Why Do Europeans Dislike Americans So Much?

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00:00 Intro
02:05 Asking Strangers, Part I
05:52 Personal Theories
08:26 Asking Strangers, Part II
11:20 Conclusion



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I’m surprised nobody mentioned how different urban planning and design is in much of Europe and the US (walkable cities vs. car centric design) and how that affects the population physically and psychologically.


As Dutchie I've been to America for 3 weeks and this is a summary of my experience:
- Some lady asked me which language I was speaking to my sister. So I told her that I came from te Netherlands and we were speaking Dutch. The lady then turned to her husband in excitement saying she thought we came from Latvia and that her guess was really close...
- Countless homeless people in cities as Vegas, San Francisco and Los Angeles that even lost the ability to speak because of drug addiction was really saddening and scary because they could be in possession of guns. (They did even stand behind us when withdrawing money from an ATM)
- Those 1.500 Kcal Oreo milkshakes.... We tried to recreate those milkshakes at home and it was impossible to reach 1.500 Kcal without adding loads of fat and a mountain of sugar.
- A country radio station was arguing if tomatoes should be seen as vegetable or candy.
- If you have a complaint at your hotel you will get bribed with candy and cookies. We surely took our advantage of that.

Nature is awesome in the USA and most of the people are so kind it almost feels unnatural. But I strongly believe that they should be more kind to the people who are "weaker" in society. People shouldn't be left on the streets to rot.


Same problem that happens everywhere. People think they know a country because of social media. You don’t know a country until you visit it


What people from other countries don’t seem to understand is the U.S. is so massive that your experience visiting the country is going to vary based off what state you go to. Just because you visited one state doesn’t mean you now understand the entire culture.


As a Japanese, I understand how Americans feel. It's really frustrating when foreigners talk about their country based on secondary information obtained on social media. For example, our suicide rate statistics have now fallen to 49th in the world, yet we are still associated with suicide stereotypes.
Please don't judge us based on anime or porn.😑


LMAO. That one British girl, "derp, we left the EU, we are not European". Then her friend saying, we are still in Europe. That made me spit my drink.


As a french living in Rouen, Normandy, we have many tourists from the USA, and they are for the most part of them, well educated and respectful. I have nothing but respect for them.


As an American I can say that we do care about what's going on in other countries, but when your country is so massive, you tend to worry more about what's going on right outside your door than what is going on across an ocean. Because it affects you more. It's not necessarily correct, but I feel like everyone does it. I live in Greece now and people watch news about America, but when news about Greece comes on, everyone is paying just more closely attention. That's natural.


As an Italian, I was victim of stereotypes so many times that I lost the count. We are the country of Pizza, pasta, mafia (all that with the typical accent from Mario) and that’s pretty much all for some people. Truth is, some people will only see a part of the real picture. Same happens with the USA. Having said that, I can give you my point of view as an European who lived across Europe in the last 5 years. The perception of the US like you said in the video has definitely changed in the last years. When I was young I used to fantasise my life there, due to the amount of inputs we were receiving from movies, music industry etc. Then reality hits and you have to look at other aspects if you consider moving. Our cultures are completely different to start with. In Europe we pay healthcare through taxes, our public educational system is usually better than the American one (whereas US has better education in college which are super expensive and for which you are usually extinguishing debts thorough all your life), our cities are usually very walkable and distances are relatively short, we have a strong food culture and variety of diets and ingredients, we tend to be more family oriented and less self made women/men and our cities are relatively safer than a lot of American ones. These are the typical things we debate on when we talk about how bad is America and Europe is better and on one hand I must agree. But US is much more than this. Americans are usually very chatty, fun, enthusiasts and typically open minded. I like the “can do” attitude that makes you achieve big results, universities are great, landscapes are amazing, the mix of cultures makes the US very interesting so relegating the US to ignorance and stupidity is unfair and superficial. All the stereotypes hide a bit of truth, but we usually use them just cause we heard of them, or generally we refer to the average citizen, not the whole representation of a country.


