfectly in Polish.


Regarding your comment on the Polish person's spelling mistakes. He is Polish, English is his second language. How's your Polish spelling?


Making fun of someone that speaks english as their second language and miswrites some words is a real ass move! Just saying!


High crime, high health costs, high auto expenses, long commutes, unsafe public transportation, long stressful work hours, high college costs, high home prices, high job insecurity, high personal debt, high childcare expenses, are not anyone's idea of living a "Dream".


How can you criticise a man's second language skills when Americans struggle with English? Spoken and written.


I'm from the US and took a trip to Europe recently, I love the architecture and how they don't pump their foods with preservatives and dyes.


Despite the author’s dislike for Polish people they have built a dynamically and rapidly developing country with the seventh largest economy in Europe. For a state brutally robbed by Germans from the West and Russians from the East, betrayed by US and UK in 1945, and which, historically speaking, just recently broke a communist yoke - very few US citizens have any idea what that kind of oppression means - it is by far not a bad result. I invite all US tourists, including those still enjoying American “polish jokes”, to visit our hospitable and very safe and pleasant country. You won’t be disappointed.


In Polish schools they study a few foreign languages. And English is one of them… how many foreign languages do you learn in high school?


If people outside the US have the same concerns we citizens have, you know there's a problem.


Polish people same as all other East European, Central Asian, South European speak at least 2 languages, and more speak at least 3 languages. English is my 4th language


Another point, no one from where I am in Europe would be seen in public wearing a T-shirt with the surname of any politician on it, quite frankly you would be ridiculed if you did.


Don't make fun of someone who speaks a foreign language -- unless you speak their language AT LEAST as well as you expect them to speak English.


As an American, there's a few things I don't even like about living in the US. Agree with most of these, health care costs, political brainwashing, overly complicated tax process....but I'd also add scary religious fundies, the bizarre gun culture, violent crime that's higher than other developed countries, drivers that cluelessly drive in the passing lane and the embarrassing "American Exceptionalism" mentality, which is more often echoed by people who have never even been outside the country.


Briggs since you asked about the foreign banking thing, the U.S. is one of only a few countries (I think Eritrea is the other) that tax citizens who live overseas on their global income. As a result, foreign banks have to abide by IRS regulations on accounts owned by Americans. Some foreign banks are of the opinion that it's easier to disallow accounts owned by Americans than it is to comply with IRS regulations, seeing as how the bank is not even located in the U.S.


American here. My friend traveled to Italy on vacation and twisted her ankle in Venice. They transported her to hospital by boat and treated her. When she asked for the bill they laughed at her. It was FREE. I've been to Italy three times and am thinking about retiring there.


I like watching Lost In the Pond, where Laurence gives all the differences between the two countries - The US and England. He loves living in Chicago, btw.


Why the disparaging comment about the polish guy’s spelling? Do you speak any other language than english? English isn’t his first language perhaps not even his second. Not to mention the spell checker on the phone that changes correct English without you noticing when you have your own language set.


Having lived on four continents in six countries and on an island, now in Europe for 32 years, I agree with this assessment and quite frankly, I have no desire to return or visit the US again. I felt like an alien traveling by car from Alberta to Montana in how I was being treated at the border the first time I vacationed with my family there some 19 years ago. Never again. After 31 years in Europe, I have finally become a EU citizen last year.
