PRE-TRIBULATION RAPTURE is only for 144,000 Firstfruits, and they all die for Christ

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This video explains the great MYSTERY of the 144,000 and the PRE-TRIBULATION RAPTURE which includes the resurrection of the Old Testament JOB. The video explains the true meaning of the 144,000 firstfruits and why these special believers are allowed to enter into heaven before the beginning of the great tribulation. The video also explains why the 144,000 have the names of God the Father and of the Lord Jesus written on their foreheads and why they sing a new song in the courts of heaven in the presence of God the Father, the four living creatures and the twenty-four elders of heaven. Further to that, the video explains why the 144,000 are described as firstfruits and why they are harvested from the earth secretly. The video goes further to explain why only the 144,000 firstfruits of Revelation 14 are resurrected before the great tribulation and why all other Christians must wait until the great tribulation is over before they are resurrected or harvested from the earth. The video also shows how the resurrection and rapture of the 144,000 firstfruits is recorded in the end time Book known as the Song of Solomon and also why the 144,000 are described as virgins who are blameless and have never lied. In the video you will also understand why the wise men who visited the Lord Jesus soon after birth brought to him gifts which included myrrh and incense and why they had to give the baby Jesus these specific products. The video also explains why the Bible records that it was the woman, and not Eve, who was deceived by the serpent in the garden and sinned against God. All these mysteries and a lot more, are explained in this video which is part of a series of videos in which I explain a lot of end time events that have been incorrectly interpreted and misunderstood by many. In the same series of videos. I will demonstrate and prove how the Song of Songs or the Song of Solomon helps us to understand incredible end time mysteries which God recorded in the Book which has been incorrectly regarded as a Book about erotic sex, love and romance.

This video is the fourth in a long series of end-time messages that I will be sharing . The series started off with the video on the location of the garden of Eden, available on the following link.

The contents of the series will be making a lot of reference to the end-time book known as the Song of Solomon, whose mysteries I have explained in a book entitled, "Incredible end-time mysteries unveiled in Solomon's Song" , available on the following link.

May the God of heaven bless you as you watch the video.
Рекомендации по теме

I always felt that the 144 000 was a simbolic number, because millions of christians died for Christ already. There is a promise for the Church in these last times is to receive the promise God promised the Church to become like Jesus . Christ in us the hope of glory. Rom 8 and many scripture tells us to gro up to the same measure of the person of Christ. Eph 4:13.


Hello, one video you said, the 144000 all die, and another video you said in the song of songs 144000 will finish the tribulation without dying as the 2 tooth, can you explain please wich one ?


If 144000 are protected, how is that they die?


Hi, just stopping by to watch your video, I have a question, what about the ones who resurrected at the same time as Jesus, aren’t they the first fruits?

Matthew 27:50-53 records, “And Jesus cried out again with a loud voice, and yielded up His spirit. And behold, the veil of the temple was torn in two from top to bottom; and the earth shook and the rocks were split. The tombs were opened, and many bodies of the saints who had fallen asleep were raised; and coming out of the tombs after His resurrection they entered the holy city and appeared to many


The First requirement is to keep the covenant and walk in his statutes, meaning keep the commandments and the Royal Law which is Rebuke those you see sin, which is brotherly love so their blood is not upon you if they don't heed the warning and die in sin. The Second is those who know His True Name, Yahshuah and the origin of the Great Deception name, Jesus. Which was conceived by the pegan Romans for their winter solstice God Mithras which represents Christmas and Easter as his Resurrection myth. Those holidays are Idolatry and sin in the eyes of the Lord. Without these two truths, it is impossible to grow further in knowledge of the times ahead and the path the Lord has set for you


You seem to mean well, but you lack the study of the Scriptures -- in that, you've missed the firstfruits by about 2000 years.


Heb_11:5  By faith Enoch was translated that he should not see death; and was not found, because God had translated him: for before his translation he had this testimony, that he pleased God.


Thank you for this teaching, actually coming across it for the first time. The 144k has always been a mystery to me and even more interesting when you spoke of two different groups. Yes Jesus will get His first fruit first in line with the harvest that used to happen as the first resurrection Whether they will be dead or alive I do not know. I do know know dead may not necessarily mean physical death for you can live a matryed life for Christ here on earth where you are totally dead to self and surrendered to Jesus. Total separation and renounciation of the world.