I'm a half Italian half Peruvian guy that has lived in both Italy and Perú as well as in the US (though for a brief time) and after noticing so many common patterns across these countries I noticed that I don't like tarnishing entire countries with so many different sides. Instead, I generally dislike very narcissistic, boorish and self entitled jerks, no matter the culture or country they may come from.


10:31: "We are doing a video about Europeans view on Americans"
The Lady: "We are from England. We left the EU. We are not Europeans anymore".

Apparently, it is not only Americans who are ignorant about geography.


It’s fascinating how many say Americans are dumb or stupid. They seem so naive when they say that. Like they get all of their information from Hollywood and TikTok.


Whenever I see this discussion I always think of a story my father told me. He was in the American navy and was sent to Australia for a time. While there, he drove out to some middle of nowhere bar and started talking. Next thing he knows, all the Australians in this bar are buying him beers left and right and asking him to say words bc they liked his accent. They were just so excited to see a foreigner (one from another continent no less) in this tiny rural bar.

I can’t help but think this interaction would never come today, or at least not at the same scale simply bc of the over-saturation America has had in pop culture and global trends/events. I think it’s normal for people who’ve never met an American or been to America to feel a frustration towards this and be quick to generalize all Americans with the stereotypes they have heard but have never seen.

That being said, Ireland had one of the friendliest populations I’ve ever seen


I appreciate your perspective. As a Russian who lived 10 years in Ukraine and left because of an attack of my own country (insanity), I face condemnation of my nationality in Europe. A doctor in Germany refused to see me when he found out I was Russian. I can really understand why Ukrainians hate all Russians — they have a lot of pain, death, loss. It's very hard to get over it without generalizing that everyone is bad. But what seems unfair to me among other things is the treatment of me as bad from other people, not Ukrainians, although I have never in my life voted for Putin. When I lived in Moscow, I went to protests. And I even lost my flat and my job in Ukraine and my friends. I volunteered during the war and helped Ukrainians for free. But still I am discriminated against. I am not writing to complain but just to tell my story. Let the war end as soon as possible and people stop dying. Thank you for your videos.


Enjoyed these videos. I am old school. I have travelled a bit, was station in Germany. Still “America love it or leave it.” God Bless America!


0:16 She says this like the entire country is made up of TikTokers and no one from her country is making millions off of TikTok. I’m Filipino but I grew up in an America. I’m taking nursing. It sucks to watch videos of TikTokers making money from just dancing while I’m crying myself to sleep because college life is hard. But, it’s not just an American thing. This can happen in literally any country. They’re just looking for a way to hate.


As a Brit, I studied American history at college, travelled all over parts of the East and West coasts there. I found many, many folks there to be friendly and chatty, especially outside of the big cities. I found Americans to be a mass of contradictions; patriotic, but always describing themselves as Afro-American, Irish-American, Italian American etc, but never just American. I also observed the quiet, but consistent self-segregation that most groups practice there. I was impressed by their stunning and varied geography and open spaces, but I was depressed by the homelessness (in the early 2000s), and the lack of health care and the culture of violence both by criminals and the police. I reminded myself that as a European, our diverse cultures are very old and have learnt from our many mistakes and achievements, America however is still a young country. The tipping culture in the US was particularly degrading however. All in all, European countries like the UK, Belgium and France also have problems with crime and terrorism - especially Brussels. I think it’s good not to get too sanctimonious when criticising America, as there are much worse places to live as many immigrants to the US will attest.


I’m from Canada, and when I travel people always assume that I am American. When they find out that I am in fact from Canada and not the US, their attitude and conversation totally changes towards me in a more positive way. There are definitely negative attitudes towards the US abroad.


They are guilty of what they accuse Americans of doing. Did you asked them if they had traveled across America? Had they met Americans outside large cities in America? Traveling outside America is very difficult and we have this huge country to explore, where Europe it is like driving from Atlanta to Tennessee and you went through three countries.


Im canadian and i love how people assume im american when i defend them. Like the ignorance and failed geography classes europeans seem to excel in is amazing 😂😂😂
