PRE-TRIBULATION RAPTURE is only for 144,000 Firstfruits, and they all die for Christ
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This video explains the great MYSTERY of the 144,000 and the PRE-TRIBULATION RAPTURE which includes the resurrection of the Old Testament JOB. The video explains the true meaning of the 144,000 firstfruits and why these special believers are allowed to enter into heaven before the beginning of the great tribulation. The video also explains why the 144,000 have the names of God the Father and of the Lord Jesus written on their foreheads and why they sing a new song in the courts of heaven in the presence of God the Father, the four living creatures and the twenty-four elders of heaven. Further to that, the video explains why the 144,000 are described as firstfruits and why they are harvested from the earth secretly. The video goes further to explain why only the 144,000 firstfruits of Revelation 14 are resurrected before the great tribulation and why all other Christians must wait until the great tribulation is over before they are resurrected or harvested from the earth. The video also shows how the resurrection and rapture of the 144,000 firstfruits is recorded in the end time Book known as the Song of Solomon and also why the 144,000 are described as virgins who are blameless and have never lied. In the video you will also understand why the wise men who visited the Lord Jesus soon after birth brought to him gifts which included myrrh and incense and why they had to give the baby Jesus these specific products. The video also explains why the Bible records that it was the woman, and not Eve, who was deceived by the serpent in the garden and sinned against God. All these mysteries and a lot more, are explained in this video which is part of a series of videos in which I explain a lot of end time events that have been incorrectly interpreted and misunderstood by many. In the same series of videos. I will demonstrate and prove how the Song of Songs or the Song of Solomon helps us to understand incredible end time mysteries which God recorded in the Book which has been incorrectly regarded as a Book about erotic sex, love and romance.
This video is the fourth in a long series of end-time messages that I will be sharing . The series started off with the video on the location of the garden of Eden, available on the following link.
The contents of the series will be making a lot of reference to the end-time book known as the Song of Solomon, whose mysteries I have explained in a book entitled, "Incredible end-time mysteries unveiled in Solomon's Song" , available on the following link.
May the God of heaven bless you as you watch the video.
This video is the fourth in a long series of end-time messages that I will be sharing . The series started off with the video on the location of the garden of Eden, available on the following link.
The contents of the series will be making a lot of reference to the end-time book known as the Song of Solomon, whose mysteries I have explained in a book entitled, "Incredible end-time mysteries unveiled in Solomon's Song" , available on the following link.
May the God of heaven bless you as you watch the video.