I stopped having debates in the rapture because it's clear most christians hold various views and you will never agree. I have personally reached a place where I truly don't care for a pre-trib, mid-trib, post-trib rapture. My concern is to keep myself PURE that it won't matter at what point it happens that I will be found ready and worthy. We have very little time to spend it on back and forth on when the rapture is. Actually I think it's also a very clever plot of the enemy to destruct us. I urge us all to live holy and righteous lives, living a lifestyle of repentance and spending your time in the secret place with God.

The things that are coming upon this world will need a sprit that is steadfast and this can only happen in an intimate relationship with God. If you are not spending time with The Most High as you should, please go back to the Secret Place and ABIDE-Psalm 91:1. This should be our posture through and through. The Lord led me to lead a group where we have gone back to the gospels. The church is not preparing people for the coming judgements and the rapture. We need to feed on the proper food that will align us to God. Prosperity teachings etc will not get us ready. Let's call sin for what it is and call people to REPENT. Judgement will begin with the house of God and where will we be found?

Please let's keep off arguments on when the rapture would be and FOCUS on our hearts and getting right with God. Let's get out of the world and into the heart of God and ABIDE and fill our lamps with oil. Let's not be the foolish virgins.

Thank you sir for your teachings and I know you have laboured to bring this to us and I say thank you. I believe in the 144k going up before everyone else. I pray to be counted worthy to be one of them.

God bless you all


It is written very clearly in 1 Thessalonians 4, that the rapture will occur at the first resurrection and Matthew 24, explains ''when'' this phenomenon will occur. I do not need to research the biblical harvests understand completely what ''Immediately after'' means.


God has made it abundantly clear that I am 144 yet I still suffer from sin. Also I had a dream that said I would be martyred in December of 2024.


So it's only those died for christ in the earlier times who will rise fast but what about the ones who are alive at the present will they remain until the great tribulation?


First there is no such thing as a Rapture.... The word of Yah shows his return as singular: First Paul calls the event the "resurrection of the Dead"... 1st Corinthians 15:42 - 54
Second... Job 14:12 tells us that man dies and is not resurrected until the heavens are destroyed.
Third... Peter tells the church that Yahusha comes "like a thief in the night and when the heavens are destroyed with a great noise" 2nd Peter 3:10-18
Fourth if Yahusha were to come Prior than the heavens being destroyed.... it would destroy the element of surprise in which he stated how he would come "like a thief" Yahusha is not a man that he should lie.
Fifth Yahusha also informs us that the heavens will be destroyed, .... and of THAT DAY no man knows the day nor the hour Matthew 24:35, 36 Why are we consistently LIED to and told that no man knows the day or hour of a conjured up "RAPTURE"?
Sixth John informs us that those martered for not  taking the Mark, or resurrected at the "first" resurrection. You can see that those who segregate His singular return must conjure up terms that are not in Scripture all in order to present their agenda. Not one scripture directly States their view without the elements of speculation, conjure, assumption, opinion, and lies. Rather Yahusha modeled his return... found in Acts 1:9- 14. He will return in "like manner" as he left. He left the Mount of Olives to the sky and then to heaven. When he returns he will come in like manner. From Heaven he will come to the sky to resurrect the dead and catch up those who are alive and remain. From there he heads to the Mount of Olives "with all his Zech 14:4-5. The "Raptured" Do Not Go to Heaven, but remain on Earth for a thousand years. The dead get get their physical bodies back so that they can rule and reign with him for a thousand years, on a physical Earth. These physical bodies do not go to Heaven.... see verse 50 of 1st Corinthians 15:42:54 the Mortal or change to immortal.... this is the opposite of Adam... who threw sin was changed from Immortal to mortal.. see Romans 5
Take heed no man deceive you.... not one scripture States the pretrib Rapture view....that view is for 'stony' soil who have no mindset for tribulation and persecution see mark 4:18.
There is no such thing as a seven-year tribulation period: Daniel 9:26-27 Shall Messiah be cut off, but not for himself: in the people of the prince that shall come shall destroy the city and the sanctuary; and the end thereof shall be with a flood, and unto the end of the war desolations, are determined. And he shall confirm the Covenant with many for one week: and in the midst of the week he shall cause the sacrifice and the obligation to cease, and for the overspreading of Abominations he shall make it desolate even unto the consummation, and that determined shall be poured upon the desolate.
After Messiah Yahusha was caught off by the cross.  Titus( who's father Vespasion  became emperor of Rome... making him a prince) and made a covenant with the Roman senate to squelch the Jewish uprising. This is the seven year war known as the Roman Jewish War, or Jewish Uprising. It started in 66 ad and ended with the fall of Masada in 73 AD...( if you don't know about Masada watch a commentary or the old 70s movie "Masada on YouTube") in the middle of that week, was a seven year war 66-73 AD Jerusalem was destroyed when Titus broke through the wall and like a flood his army poured into the City and the temple was caught on fire by the Hellenists. The gold melted into the stones, and as a result... not one stone was left upon another because the gold Seekers wanted the gold.... Matthew 24: 1- 4 &15-21. The sacrifices and offerings (oblations) ended in 70 AD.
How does someone come up with the idea that a futurist seven year tribulation Of time comes from Daniel 9:27? You Don't....Rather this idea is a singular interpretation. (1st Peter 1:20) of one man in the 1830s name John Nelson Darby. Never is this concept taught in the world of YAH, but ONLY by the mouths of MEN a serious wake-up call to those attempting to present this futurist is the fact that the sacrifices and offerings ended nearly 2, 000 years ago. Indeed apostasia means departing from the faith,   as we get the word apostate from this Greek word... it cannot be referring to the conjured up Rapture because Paul directly tells the Thessalonians that the church will not be "gathered unto him" until two things occur first... the apostasia (rapture)and then the man of Perdition revealed... 2nd Thessalonians 2:1-3 So you suggest that the "Gathering under him"....(Rapture)   cannot take place until the apostasy (Rapture) takes place. This makes no sense how can something not happen until it happens crazy this is called twisting scripture and not rightly dividing it.                 



The rapture is the catching up to meet Jesus as he descends earth at the second coming

When a royal visitor or important figure would come you would go out to meet them and escort them into the city

Jesus is coming to the earth to rule the nations with believers
Believers will go up to meet him and descend to the earth with him

There is no pre second coming resurrection
The resurrection of believers is at the second coming

1 Cor 15
22 For as in Adam all die, so also in Christ shall all be made alive.
23 But each in his own order: Christ the first fruits, then at his coming those who belong to Christ.

Not before


The Wick Trimmer. I agree that the 14400 are the firstfruits (but not that they are raised up before the tribulation). I will like to add before I continue watching the IS ONLY ONE RAPTURE (Matthew 24 and 1 Thessalonians 4), WHICH COINCIDES WITH THE FIRST RESURRECTION. The next resurrection will occur after the battle of Gog and Magog (no rapture is recorded to occur at the second resurrection).


The 144000 will be raptured at the first resurrection (1 Thessalonians 4). Are the 144000 not also the elect? Are they not selected? The 144000 in Rev 7 is the 144000 in Rev 14. Why do you want to call them two different 144000's? Its like some people are saying that the Gog of Ezekiel 38 is not the same Gog mentioned in Rev 20. I DON'T AGREE. Read Rev 20 and you will see in 20: 4, ....''and His name shall be in their foreheads''. Do you know of anybody else who will have His name in their foreheads, but the 144000. Not that I know of. Why do you look to the harvests when 1 Thessalonians 4 and Matthew 24, tell us exactly whats going to happen??


Proof of a pre trib rapture pay attention to the cloud and Clouds Jesus appears in. Act's chapter 1 verses 9 10 11 cloud. Luke chapter 21 verses 27 and 28 cloud. In Revelation chapter 1 verse 7 Jesus is coming with the Clouds. This is the second coming of Jesus. When he comes back to the MT of Olives. But if you don't see it the way I do. That's ok. God bless you always.


Firstly, there will not be a pre tribulation rapture. Read Matthew 24: 15&16, and then ask yourself ''why'' everyone has to flee into the mountains? Jump to verse 21, and you will discover there is going to be great tribulation. Quickly jump to verse 29, 30 & 31, where it indicates that the son of man will appear, in the clouds, immediately after a cosmic phenomenon of darkness.


Number 2. The bible does not, anywhere, tell us that the 144000 are chosen to be raptured before the tribulation. Neither Revelation 7, 9 nor 14 indicate when they will be raptured. After reading Rev 22: 4, I am convinced that the 144000 are those who were sealed, and that they are the else would be able to see God. Then, in verse 5 we read that they will reign for ever and ever. We know from scripture, that the bride will reign with Jesus for ever and ever.


The video confirms that the pre-tribulation rapture is not for living Christians


This sounds messed up . No gif would want the people to suffer great pain to prove faith . That sounds so grim . Awful
